• Official Statement. Regarding Illegally Inbred Children Bred with my Stolen Sperm Without my Consent.
    Feb 25 2025

    People who have repugnantly intentionally illegally caused inbred children with my stolen sperm, using the ova of female biological relatives, are to blame for any inbred children that exist, and their deformities.

    The perpetrators, females who agreed to supply the ova, and females who agreed to gestate the inbred children, are at fault.

    I am not to blame in any way, shape, or form.

    I have never attempted to have a child.

    Including via asking a female to gestate one for me, with no sex involved.

    I have never had penetrative casual sex with a female.

    I am naturally Homosexual.

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    4 mins
  • Kaiser Adolf's Official Royal Hohenzollern Partner was Consort Prince Sebastian Habsburg. Technically it was between Early 1943 & 1960.
    Feb 24 2025

    Prince Sebastian Habsburg was authorised as the Official Consort of Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern of the Constitutional Monarchy of Germany in Early 1943.

    It was verified and approved by the Supreme Court of Germany, via official documents sent to the court by Kaiser Adolf, requesting Prince Sebastian be officially recognized at his official sexual partner.

    The word "Consort" is only used for sexual relationships.

    The relationship was never officially the equivalent of a "marriage", under law.

    The authorisation of my Great-Grandfather Prince Sebastian Habsburg as my Great-Grandfather Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern’s official Royal Consort in early 1943 was never revoked by Kaiser Adolf via the Supreme Court of Germany before Sebastian's death in 1960.

    Therefore, technically, Prince Sebastian was the Kaiser’ of Germany's official Consort when he died in 1960, with Kaiser Adolf quietly sitting with him when he died.

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    3 mins
  • The Abduction and Murder of my Romanov Family Members who were Russian Royals in 1916. I am the only Legitimate Romanov in the world.
    Feb 20 2025

    During World War 1 in 1916, the decision was made to have the Romanov Royal Family, the Constitutional Monarchy of Russia, do a multi-day, secure publicity photo session.

    The intention was to hire a professional photography crew for a period of days, and use multiple non-authentic costumes and props. For around a whole year worth of photographs.

    The plan was for the Royals to travel back home again after the sessions were finished, back to the same place the Royals travelled from. The Romanov Royal Family was abducted by the photography crew from Turkiye after all the images had been taken, and never returned.

    After the abduction and murder of the Romanov Royals in 1916, impostors hand selected by Albert Einstein started pretending to be the Romanov Royal Family, starting with correspondence only, from a private address, in 1917. He tried to use their correspondence to lure more victims for him to torture and murder.

    When the impostors attempted to go out in public pretending to be the Romanov Royal Family for the first time, they were found out, lured to a wine cellar, and executed during 1917.

    Their bodies were all accounted for, in the wine cellar they were executed in, during the investigation into their deaths by law enforcement.

    The remains of 6 of the 8 Romanov Royals were found in a burial site. Two Royal Romanov children's remains were still missing at the end of WW2.

    The people who executed the impostors (including my Great-Grandmother Tsarina Alexandra's first long-term sexual partner Besaronis Djugashvili) were arrested, charged, tried in court, found guilty, and sentenced to life without parole jail sentences.

    My Great-Grandfather Besaronis died in jail in the 1930's. He died a hero, to some people.

    I am not "admitting to something" by mentioning it. The concept that it is some type of "admission of guilt" on my part, as a Djugashvili and a Romanov, to mention it, is complete insanity. Squeezed out by morons who pretend they can ignore the courts, anytime they like, as if the courts don't really matter, and are for extra drama only.

    I am the only legitimate Grandchild of the most recent Monarch of Russia Tsarina Alexandra Feodorova the Romanov's first-born child. Her only child to live to adulthood and have children, was my Grandfather Ioseb Djugashvili. Also known by his nickname "Stalin".

    The final two Romanov Royal children's remains were found and identified via DNA testing in 1991. They were my Grand Aunty Princess Anastasia, and my Grand-Uncle Ivanovic.

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    10 mins
  • My Two Great-Grandfathers: Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern & Prince Sebastian Habsburg: The Official Monarch & Consort of my Hohenzollern Constitutional Monarchy of Germany in 1943.
    Feb 17 2025

    My maternal (Hitler the) Hohenzollern Imperial Family & paternal Habsburg (Webb) Family Great-Grandfather's, Kaiser Adolf 1 and Prince Sebastian, were officially Imperial Hohenzollern Monarch and Consort starting 1943 (after becoming partners and lovers).

    Living together. Publicly dating. In a Homosexual relationship. Photographed together. Photographed each other. Imperial Family head with partner and lover. Front page news in Germany. Kaiser Adolf officially registered the relationship with authorisation documents verified and approved by the Supreme Court of Germany in 1943.

    Prince Sebastian left Kaiser Adolf in Berlin to travel to Scotland for family reasons in November 1943. Whist Sebastian was gone, a terrorism group that named itself the "Neo Natzis" that month, began a hideously evil crime wave in Germany. It spread to Europe and resulted in them participating in the mass genocide of tens of millions. Led by maximum security prisoners who were serving life without parole sentences, who escaped when the Neo Natzis took the jails at gunpoint that month.

    Their crime wave resulted in the abduction of Kaiser and Chancellor Adolf Hitter the Hohenzollern that month. He was a prison of War in Yugoslavia by the end of December 1943.

    When Prince Sebastian returned to Berlin in late January 1944, the inner city was almost completely deserted. Due to Neo Natzi mass genocide of the residents. Sebastian was detained by the terrorism group, deprived of food, then dumped in a maximum security prison in Daccau "for being homosexual" by the lunatics. The jail was being illegally run by escaped inmates, who had been serving life without parole sentences before the Neo Natzis to0k the jail.

    Prince Sebastian was found in Daccau prison when allied troops captured it in June 1945.

    Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern escape Prisoner of War jail in late 1959, and ended up being interrogated by Italian authorities.

    When Prince Sebastian died in palliative care in Austria in 1960, Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern was quietly sitting next to him.

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    13 mins
  • Fictional History for TV, WW2 Stolen German Family Identities, Baby Thefts from Victoria Australia WW1 to WW2, and Tasmanian Organized Crime Baby Launderers Pretending to be "Good Samaritans Supplying Abandoned Babies for Adoption in Germany".
    Feb 14 2025

    Descendants of the adulterators responsible for those first fake history programs for the TV after WW2, and the extremely elderly ones still alive, are not getting whatever they want to steal, whenever they demand it.

    They are a worse problem than anyone ever factors in.

    Including missed shots at goal by their relatives being awarded a goal live on TV, despite the obvious miss, and nobody appearing to say a word on the TV, as if it wasn’t even noticeable.

    If the violence since satellites went into orbit, and 24 hour multi-spectrum perverted illegal surveillance that is available to them, didn’t get it done for them by the year 2000, it never will.

    Intergenerational arguments don’t cut it. They are not “more thug magical” than their ancestors and relatives responsible for the intellectual vomit in the 1940’s and 1950’s, just because they have computers to do it with now.

    The amount of commensurately insane sports corruption to go with their brat attitude is abhorrent. It is never going to happen. Everyone knows it. Assumed residual “inherent fear” of them as associates of the perpetrators from World War 2, doesn’t work. It never will.

    Baby thefts:

    Obviously them pretending there were only 3 indigenous military personnel enlisted in Australia's military during WW1, instead of over 75% of the total (280,000+), is a conveniently moronic way for them to gloss over thousands of babies stolen at birth from relatives of indigenous military personnel enlisted during WW1.

    All stolen from birthing hostel areas in the Port Phillip Bayside suburbs. I can think of dozens stolen off one relative of an Indigenous Army General alone. My Grandmother Duchess and Lady Myrtle Webb the Habsburg.

    Insisting on pretending there were only 3 indigenous military personnel in the Australian military during WW1 isn't a way to cover up another stolen generation of children, stolen from couples in Victoria, Australia between WW1 and WW2. As if all those fatuous apologies etcetera are only for the other publicly documented victims, whilst saying there was only three indigenous military personnel.

    I think you'll find some of the public tears were for the cover-up of the Bayside suburbs baby thefts in Victoria, not being sad about the ones already mentioned. If people believe in the number 3, what Bayside Suburb stolen generation would they be talking about?

    Very Aussiewood Vaudeville Tabloid Neo Natzi Cooperation land.

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    26 mins
  • Regarding Ineligible Relatives Conceived With My Father Duke & Lord Kevin Webb the Habsburg's Semen.
    Feb 8 2025

    The Embryo K: 

    After I was named Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern’s Royal heir in 1972, then sole beneficiary of his Italian estate in 1973, and it became clear it was for real, they decided to approach my mother and check her out. I do not mean at home either, her impostor was still pretending to be my father Kevin’s wife full time.

    She had a hysterectomy later in 1972 and had no means to gestate a baby. But they decided to examine her anyway and discovered she still had functioning Ovaries and was still producing Ova. She was, at that time, not anywhere near aware of my Imperial status.

    They had a chat with her and made her an offer. They would put her on fertility drugs, put a zip in her torso to access her Ovaries, and if she came in once a month to have her Ova collected, they would give her free accommodation and seafood for life.

    And she agreed.

    After they got divorced my father started seeing a female in a local town called Drouin. She had no means to gestate a child after a hysterectomy either. He went to visit her without telling anybody, including me (which was fine by me), on his days off, except Sundays. People thought he was working 6 days a week, working his rostered days off, working during his annual and long service leave. Even joked about it disrespectfully.

    On his days off he used to get up, prepare like he was going to work, catch the train towards where he worked anyway, and go and visit her instead. None of my business obviously, he was not bringing her home for dinner or anything.

    Then the usual happened and she stole his semen, and it was put in storage. They used it to fertilize the Ova they harvested off my mother to create embryo’s, like it was an organized crime make work project, with some vague intentions of trying to steal my Imperial Family off me, amongst other motives. Like Italy? This is the sort of thing lunatics do as a “make work project”. Most likely they were just trying to breed lookalikes to use to swap places with each other.

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    36 mins
  • The Mean Nasty Australia Policy. The Private Gippsland Estate of Fredereich 4 has been Illegally Withheld from Me and My Hohenzollern Family Since 1918.
    Nov 3 2024

    In 1888 Kaiser Fredereich 4 abdicated my Hohenzollern Royal Family to his son Wilhelm 2. He then spent around a year babysitting his two eligible Nephews Prince Edmund and Prince Adolf in Germany

    Fredereich 4 decided to retire from my Royal Family and emigrate to what is now Gippsland for the rest of his life in 1890.

    He emigrated to Australia on a ship called the “Polly Woodside”, made in Belfast. He became an Australian citizen.

    Fredereich 4 decided to leave his shippable personal items to his son Kaiser (& Emperor) Wilhelm 2, and all his other assets in Gippsland to his Nephew Crown Prince Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern.

    All Gippsland assets were to be changed over into the (civilian) name Adolf Hitler when Fredereich 4 died. He died in mid-1916 aged 84. He was buried in Moe Memorial Cemetery, in a plot near his nephew Adolf’s deceased born twin, who was born deceased on 20 April 1889 in Moe, and buried in the cemetery that month.

    Moe is the Indigenous word for a native Gippsland fruit called a "Strawberry".

    The estate has been illegally withheld from my Hohenzollern Family (me since 1982) since World War 1, for absolutely no reason. Over a century.

    The estate being illegally withheld from my family since WW1 was Australia's fault alone, until Kaiser Adolf Hitler the Hohenzollern died in Australia (Yarragon, Gippsland) in April 1982, aged exactly 93. He was buried, with no funeral, next to his Uncle Fredereich 4 in 1982.

    When he died, I inherited Fredereich 4's private Gippsland estate in a German civilian will kit estate document, where I was listed as the sole beneficiary. It was registered in Germany in the 1970's as a private estate, under the civilian name "Adolf Hitler". Adolf left me everything else he owned in that third estate document. It has been illegally withheld form me by Germany since 21 April 1982.

    As soon as it "became Germany's fault too" items from my estate inherited off Fredereich 4 were put on display in this country illegally without my permission. Properties I inherited were also rented out for money illegally without my permission as well.

    There is no such thing a taking over ownership of a property by renting it out for money illegally without the owners permission.

    The illegal use of my inherited Fredereich 4 assets is seen as a "tangible public display of how blatantly vulgar and unofficially sanctioned illegal behaviour can be in this country" (news reel voice).

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    51 mins
  • 3? Misrepresentation of Indigenous Military Participation Numbers in Australia's Military for World war 1 and 2.
    Feb 8 2025

    Why Australian “authorities” pretend there was only 3 indigenous military personnel enlisted in the Australian military during WW1. Including at official events like dawn war memorial services, and other major memorial days.

    Beware. The Tabloid, Aussiewood, Vaudeville, Neo_Natzi Co-Operation Land since WW2 side of Australia rears its extremely ugly head in a very serious way in this one.

    Federation into Australia 1900-1901, where indigenous people who made up the overwhelming majority of the population were wrongfully deprived of the right to vote or run for elected positions, did not create a culture priority of "targeted victims being the one's obliged to pitch in and volunteer to help the perpetrators on request", due to the percentage of indigenous military personnel enlisted during WW1 (over 75%) and WW2 (over 50%).

    My Great-Grand Uncle General Sir John Monash's awarded WW1 service medals no longer exist. He left instructions with family to destroy them and dispose of them when he died (1931). He requested the metal parts be melted down to small pellets and any flammable material be incinerated to ashes. He asked for the remnants to be disposed of following his specific instructions.

    My indigenous Australian Grandmother Duchess and Lady Myrtle Webb the Habsburg was his next of kin when he died. His instructions were carried out by family, and the medals were destroyed and disposed of after his State Funeral in 1931.

    Sir John's service medals had not existed for decades before people started trying to steal them starting the 1950's (approximately).

    There is false historical information that falsely claims his mother was a Polish Jew called Bertha Monash (really his adopted mother). That Sir John emigrated to Australia with her and her German husband (he was really an indigenous Australian). That he then later married her and had children with her (he was really childless, never married, and homosexual).

    They made up the lies to imply there are direct descendants of Sir John, to attempt to claim they should own the medals, instead of indirect real family (mine).

    It is not unusual for military personnel to ask for their service medals to be destroyed when they die, not passed on to estate beneficiaries, or put in museums. I

    General Sir John Monash's WW1 military service medals, destroyed and disposed of at his request when he died in 1931, will not be re-minted so that lunatics can pretend to steal them using fictional descendants he never had claiming to be family. He was a childless, homosexual, indigenous Australian when he died in 1931. From my Mussolini - Lingiarri family (name change).

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    20 mins