This story ‘Kaka’ unfolds in Rural Bengal. The ace actor Khoraj Mukhopadhyay, who is the story teller takes us through the journey of ‘Kaka’ - a trickster man!
‘Gop-gop-goppo’ is an online storytelling series for children aged between 3 to 12 years (it can be viewed by people of all ages), in which a new video is released every Sunday. The series will present various kinds of stories to bring back the oral tradition of story-telling and promote the art of listening for children. In an age where children are losing touch which their imaginative powers in the midst of technological advances that leave very little space for them to visualise and create their own images, the series aims to revive a this traditional Bengali form of storytelling, perpetuated over generations by parents and grandparents. It also aims to induce in young children, a love for the Bengali language, which is unfortunately under threat. In the process, the series hopes to serve as medium through which they connect with the language in their daily lives. The storytellers are accomplished film, television and theatre actors, educators, elocutionists and musicians known for their extensive work in their respective fields.
Story : Kaka Narrator : Kharaj Mukherjee
Curated by : Dr. Arna Seal
Background score credit :
Digital Partner : BengalWebSolution
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