• Episode 14 - Scaling Through In Troubled Times
    Mar 15 2024
    We know we are in the ends times, with troubles on the increase. But God's love never fails, They are new every morning and ever assuming...
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    11 mins
    Mar 8 2024
    Today, I am playing this song as promised, Happy listening!
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    6 mins
    Mar 8 2024
    Thank you for staying connected.
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    5 mins
  • Self Improvement - Sure Ways To Personal Development.
    Jul 9 2022

    This is the question asked by many who desire change and crave for success as a lifestyle. Note that the word 'success' is not only about money, but about finding fulfilment of purpose. For example, a person who runs a business of his dream with well-managed staff, can be termed successful in his business, likewise a family man, with a beautiful wife and well- behaved children can also be said to be successful. It all depends on the context.
    Here, we will be discussing practical steps with Bible verses to help you improve on yourself daily.

    How do I improve myself?

    1. Put God first - Give God first place in your life.

    Proverb 1:7
    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    2. Discover who you are:. Self discovery is crucial to personal development. Find your purpose and know why you are created because If purpose is not discovered, misuse and abuse will be the order of the day. It is wise to find yourself early in order to avoid wasting time doing the wrong things. Know who God has created you to be, check inward (your gifts and talents) and outward (What gets your attention, what you are attracted to). This things will give a clue, but If you are still not sure, ask God to show you. He is your maker and he will reveal the you to you.

    Jeremiah - 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    3. Discover your skills.
    Like knowing yourself, you also need to discover your skills, Polish your skills and keep building on it. Learning in life is continuous, when you stop learning, you stop growing. So Learn something new every day which helps you to improve your skills.
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    16 mins
  • The Vision Is Worth The Wait
    Jul 9 2022
    The Benefits Of Waiting For The Fulfilment Of God’s plan and Promises.

    Because God has a master plan for all his works, he has appointed a set time and a program for all that he created to function, especially his children, Bible tales has proven to us that waiting always preceded great feats and great events as seen in the story of Abraham (Genesis 12), of Moses as discussed earlier (Exodus 2) and of David (1 Samuel 17)

    2.Matured blessings accompanied with peace of mind(rest) are the reward of waiting for God's timing.

    Proverbs 10:22
    The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.

    3. Full empowerment of wisdom and grace to perform. From scriptures we have learnt that God would make someone wait so that they could be effective in the task that is being assigned to them. The process of Waiting on God's plan and timing teaches one humility. Note that waiting is not humility but it is a process that God uses to humble and build up essential character in his chosen.
    4. To keep us humble.
    2 Cor 12:7 Because of the extraordinary greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself!

    What To Do While Waiting For God’s Promises
    1.Keep growing by feeding on his word.

    2.Let your confidence be completely in God, not in yourself, anyone or anything else.

    3.Keep busy by serving in whatever ways you desire within your capacity.

    4.Remain joyful, for in Joy lies your strength, anxiety and depression eats up the soul.
    But Joy strengthens a man.

    Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.


    2 Peter 3:9
    The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance

    1 Peter 5:6-7- Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
    7 - Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
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    22 mins
  • Episode 9 I AM NOT DEFEATED.
    Jun 30 2022
    You couldn't have gone through all by your own wisdom and strength.
    For some of you, the plan of the enemy was to destroy your image so that you will not be fit for the promotion and glory God prepared for you, the enemy wants to steal your Joy and peace of mind, so that you will lose focus of your goal and purpose in Christ.

    "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:
    Then they had quickly swallowed us up
    Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth."
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    9 mins
  • Faith And Worship Episode 8
    Jun 19 2022
    It is total trust or confidence in God, faith is practical, backed by action or works.

    What is the Bible definition of Faith?
    Hebrew 11:1 says

    Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

    Faith is when you know that with God, you will certainly get what you want or hope for. You are convinced that though it is not happening now, but it will surely happen.
    Everyone of us be it born again or not has an element of Faith in us, we believe in something or let me say, we want to believe in something. That's is why in the absence of God in a man's life, he goes ahead to make or get for himself an image of worship. Every man has something he believes in, something he uses as a backup, whether an object or a spirit, the difference is the Superiority of what you worship. And the Lord God Almighty who created the heavens and the earth is superior to all.
    Now what is Worship?
    It is the expression of honor or a show of reference to a superior power. Worship is glorifying God, exalting him above all.
    It is the entire sacrifice of our being(all about us) to God for his use and that he may be glorified in all things. Our worship is in service and it's not limited to church, but to be done as a lifestyle, wherever we find ourselves, at all times. For God is spirit, and because we carry his spirit in that his breath gave us life (according to Genesis 2:7), wherever we are automatically becomes our place of worship to God. Worship is internal, it come from our spirit, true worship is not lip-service, true worship springs from the heart.
    Until you know God personally and believe(Faith) what he (his word) says about you, you can't truely worship him.
    God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”- John 4:24
    Worship cannot exist without faith or let me say true worship cannot happen without faith.
    Faith enhances worship faith is telling God that we trust in him, we believe that he will do what he promised and even when he doesn't do it, our focus will still be on him.
    From the encounter of Daniel and his friends with king Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 3:16-18 it is evident that they were men of Faith and true worship. The response of Daniel's friends to the King showed that they had confidence and trust in whom they serve.

    Now see the result in
    Daniel 3:24 - 26
    24Suddenly King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and asked his advisers, “Did we not throw three men, firmly bound, into the fire?”
    “Certainly, O king,” they replied.
    25“Look!” he exclaimed. “I see four men, unbound and unharmed, walking around in the fire—and the fourth looks like a son of the gods!”
    26Then Nebuchadnezzar approached the door of the blazing fiery furnace and called out, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out!”
    You see, true worship set them free because they had faith in God.
    Its certain that while in the fiery furnace, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were worshipping, which brought down the presence of God (the fourth man in the fire) to their midst.
    When we worship God in truth, Miracles happen both spiritually and physically. Captives are set free, chains are broken, healings take place, and most importantly, God will be glorified.
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    7 mins
  • My Home My Haven Episode 7
    Jun 19 2022

    Home is where I was raised,
    Home is my first place of learning
    Home is where I find comfort and ease.
    Home is where I want go after a hectic day, Home is where i returns to after a long trip abroad. The excitement of being at home always make the journey worthwhile.
    My home, my haven, a place of comfort and security.

    What is your definition of a home?
    A quote by M K Soni says
    "Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness. If one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t find it anywhere."

    Home is where all you are is accommodated. Now be grateful for the place you call home, because having a place of ease and rest is all that matters.
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    9 mins