• Ep. 256 – 'The Happiness of Peace' Guided Meditation
    Sep 17 2024

    In this fresh guided meditation, Jack invites you to rest your mind and heart to uncover the authentic happiness encased within true peace.

    This Dharma Talk originally took place for the Spirit Rock Monday Night Dharma Talk and Guided Meditation on 11/23/2024. To join his next livestream, please check out Jack’s events calendar.

    “There is no greater happiness than peace.” – Jack Kornfield

    • In this episode, Jack leads a guided meditation on:
    • Peace as the highest happiness
    • Finding ease, stability, stillness, and presence
    • Receiving whatever arises with kindness and compassion
    • Inviting thoughts and emotions to quiet
    • Resting in mindful loving awareness
    • Uncovering a peaceful mind and full heart

    “Feel how the earth you are sitting on supports you completely in its steadiness.” – Jack Kornfield

    Join senior meditation teachers David Nichtern and Rebecca D’Onofrio for a free online discussion on the path of developing one's own meditation practice and supporting others who wish to explore this transformative path. Register for free today: The Journey of Becoming a Meditation Teacher | Sep. 19th @ 6:00pm ET

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    30 mins
  • Ep. 255 – Listening to the Song of the Present Moment
    Sep 10 2024

    Listening to the song of the present moment, Jack uncovers how to dance with life’s dynamic rhythms along the harmonizing path to inner-freedom.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “The rhythm of your breath is no different than the rhythm of the stars.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    • The art of listening to the song of life, birth and death
    • Why it can be so tough to actually “Be Here Now” like Ram Dass
    • How love connects to the present moment
    • Alan Watts, music, dance, and harmonizing to the universe
    • Feeling the rhythms of your breath and body
    • Learning to dance to life’s dynamic music
    • Staying open and avoiding spiritual bypass
    • Looking at our body and life clearly and directly
    • The power of attention, noting, and spaciousness for diffusing our judgements and emotions
    • Buddha’s discovery of the Middle Way, and why he stopped fighting himself
    • Dealing with the unfinished business of grief, loss, loneliness, wounds
    • How to handle worries or fantasies that keep looping over and over
    • Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the tenderness and fearlessness of an Awakened Heart
    • Why Buddha focused on humans as ‘five processes,’ rather than personalities
    • Letting go of our rigid sense of self and diving into the fluidity of life
    • Non-grasping and how even enlightenment is a problem
    • Discovering the true path to liberation
    • Death, dying, and a reading from the Tibetan Book of the Dead

    “To listen is to be awake in the present without moving away from or running away from what’s actually here.” – Jack Kornfield

    “The only place to actually love another person, or a tree, or a living creature, or the earth itself, is when we’re here in the present.” – Jack Kornfield

    Discover your great joy and love in Jack’s life-changing new online journey – The Awakened Heart: Discovering Great Joy and Love – Dive in here and now at JackKornfield.com

    This Dharma talk originally recorded in 1991 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    Join senior meditation teachers David Nichtern and Rebecca D’Onofrio for a free online discussion on the path of developing one's own meditation practice and supporting others who wish to explore this transformative path. Register for free today: The Journey of Becoming a Meditation Teacher | Sep. 19th @ 6:00pm ET

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    58 mins
  • Ep. 254 – Healing the Unfinished Business of the Heart
    Sep 2 2024

    Revealing how to calm the mind through meditation, Jack shares wisdom on self-acceptance, trust, and healing the unfinished business of the heart.

    Discover your great joy and love in Jack’s life-changing new online journey – The Awakened Heart: Discovering Great Joy and Love – Sign up by Sept 9 to take part in two live Q&A’s with Jack.

    “Don’t live in the mind, rest in the heart and let the mind come and go as it will. This is discovering your Buddha Nature.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    • Working with the ‘unfinished business of the heart’ – grief, sorrows, longing, wounds, loss
    • Honoring life’s ‘ocean of tears’ with love and kind attention
    • Cultivating the courage to allow your heart to be broken
    • Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the tender heart of a warrior
    • Self-acceptance, allowing yourself to feel, and reawakening a trust in yourself
    • Healing the mind by seeing clearly and not taking it so seriously
    • Resting the in heart and letting the mind come and go
    • Discovering Your Buddha Nature, your fundamental ground of being
    • The technique of seeing the world as enlightened, and the path as yours
    • The healing encased within understanding emptiness, selflessness, and letting go
    • Meditation as a truly courageous act

    “The problem with the mind mostly is that we take it seriously.” – Jack Kornfield

    “Healing of the mind is when we can hold in our hearts all that arises, and sense a rest and a goodness, a wholeness in us.” – Jack Kornfield

    Join senior meditation teachers David Nichtern and Rebecca D’Onofrio for a free online discussion on the path of developing one's own meditation practice and supporting others who wish to explore this transformative path. Register for free today: The Journey of Becoming a Meditation Teacher | Sep. 19th @ 6:00pm ET

    This episode recorded in 1991 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    36 mins
  • Ep. 253 – Healing Through Meditation: An In-Body Experience
    Aug 28 2024

    Exploring healing through meditation, Jack shares on kundalini, addiction, suffering, and the transformation of having an ‘in body experience.’

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “You have heard of ‘out of the body experiences,’ but what we’re after is something more unusual and important, an ‘in the body experience.'” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully illuminates:

    • Finding strength, wakefulness, and compassion amidst it all
    • The Coconut Monk and the Jesus-Buddha connection
    • Finding compassion and joy despite suffering and war
    • Healing—what it is, how it arises, and how we can connect with it
    • Listening and respect as the ground for healing
    • Finding and living a path with heart
    • Mindfulness, breath, attention, noting, and the Buddha
    • Meditation and having an ‘in-body experience’
    • Kundalini and opening the energy body
    • Learning to handle both pleasure and pain
    • Buddha and finding the Middle Way
    • The healing of reconnecting with our senses and world around us
    • What addictions really mean in an addicted society
    • Facing our suffering as the gateway to the precious mystery of life
    • Reading children’s direct messages to God

    “There’s a healing that comes just in reconnecting with the senses and the world around us.” – Jack Kornfield

    “As we begin to practice together, we can sense that meditation and spiritual work is to bring a heartfelt awareness to our life, and out of this there comes an awakening or opening, which we call healing.” – Jack Kornfield

    Discover your great joy and love in Jack’s life-changing new online journey – The Awakened Heart: Discovering Great Joy and Love – Sign up by Sept 9 to take part in two live Q&A's with Jack.

    This episode recorded in late December 1991 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 252 – The Miracle of Awakening: Finding Freedom in Everyday Life
    Aug 19 2024

    Deeply unveiling the Buddha’s transformative miracle of awakening, Jack provides a comprehensive guide to finding freedom in everyday life.

    Discover your great joy and love in Jack's life-changing new online journey beginning Sept 9 – 'The Awakened Heart: Discovering Your Great Joy and Love'

    “We’re asked to discover in this dance the possibility of awakening in the midst of our life, to turn what we do into something sacred.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    • What happened to the Buddha when he sat under the Bodhi Tree
    • What Buddha’s enlightenment means for the world
    • Bodh Gaya and the possibility of awakening through nature
    • Buddha’s path as a yogi, and how he dealt with his spiritual powers
    • Buddha's miracle of awakening and education
    • Reflections and questions from the Buddha for how you are living
    • Keeping freshness and “beginner’s mind” in your practice
    • Parenting, schooling, and the different styles of education
    • Finding freedom in the difficulties and direct circumstances of your life
    • The real possibility of awakening in the midst of life
    • The Ten Paramitas, Buddhism’s Ten Perfections
    • What walking meditation is actually about
    • Why Thich Nhat Hanh does everything slowly and mindfully
    • Patience, listening, and presence
    • Spiritual life as the education of awakening
    • Listening deeply for the Tao, Dharma, truth

    “Spiritual life kindles in us an interest, an attention, a passion to awaken.” – Jack Kornfield

    “Meditation is the art of doing what we do and bringing our senses, our heart, our whole being to that.” – Jack Kornfield

    This episode recorded on 10/01/1990 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    47 mins
  • Ep. 251 – The Listening Heart
    Aug 13 2024

    In this fresh Dharma Talk, Jack reveals how listening from the heart can empower you to transform yourself and the world.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “Difficult times call on our best spirit.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this fresh episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    • Navigating life skillfully through difficult times
    • How we can change ourselves and the world through true listening
    • The two dimensions of mindfulness: Sati (mindful presence) and Sampajanna (mindful response)
    • How deep listening leads to compassionate response
    • Using our difficulties as doorways of opportunity to help us awaken
    • Reflecting on how we respond to the troubles of the world
    • The art of listening and how it brings us into the present moment
    • How taking a “sacred pause” leads to more possibilities
    • The childlike playfulness and joy between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu
    • Jack tells a transformational and moving story of Dr. Yeshi Dhonden, the miraculous Tibetan physician.
    • How all the problems and conflicts of the world are symptoms, and the solution is in the human heart
    • Activism, service, and helping with an open heart
    • Listening deeply to sense the universal truths of reality
    • The powerful prayer of Black Elk, the mystical Lakota medicine man
    • Listening inwardly, tending the heart, and honing your intuition

    “The very difficulties you have are the place that truly awakens the heart.” – Jack Kornfield

    “Quiet the mind, take time, tend the heart, listen inwardly, listen to one another, listen to the earth—and you will know what to do.” – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk originally took place for the Spirit Rock Monday Night Dharma Talk and Guided Meditation on 4/15/24. To join his next livestream, please check out Jack’s events calendar.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    56 mins
  • Ep. 250 – The Practice of Meditation with Jeffrey Mishlove
    Aug 6 2024

    In this special episode originally airing on television’s Thinking Allowed series, Jeffrey Mishlove interviews Jack Kornfield about meditation, mindfulness, and self-acceptance.

    Want fresh Jack teachings delivered to your inbox? Sign up for Jack’s newsletter for weekly free content from JackKornfield.com – guided meditations, Dharma Talks, articles, and more! JackKornfield.com/newsletter

    “The purpose of meditation is to make people happy.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this special television episode, Jeffrey Mishlove interviews Jack about:

    • How western psychology and science fits together with eastern spirituality and meditation
    • Whether Jack preferred getting his Ph.D. or his time at the Buddhist monastery
    • The three aspects of Buddhist practice: generosity, ethics/virtue, training of heart/mind
    • How what we practice, positive or negative, grows in our life
    • Spiritual bypass and mediation as an escape
    • Vipassana meditation and seeing clearly
    • Overcoming the “near enemies” in Buddhism
    • Equanimity, balance, centering, and fearlessness
    • Meditation in action and engaging mindfully with the world
    • Facing our fears and confronting ourselves in meditation practice
    • Self-acceptance and learning to care for oneself
    • Not being so afraid of what’s painful
    • Uncovering the basic mechanics of meditation
    • Releasing tensions, unskillful concepts, and our limited sense of self
    • Psychic abilities and intuition
    • Awareness and moving past our thoughts
    • Using meditation to relate deeper to your inner life

    “Meditative awareness has a healing quality to it.” – Jeffrey Mishlove

    “One of the tenets of Buddhism is that the heart, body, and mind can all be trained. That is, if you practice something, it will gradually grow in your life.” – Jack Kornfield

    About Jeffrey Mishlove:

    Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, an accomplished radio and television interviewer, and one of the most erudite and articulate personalities on television. Jeffrey holds the only doctoral diploma in parapsychology to be awarded by an accredited American university. Learn more about Dr. Mishlove and his ongoing offerings and interviews at newthinkingallowed.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 249 – Mindfulness: The Gateway to Liberation
    Jul 30 2024

    Unraveling the mystery of who you truly are, Jack reveals mindfulness as the gateway to liberation within the ever-changing river of life.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “Mindfulness, in the Buddhist tradition, is said to be the gateway to liberation, the gateway to that which is eternal, to the timeless or the deathless.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    • Mindfulness as the gateway to liberation
    • The Buddha’s Eightfold Path and the Middle Way
    • Sacred attention, receptivity, and sensitivity
    • The prayer of Mad Bear, a magical Iroquois medicine man
    • Overcoming worry in the present moment
    • Rumi’s transformational poem, The Guest House
    • Awareness of breath, body, mind states, feelings, dharma, and the laws of nature
    • Using mindfulness as a vehicle to discover who we really are
    • Eternity, time, timelessness, change, and becoming deathless
    • What it was like when Thich Nhat Hanh visited Spirit Rock
    • Entering the “river of life,” humanity’s collective pains, joys, etc
    • Dealing with attachment, aversion, grief, and suffering
    • Working spiritually with our dreams
    • Stepping out of the bureaucracy of ego, thought, and mind
    • The freedom of identifying with “the witness”
    • Liberation as both practical and radical

    “Reality comes out of nothing, exists according to certain patterns, and then disappears. To know this frees us. To not know it, we are bound. This recognition brings us face to face with the mystery.” – Jack Kornfield

    “To become mindful is to become free, to have the capacity to step out of the rat race, the speed, the complexity and be who we are, be true to our hearts. There comes a great balance and ease with that. In any moment, we stop the war, we stop the conflict, we come back to be as the Buddha sits, as the Buddha walks, as the Buddha speaks, where we are, just present and alive.” – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk recorded on 3/1/1992 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    59 mins