• 80: Psychedelics and Sacred Medicine in Nursing- Dr. Stephanie Van Hope DNP, RN, NC-BC
    Sep 9 2024

    "Nurses are so well suited for psychedelics, and we bring so many skill sets that other disciplines don't, and I don't think any one discipline has it all, but I think we bring a really important piece of the puzzle. And if you think about it, Nurses are with patients in non ordinary states of consciousness, sometimes every day.

    If you're a hospice Nurse or working in labor and delivery, if you're in Psych, if you're working with patients, you know, coming in and out of anesthesia, patients with delirium. So many reasons why somebody could be an altered state or even just shock trauma. You know, emergency Nursing.

    And Nurses often are with patients for prolonged periods of time. You know, offering their caring, healing presence." ~ Dr. Stephanie Van Hope DNP, RN, NC-BC

    Ah-Ha Moments

    • Psychedelic medicine is becoming more mainstream, and Nurses are stepping up willingly to lead and support their patients, clients and communities
    • Nurses are perfectly aligned to lead and work in psychedelic medicine as they are often with patients in altered states of consciousness throughout a shift
    • Sacred medicine, also connected to entheogens, because they can help create a link to God within or to experience God within and the use of rituals and traditions to connect with the Divine
    • Nurses, you can absolutely take your passions and your knowledge and use both to create courses, programs, concepts and ideas that you know in your heart and will support fellow humans (and yourself) on life’s journey

    Links and Resources

    • Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast
    • Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program
    • Link to Return to Roots Course with Stephanie... https://holisticpsychedelicnurse.com/returntoroots
    • AJN Psychedelics Article: Penn, A., Dorsen, C. G., Hope, S., & Rosa, W. E. (2021). CE: Psychedelic-assisted therapy. The American Journal of Nursing, 121(6), 34-40. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33993135/
    • Organization for Psychedelic and Entheogenic Nurses (OPENurses): https://openurses.org/
    • Holistic Psychedelic Nurse Collective Instagram
    • Ep69: Combining Psilocybin Education and Nurse Coaching with CeeCee Campanelli
    • Caroline Dorsen: Ceremonial "plant medicine" use and its relationship to recreational drug use: an exploratory study
    • Short Film: Balktick, K. (Director). (2021). Death, dying & psychedelics

    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
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    54 mins
  • 79: Together We Can Stop Shame and Blame in Nursing-Kristy Meyer RN, BSN, NC-BC
    Aug 26 2024

    Together We Can Stop Shame and Blame in Nursing-Kristy Meyer RN, BSN, NC-BC Highlights

    “I feel like self-care is often discussed in a way like, well, you're burned out, it’s because you're not doing self-care, or you're burned out, that means you're not resilient.

    And I feel like there's a lot of shame and blame in there, when really, we work in really tough environments, and we see really hard things, and a lot of times we have a lot of defensive mechanisms, I believe, like shielding ourselves from that, not feeling some of the feelings, and that's a good skill at times, because that's what you need to do to get through your work shift.

    But internalizing a lot of feelings and not taking care of your own basic needs just leads to a lot of health problems for us as Nurses.” ~Kristy Meyer RN, BSN, NC-BC

    Ah Ha Moments

    • Shame and blame are evident in discussions about self-care. Like the things you’re doing daily to help yourself aren’t good enough. It’s important to change that narrative
    • It’s easier for Nurses to receive assistance when they can connect with a fellow Nurse, especially for health and wellness coaching
    • It can be difficult for Nurses to identify they are burned out and need help, because they are sooo good at caring for others
    • You are powerful beyond measure and have the capacity to heal

    Links and Resources

    • Integrative Nurse Coach Academy INCCP Course
    • Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast
    • Cultivating Shifts Integrative Health Nurse Coaching and Education
    • Kristy's email
    • Kristy's Facebook


    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • 78: From Illness to Wellness with Integrative Nurse Coaching- Linda Coogan BSN, NC-BC, MSHA, FACHE
    Aug 12 2024

    “There's this movement to improve more wellness, more lifestyle approaches. And our body was designed to heal itself, if we can only learn to listen to it. And to be able to go out there and help one another and make a difference.” ~Linda Coogan BSN, NC-BC, MSHA, FACHE

    Ah Ha Moments

    • Lifestyle practices like tai chi, contemplative prayer and more can help you move through the challenges of grief or even life
    • WE are the ‘other’ Nurses you’re looking for!
    • Using the skills and tools of Integrative Nurse Coaching anywhere you are in the world, shifts the way you show up and how others receive you
    • Grief can lead you to new ways of living and loving others
    • Who better for advocacy initiatives than a Nurse?!

    Links and Resources

    Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast

    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy

    AlaQuest Collaborative for Education

    Nurse Linda Kay

    AlaQuest Integrative Coaching

    Linda's email


    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    54 mins
  • 77: Invigorate Your Joy for Nursing- Dena Alberti PhD, RN, NPD-BC, HN-BC, HWNC-BC
    Jul 15 2024

    77: Invigorate Your Joy for Nursing- Dena Alberti PhD, RN, NPD-BC, HN-BC, HWNC-BC Highlights

    “It's okay to find balance, and to go to different areas and explore... so we can continue to have peace within ourselves, so you can have joy. If you're feeling angst or feeling physically ill and your mind isn't at rest, we can't find joy.” ~ Dena Alberti PhD, RN, NPD-BC, HN-BC, HWNC-BC

    Ah-Ha Moments

    • Take the time to focus on your own needs. Discover the people, things and experiences that bring you joy!
    • Bloom where you’re planted. There are many ways to use Nurse Coaching skills no matter where you work, live or play!
    • Try using the following question with your patients, or even your family and friends. “Tell me what’s most important for me to know about you.”
    • Explore the STOP method in your practice. Stop, Take a breath, Observe how you’re feeling and Proceed

    Resources and Links

    • The Art of Nurse Aesthetics blog
    • American Holistic Nurses Association
    • Barbara Dossey
    • Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing
    • Susan Luck’s non-profit Earth Rose
    • Remembering the Ditto and Mimeograph
    • Power of Meaning and Not Knowing Blog
    • Integrative Nurse Coaching Certificate Program


    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 76: Uncover Your Aligned Purpose as a Nurse Coach- Stephanie Page, BSN, RN, NC-BC
    Jul 1 2024

    "I finally did find my purpose, and my purpose is to nurture an atmosphere of unlimited potential for those around me. And when I typed those words out, I cried, and I still get emotional about it, because I'm like, you know what?

    It doesn't matter what situation, what relationship, what Nursing field I work in. It doesn't even matter if I'm a Nurse, a teacher, a stay at home mom. My purpose can be fulfilled through every single thing that I do. And should be fulfilled through every single thing that I do.

    And because I have that purpose, it allows me to say no to things that don't line up with my purpose, and it allows me to say yes to things that do allow me to line up with my purpose." ~Stephanie Page BSN, RN, NC-BC

    Ah-Ha Moments

    • It's OK, and it's worth it to go inward, explore your true desires and dreams, and even feel vulnerable with it, because that may be what it takes to uncover your true needs
    • Your purpose can shift and morph as you transition through many stages of your beautiful life
    • It may be fundamental for you to work with a Nurse Coach to help you discover your purpose- why not support a fellow Nurse?
    • The Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program and any learning process can help you with your personal health and professional goals

    Links and Resources

    • Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program
    • Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast
    • How To Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes - Steve Pavlina
    • Functional Medicine for Nurses Course
    • Stephanie's Facebook
    • Stephanie's Instagram
    • Stephanie’s LinkedIn


    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    52 mins
  • 75: Evidence-Based Practice and Nurse Coaching- Jill Arzouman DNP, RN, ACNS, BC, CMSRN, NC-BC, RYT-200
    Jun 17 2024

    "I am helping Nurses at the bedside and providing them with tools and expertise to change their practice, and make a difference in the things they do every single day. And that's how we should be practicing. It's all not patient care, some of it's the practice environment. And maybe there's best practices for how to create a better work environment." ~Jill Arzouman DNP, RN, ACNS, BC, CMSRN, NC-BC, RYT-200

    Ah-Ha Moments

    • Evidence-Based Practice uses a set to take research and translate into practice at the bedside, as it can take 15-17 years to get knowledge into actual practice
    • You should never have to be faced with a case of the Sunday Scaries. You have choices! And you can make those choices based on what serves you best
    • There can be a know-do gap in Nursing. This is the gap in how we translate what is known to work into the care that patients receive.
    • You can bloom where you are planted, and practice as a Nurse Coach in the role you are doing today!

    Resources and Links

    • Bloom Where You are Planted, Nurse Coach! Blog
    • Bridging the Know Do Gap in Hospital Care Transitions article
    • Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff (GROSS)
    • Fuld National Institute of Evidence-Based Practice
    • Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program
    • Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast
    • Maintaining Your Momentum: Moving Evidence Into Practice
    • Strategies for De-Implementation of Low-Value Care


    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    43 mins
  • 74: You are Enough, Exactly as You Are! Joanne Turnier DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, HN-BC, HWNC-BC
    Jun 3 2024

    "If you don't feel like enough, if you feel like you need something more, start talking to someone about why you feel that way. And really cultivate a sense of awareness. And you're not going to find the answer outside yourself.

    You're going to have to go inward and find out, what is leading me to the decisions that I am making right now that seem to bring me to a place that is uncomfortable or that is not aligned with who my true self is?" ~Joanne Turnier DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, HN-BC, HWNC-BC

    Ah-Ha Moments

    · You can do anything you want to do, at any point in your life!

    · You’re never really finished and there’s still time to learn and do what you want to do, no matter what age, or stage you’re in

    · The important things you do are always for the greatest and highest good

    · You are enough

    Links and Resources

    • Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing
    • Mother Cabrini
    • 56: How To Take Nurse Coaching Anywhere!- Deborah McElligott, DNP, ANP-BC, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC, CDE
    • 72: Inspiring Nurse Voices At The 2024 INCA Symposium!
    • 73: More Inspiring Nurse Voices From The 2024 INCA Symposium

    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    57 mins
  • 73: More Inspiring Nurse Voices from the 2024 INCA Symposium
    May 20 2024

    73: More Inspiring Nurse Voices from the 2024 INCA Symposium Highlights

    Ah Ha Moments

    Welcome and welcome back to the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast. Episode 72 continues on with the excitement, wisdom and positive energy of the 2024 Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium in Miami Florida.

    If you missed episode 72, (you can find it here), it contains all the fun, insights and learnings from Days 1-2, and this episode will continue on from Day 2 to Day 3.

    From Alaska to Florida, to Massachusetts to California… Nurses are represented from all over the country and the vibes were high!

    Annnnddddd, the enthusiasm and absolute LOVE for Nursing and Nurse Coaching and EACH OTHER continues in abundance! Here we gooooooo!

    Special THANKS to the following Nurses for agreeing to be interviewed for our podcast!

    • Linda Harms, St Paul, MN
    • Desiree Gallamore, Roseville, CA
    • Melanie Watson, Hillsborough, NC
    • Sheela Abarr, Eagle River, AK
    • Maggie Gardener, Seattle, WA
    • Love Hawkins, Destin, FL
    • Dawn Hawthorne, Orlando, FL
    • Susan Cacciola, Sparta, NJ
    • Nicole Vienneau, Tucson, AZ
    • Justina Green, Sacramento, CA
    • Rita Linnenkamp, Arnold, MD
    • Brittany Jarvis, Athens, OH
    • Dena Alberti, Long Island, NY
    • Christine Eaches, Huntington, NY
    • Ronald Kanka, Miami, FL

    Links and Resources

    • INCs in ACTION! Episode 72: Inspiring Nurse Voices
    • Journal of Nursing Regulation (July 2019) The NCSBN National Nursing Guidelines for Medical Marijuana
    • Nurse Coach Certificate Program
    • The Canny Nurse Certificate Program
    • Functional Medicine for Nurses
    • The Business of Nurse Coaching
    • Hypnosis for Nurses
    • Yoga for Nurses
    • Mindfulness Meditation for Nurses
    • End of Life Coaching

    Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integrative Nurse Coach Foundation
    We provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting.

    Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!

    • Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love!
    • Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
    • Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
    • Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
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    50 mins