• Episode 1116 - Jarvis Kingston Recognizing and proclaiming Jesus' work in our lives requires faith, courage, and the willingness to face ops
    Sep 30 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 9:25
    Spiritual vision brings clarity that the eyes cannot provide.

    Today’s daily devotional focuses on Jesus healing a man born blind. The disciples assumed the man's blindness was due to sin, but Jesus clarified it was for God's glory. After being healed, the man bravely testified before the Pharisees, revealing their spiritual blindness.
    Bible in a Year: Blind at Birth
    Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

    John 9:3
    Have you ever faced a situation where others misunderstood your struggles?

    In John 9, Jesus encounters a man who had been blind from birth. The disciples, reflecting common beliefs of the time, assumed his blindness was a punishment for sin. Jesus, however, corrected their misunderstanding, explaining that the man's condition was an opportunity to display God's power and works.

    How often do you find yourself misjudging others' circumstances?

    Jesus' healing of the blind man is a great demonstration of His power and compassion. After the miracle, the man was brought before the Pharisees, who were determined to discredit Jesus. Despite intense questioning, the healed man stood firm, declaring that only someone truly good could perform such a miracle. His bold testimony highlighted the Pharisees' spiritual blindness and their refusal to acknowledge the truth of Jesus' divinity.

    Do you have the courage to stand firm in your faith, even when questioned or doubted by others?

    The formerly blind man's unwavering stance before the Pharisees challenges us to examine our own faith and willingness to testify to God's work in our lives. His experience teaches us that physical sight is not as crucial as spiritual vision. Recognizing and proclaiming Jesus' work in our lives requires faith, courage, and the willingness to face opposition.

    What can you do to strengthen your spiritual vision?

    Reflecting on this story, we are encouraged to look beyond physical circumstances and see God's hand at work. Jesus calls us to understand deeper truths and stand firm in our faith, even when others question or misunderstand us. By doing so, we can help others see the light of Christ through our testimony and actions.
    Reflect on areas in your life where you may be quick to judge others' struggles. Are there misconceptions or misunderstandings you need to address?

    Take time to pray for spiritual insight and ask God to help you see His work in every situation. Embrace opportunities to testify to God's goodness, even when faced with doubt or opposition.

    As you go about your week, strive to look beyond the surface and seek God's purpose in every circumstance.

    When God’s people pray, the Lord listens and answers. We live in troubled times. God’s providential hand on our nation is needed now. Together, let’s pray!

    “He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.”
    JOHN 9:25
    Jesus as You move in my life, I understand that there are people who are bent on trying to hold to my past condition. However, because it is You who has healed me and has transformed me I will stand boldly and proclaim Your truth even if it means I may be thrown out of certain circles and relationships. I declare that You came so that the blind can see and receive a new life. So that those who are focused on traditions will be silenced because You value faith, and a humble and contrite heart before pride and ego. Thank You for opening my eyes Jesus! Thank You for taking the time to sit and talk with me when I've felt thrown out and abandoned by those close to me. Through Your power Jesus I now walk with a new vision and a new outlook on life! I once was blind but now I see and I have You to thank for it Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1115 - Jarvis Kingston The Theology of Quietness: Silent of The Lamb | Matthew 27:11-14 | Isaiah 30:15 | Jude 1:20 | Church Note NFL
    Sep 29 2024
    Another church note from Jen Deleon !

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    15 mins
  • Episode 1114 - Jarvis Kingston Hurricane Helene NYC Mayor Charges Eric Adams Diddy R Kelly Cardi B Sudan Airstrikes MLB Playoffs Elon Musk
    Sep 28 2024
    News roundup for this week prayers up

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    15 mins
  • Episode 1113 - Jarvis Kingston Take time to pray for a heart of compassion and understanding, asking God to help you see others through His
    Sep 28 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 8:7
    Love is strongest when it forgives.

    Today’s daily devotional highlights Jesus defending a woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus, but He responded by asking those without sin to cast the first stone. They left, and Jesus forgave the woman, showing His mercy and grace.
    Bible in a Year: You Without Sin Cast the First Stone
    So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

    John 8:7
    Have you ever found yourself quick to judge others while overlooking your own faults?

    The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery is a powerful reminder of the importance of mercy and self-reflection. The Pharisees, seeking to trap Jesus, brought the woman to Him, citing the Law of Moses, which demanded her death by stoning. Instead of falling into their trap, Jesus turned the situation around by challenging the accusers to consider their own sinfulness.

    Do you find it challenging to offer forgiveness when it feels like justice should prevail?

    Jesus’ response to the Pharisees highlights the importance of self-awareness and humility. By asking the one without sin to cast the first stone, He exposed the hypocrisy of the accusers. This act not only saved the woman’s life but also prompted the Pharisees to confront their own imperfections.

    How often do you reflect on your own shortcomings before judging others?

    When the accusers left, Jesus spoke words of forgiveness and hope to the woman, telling her to "go and sin no more." This encounter shows that while Jesus does not condone sin, He offers grace and the opportunity for repentance and transformation.

    What steps can you take to embody Jesus’ example of mercy and forgiveness?

    Reflecting on this story, we learn the value of compassion over condemnation. In our interactions with others, especially when they fall short, we should remember our own need for grace. By doing so, we create a more compassionate and understanding community, reflecting the love of Christ.
    Consider the areas in your life where you may be quick to judge others. Are there situations where you need to offer forgiveness instead of condemnation?

    Take time to pray for a heart of compassion and understanding, asking God to help you see others through His eyes.

    When God’s people pray, the Lord listens and answers. We live in troubled times. God’s providential hand on our nation is needed now. Together, let’s pray!

    “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
    JOHN 8:7
    Renew, refresh, restart, these are the words that come to mind as I meditate on John 7:1–8:12. When I am in a moment of remorse when I've made a mistake I will remember your commands. When I allow You to take control of my situation, Jesus, through Your power and in Your knowledge, You give me the opportunity to have my situation altered for the better. It doesn't matter what my punishment should be, when You alter a situation You have the ability to delete the sin in my life so that I can have a fresh restart like the woman in today's story. Thank You that whoever is trying to ridicule and parade my mistake around publicly You will silence so that they walk away and reflect on the grace that they've been given as well. Let this fresh restart be the starting point of a repentant heart, remove any sin or hindrances within my life that would move me backwards instead of forward into the glorious future You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1112 - Jarvis Kingston And Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that comes to me shall never hunger and he that believes o
    Sep 26 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 6:35
    Faith is the bread that feeds our spiritual hunger.

    Today’s daily devotional focuses on Jesus as the Bread of Life. While the crowd sought more miracles, Jesus emphasized spiritual nourishment, causing many to leave due to the difficulty of His teachings. The disciples, however, stayed, knowing He had the words of eternal life, and they witnessed His grace towards a Canaanite woman seeking help.
    Bible in a Year: The Bread of Life
    And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

    John 6:35
    Have you ever felt that the teachings of Jesus were hard to understand or accept?

    In John 6, Jesus presents Himself as the Bread of Life, emphasizing spiritual nourishment over physical sustenance. After the miracle of feeding five thousand, the crowd pursued Jesus, hoping for more miraculous food. However, Jesus redirected their focus to their spiritual needs, teaching that He was sent from heaven to give eternal life.

    Do you find it challenging to prioritize spiritual nourishment over physical needs?

    Jesus’ declaration that anyone who eats His flesh and drinks His blood will inherit eternal life was a metaphorical statement about fully embracing His sacrifice and teachings. Many in the crowd were confused and frustrated, finding the teaching too hard to accept, so they left. This moment underscores the difficulty of accepting spiritual truths that challenge our understanding and comfort zones.

    How do you respond when God’s teachings challenge your comfort zone?

    Despite the mass departure, the disciples stayed with Jesus, understanding that He held the words of eternal life. Their commitment was rewarded as they witnessed Jesus' grace towards those outside Israel, such as the Canaanite woman who begged for help. Her faith and Jesus' response illustrate that God's grace extends beyond boundaries, offering hope and healing to all who seek Him.

    What steps can you take to deepen your understanding and acceptance of Jesus' teachings?

    Reflecting on this story, we learn the importance of prioritizing spiritual nourishment and remaining committed to Jesus, even when His teachings challenge us. By staying close to Him, we can experience the fullness of His grace and the eternal life He promises.
    Reflect on your spiritual journey and consider areas where you might struggle with Jesus’ teachings. Are there difficult truths you find hard to accept?

    Take time to pray and seek a deeper understanding of His words, asking for the strength to embrace His teachings fully. Recognize that true satisfaction comes from spiritual nourishment, not just physical fulfillment.

    When God’s people pray, the Lord listens and answers. We live in troubled times. God’s providential hand on our nation is needed now. Together, let’s pray!

    “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
    JOHN 6:35
    Jesus I thank You for being the source of healing and redemption to those who are lost, just like bread was accessible to all people no matter the social economic standing I thank You that Your grace and Your forgiveness is available to all no matter where they are in life. Because You are the bread of life I thank You for nourishing every part of my being, I thank You for making Yourself available to rejuvenate and restore those who are lost. In the same way You offered healing to the Gentile woman in today's reading, use me also to offer Your grace and mercy to those who have yet to receive it. Because of what You did on the cross Jesus, we no longer have to hunger and thirst for a connection to our Heavenly Father but we have direct access into His kingdom and all that He has laid up for us. Thank You that Your Word is the bread of life! Thank You that I don’t have to settle for crumbs of breakthrough but I can experience it all! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1111 - Jarvis Kingston Jesus’ miracle of walking on water is a powerful reminder of His authority over all circumstances. Prayers Up
    Sep 25 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 14:29
    Eyes fixed on Jesus can navigate any storm.

    Today’s daily devotional highlights Jesus walking on water. After feeding five thousand people, Jesus sends His disciples ahead on a boat and stays to pray. He later walks on water to join them, showing His divine power and the importance of faith.
    Bible in a Year: Walking on Water
    But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

    Matthew 14:27
    Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible to overcome?

    Jesus’ miracle of walking on water is a powerful reminder of His authority over all circumstances. After feeding five thousand people with a mere five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus demonstrated His ability to provide for our needs beyond our comprehension. This miracle not only satisfied the crowd's physical hunger but also revealed Jesus' divine nature.

    How often do you find yourself doubting God's provision in times of need?

    Jesus knew the crowd wanted to make Him king by force, so He retreated to pray, sending His disciples ahead on a boat. This action highlights the importance of seeking solitude with God, especially amidst chaos and expectations. Later, as the disciples were struggling on the sea at night, Jesus appeared, walking on water. Initially terrified, the disciples soon realized that faith in Jesus can overcome their fears.

    Can you recall a time when God’s presence brought you peace in a storm?

    Jesus' act of walking on water is a profound illustration of His control over nature and His care for His followers. When Peter stepped out onto the water to meet Jesus, he succeeded until he focused on the wind and waves instead of Jesus. This teaches us that our faith must remain steadfast in Christ, especially when circumstances seem overwhelming.

    What steps can you take to strengthen your faith in Jesus today?

    Reflecting on this story, we are reminded that faith in Jesus allows us to do the impossible. As we face life's challenges, we must keep our eyes fixed on Him, trusting in His power and provision. By doing so, we can experience His miraculous work in our lives.
    Reflect on the moments in your life when you felt overwhelmed and how Jesus’ presence brought you peace. Are there areas in your life where you need to trust Jesus more?

    Take time today to pray and seek His guidance, asking for the faith to keep your eyes on Him amidst life's storms. Remember, just as Jesus provided for the five thousand and walked on water, He is more than able to handle your needs and calm your fears.

    When God’s people pray, the Lord listens and answers. We live in troubled times. God’s providential hand on our nation is needed now. Together, let’s pray!

    “And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.”
    MATTHEW 14:29
    Multiply whatever touches my hand Lord. As I give to serve the lives of others, like the little boy in Matthew 14 and John 6:1-10 I thank You Jesus because You can take little in my hand and make it grand. As I continually step out in faith, meet me at the place of my obedience and take whatever gifting and ability I have and reproduce it and replicate it in such a way that thousands and millions of Your children can be blessed. But don’t stop with that miracle, as I continue to listen to Your word allow me to walk on and over situations in my life that should cause me to sink. I declare that my focus will remain steadfast on You Jesus, I declare that I will not lose sight of who it is that has called me out into the deep waters of purpose. I decree that I am a water walker filled with the anointing to multiply everything that touches my life and I am not afraid to speak this truth over my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1110 - Jarvis Kingston Take time to seek God's guidance and courage to stand firm in your convictions, even when it costs you person
    Sep 24 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 6:15
    True legacies are built on righteousness, not popularity.

    Today’s daily devotional focuses on the beheading of John the Baptist. Herod imprisoned John and, under manipulation from his wife, made a promise that led to John’s execution. This story teaches us about the consequences of prioritizing social standing over righteousness and how true legacies endure.
    Bible in a Year: John the Baptist
    For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.

    Mark 6:20
    Have you ever faced a situation where doing the right thing came at a personal cost?

    Herod faced such a dilemma with John the Baptist. Herod imprisoned John, not because of guilt, but due to anger and the influence of his wife. Though he feared John and knew he was a righteous man, Herod's wife manipulated him into promising to kill John.

    When it was time to fulfill this promise, Herod chose to prioritize his social standing over righteousness. This decision not only led to John's tragic death but also reveals the dangers of valuing public opinion over moral integrity.

    Are there moments when you struggle to make the right choice because of what others might think?

    John the Baptist's story reminds us that standing firm in our convictions can sometimes lead to personal loss. Yet, it is through these sacrifices that our true character is revealed. Herod's choice to preserve his reputation over saving an innocent life underscores the importance of integrity over popularity.

    What can we learn from John's unwavering commitment to his mission?

    Despite his tragic end, John's legacy endured. Jesus' ministry continued to grow, and John’s work paved the way for a greater purpose. This teaches us that our actions, even if they seem futile or costly, can have a lasting impact beyond our understanding.
    Reflect on areas in your life where you may be compromising your integrity for the sake of social acceptance. Are you making decisions based on what others might think or what is truly right?

    Take time to seek God's guidance and courage to stand firm in your convictions, even when it costs you personally. Remember, true legacy is built on the foundation of righteousness and truth, not on the fleeting approval of others.

    “Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.”
    MARK 6:15
    Through the life of John the Baptist I see that the ultimate sign of a life well lived is to say that no matter where I end up I can with full confidence say that I lived and represented Christ in everything I did. In the face of persecution I will praise You, in the face of ridicule…I will praise You! Even when my head is on the chopping block and I could lose everything, I know that in Jesus He’ll restore what the enemy has stolen from me. My strength comes from the fact that Jesus conquered sin and death and because He did… conquering the trials and obstacles on the Journey to my destiny is a given. For greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1109 - Jarvis Kingston Jesus said unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole and took up his
    Sep 23 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 5:8
    Gratitude magnifies the miracles in our lives.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus healing a man at the Pool of Bethesda. After 38 years of illness, the man was restored by Jesus' command. This miraculous healing was met with criticism from the Pharisees, who opposed Jesus for performing miracles on the Sabbath.
    Bible in a Year: Healing at the Pool
    Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

    John 5:8-9
    Have you ever felt trapped in a situation with no way out, like the man at the Pool of Bethesda?

    For thirty-eight years, this man suffered, watching others receive healing while he remained helpless and alone. His hope had dwindled, but Jesus saw his plight and approached him with compassion.

    What does Jesus’ question, "Do you want to be made well?" reveal about His understanding of our needs?

    Jesus knew the man's deepest desire but wanted him to voice it, showing that healing often begins with a desire for change and faith in God's power. The man's response indicated his hopelessness, yet Jesus' command brought immediate healing, demonstrating His authority over sickness.

    How can you cultivate a desire for spiritual, emotional, or physical healing in your own life?

    Jesus’ healing of the invalid man teaches us that no situation is beyond His power to redeem. Whether we are facing long-term illness, emotional pain, or spiritual struggles, Jesus invites us to trust in His ability to restore us.

    What is your response to the healing Jesus offers?

    Despite the man's miraculous healing, the Pharisees focused on legalistic details, missing the miracle and the compassion behind it. They rebuked the healed man for carrying his mat on the Sabbath, showing their hardened hearts and resistance to Jesus' ministry.

    How can you shift your focus from legalistic concerns to recognizing and celebrating God's work in your life and others?

    Reflecting on this story, we are encouraged to embrace the healing and transformation Jesus offers, recognizing His power and authority over every aspect of our lives. We are also challenged to respond to His work with gratitude and faith, rather than criticism and unbelief.
    Reflect on areas in your life where you need Jesus' healing touch. Are you feeling hopeless or stuck in a situation?

    This week, bring your needs to Jesus in prayer, expressing your desire for healing and restoration. Trust in His power to transform your circumstances, no matter how long you have struggled.

    “Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.”
    JOHN 5:8
    Today is the day Lord! Today is the day that I have decided to pick up my mat and walk. No longer will I lay amongst the sick and do nothing to change my condition in life. When I am at the place called Bethesda the “The House of Grace” I will not miss my moment to step into the stirring of Your power to receive the newness that I desire. When defeating thoughts within myself tell me to become comfortable with my condition I will yell No! No to mediocrity! No to illness! No to laziness, and No to complacency! This is my year of breakthrough, this is my year of healing and nothing will stand in my way from receiving what’s mine! So I speak to myself and say get up! I speak to my mind and say… wake up! Jesus has already given me the green light to move on and to be well and that’s exactly what I'm going to do! It doesn’t matter how long I’ve battled, for I am getting up more and moving on! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins