
  • Mooning Rotten Tomatoes
    Sep 9 2023

    Welp, Mercury is still in the microwave you guys. That means our lives and..as we remiss to say...perhaps our audio is still being wonky. Alas! We will soon be out of the woods, or shall we say, tomatoes and dancing in the moonlight. Hazel and Anja talk horror films and the origin of two pumpkin myths. We also can't believe we've been able to do podcasts so close, yay for shorter turnarounds of Anja's tour so we can get into the stuff we love the most. Grab your favorite moon juice or Bloody Mary and enjoy! 

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Mummy Issues from Beyond the Microphone
    Aug 27 2023

    Hey there friends, apologies for the technical delay! Anja and Hazel talk about the Book of the Dead and dictator astrology signs (so who is the most likely zodiac sign to lead their country to ruin?), all while attempting to make the most of a microphone mishap that could or could not have been caused by an angry mummy spirit from Cairo. 

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Resurerection
    Nov 25 2022

    Holy Christmas crackers we're back! Hazel and Anja return with much ado about their whole lives being upturned with a move and a surprise return to a loved vocation. So grab your nearest furball and bottle of wine for a full, upright update. 

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    44 mins
  • TelaNovelaOstara
    May 3 2022

    Hazel and Anja talk Ostara and Easter...well the Jesus painting by DaVinci. Oh wait, have you not heard of it?! Well, you're in for a treat. Of course, honorable mention to our peeps celebrating Ramadan and Passover! Join us for this tasty and weirdly whimsical ride, or as we like to call it, a telanovela o'Ostara. Cheers!

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Xmas in March?...and the Rat King's Present A-Plenty
    Mar 31 2022

    Yeah...it's been a minute. Sowee. Hazel and Anja return with an update on their holidays, which was WAY more than they expected, and reminisce about your own holiday season! Cozy up with some hot cocoa with these two Potterheads as the world slowly burns up and enjoy this long af tail about the Rat King. Oh, and a new segment of Iced. Cheers!

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Live from the Spookuzzi?? Haunted San Fran and Ghosts of Turkey's Past
    Nov 22 2021

    This episode is a HAWWT mess, and by that we mean...well, shit goes down. Anja and Hazel experiment with location as they encounter creepy crawlers and rogue game in every day life and haunted San Francisco. It's a weird one, but it wouldn't be a Hawwt podcast if it wasn't. 

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    50 mins
  • London Blocking
    Oct 6 2021

    Mabon is heeeeeeerreee fellow witches and wenches! Hazel and Anja celebrate the fall equinox in this episode, including some history, recipes, and rituals for the second harvest. We also take a trip down UnHinged Lane with some terrible Tindr Nightmares that leave us simultaneously cringing and laughing. *we've also fixed our volume problem yay!*

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • JennaDewanJuan
    Sep 16 2021

    In this episode, Hazel and Anja take a look at the eccentric, dark, and kinda hawwt side of literature and art history. It's also the debut of Iced, with quirky and naughty ice-show confessions. *Also please pardon the volume, we experienced a few technical difficulties. We're humanities grad students...maybe we can exchange slam poetry for IT?* 

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    1 hr and 12 mins