Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Grilling Marshmallows on Ice: An Arctic Tundra Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-01-et Story Transcript:Et: Loo algab keset valget avarust, kus tuul puhub lõputult ja temperatuur on karm.En: The story begins in the middle of a white expanse, where the wind blows endlessly and the temperature is harsh.Et: Käes on talv, ja see on päris Arktika tundra.En: It's winter, and this is the real Arctic tundra.Et: Mihkel, kellel oli alati meeles üks erakordne seiklus, seisis seal lumisel väljal, sügavalt sisse hingates jäist õhku.En: Mihkel, who always had an extraordinary adventure in mind, stood there on the snowy field, taking a deep breath of the icy air.Et: Tema kõrval seisis Kaisa, käed risti rinnal, kulm kergelt kortsus murest.En: Beside him stood Kaisa, arms crossed, her brow slightly furrowed with concern.Et: "Mihkel, see on hullumeelsus," ütles Kaisa.En: "Mihkel, this is madness," said Kaisa.Et: "Kuidas see grill siin töötab?"En: "How does this grill work here?"Et: Mihkel vaid naeratas laialt.En: Mihkel just smiled broadly.Et: "See on ju seiklus, Kaisa!En: "It's an adventure, Kaisa!Et: Kujuta ette, kui lahe see oleks.En: Imagine how cool it would be.Et: Suvine grill keset talve!"En: A summer grill in the middle of winter!"Et: Kaisa vaatas ringi.En: Kaisa looked around.Et: Ümbruskond oli kaetud lumega nii kaugele, kui silm ulatus.En: The surroundings were covered with snow as far as the eye could see.Et: Ainuke heli oli tuule ulgumine.En: The only sound was the howling of the wind.Et: Kaisa raputas pead.En: Kaisa shook her head.Et: "Meil on vaja praktilisust, mitte unistusi."En: "We need practicality, not dreams."Et: Mihkel asus aga tegevusse.En: However, Mihkel set to work.Et: Tal oli kaasas väike kaasaskantav grill.En: He had brought along a small portable grill.Et: Esimesed katsed tuld süüdata ebaõnnestusid.En: The first attempts to light a fire failed.Et: Tundra külm ja tuul ei olnud tema sõbrad.En: The cold and the wind of the tundra were not his friends.Et: Iga kord kustus leek kiiremini, kui see süttis.En: Each time, the flame extinguished faster than it ignited.Et: Kaisa jälgis teda lõdvalt huvitatult.En: Kaisa watched him loosely interested.Et: "Sa näed ju, et see ei tööta," ütles ta.En: "You see it's not working," she said.Et: Kuid Mihkel ei andnud alla.En: But Mihkel did not give up.Et: "Pean lihtsalt leidma viisi, kuidas tuult blokeerida," mõtiskles ta valjusti, kuni silmas lumetõket.En: "I just need to find a way to block the wind," he mused aloud until he spotted a snow drift.Et: See inspireeris teda ja silmad lõid särama.En: It inspired him, and his eyes sparkled.Et: Ta hakkas improviseerima lumetõkke varjus.En: He began improvising in the shelter of the snow drift.Et: Mihkel kaevas lumme väikese süvendi, moodustas sinna oma kätega väikese tuulevarju.En: Mihkel dug a small depression in the snow, formed a little windbreak with his hands.Et: Mõne aja pärast süttis grilliplaat lõpuks mitte küll suure leegiga, aga piisavalt, et väike leek püsima jääks.En: After some time, the grill plate finally ignited, not with a large flame, but enough for a small flame to stay alive.Et: Kaisa läks lähemale ja vaatas, kuidas Mihkel eduga hakkas grillima väikeseid vahukomme.En: Kaisa came closer and watched as Mihkel started successfully grilling small marshmallows.Et: Kaisa naeratas tahtmatult.En: Kaisa smiled involuntarily.Et: See oli absurdne, kuid omamoodi maagiline.En: It was absurd, but in its own way, magical.Et: "Noh, ilmselt tõestasid sa midagi," naeris Kaisa lõpuks.En: "Well, I guess you proved something," Kaisa laughed finally.Et: "Või vähemalt saime sellest midagi eriskummalist."En: "Or at least we got something unusual out of it."Et: Lõppude lõpuks naersid Kaisa ja Mihkel, ühel pool vahukommid käes ja teisel pool soojust leides sõpruse soojusest.En: In the end, Kaisa and Mihkel laughed, with marshmallows in hand on one side, and finding warmth on the other through the heat of friendship.Et: Kaisa mõistis, et vahel tasub unustada argipäeva kaine mõistlikkus ja anda ruumi veidrustele.En: Kaisa realized that sometimes it's worth letting go of everyday sober rationality and making room for quirks.Et: Mihkel aga õppis hindama ettevaatlikkust ja pragmaatilisust.En: Mihkel, on the other hand, learned to appreciate caution and pragmatism.Et: Nad istusid seal keset külma tundrat, soojuse ja südamega, teades, et kõige tähtsam on aeg, mille veedad koos.En: They sat there in the middle of the cold tundra, with warmth and heart, knowing that the most important thing is the time spent together.Et: Vaatamata kõigele tundub tundra vähem karm ja nende seiklus midagi, mida nad mäletavad veel kaua.En: Despite everything, the tundra felt less harsh, and their adventure something they would remember for a long time. Vocabulary ...