• Who Is God? God is Love
    Sep 15 2024
    God is so much bigger than our human lives. He exists and exists and exists. We're never in this lifetime going to get to know every single thing about Him, but there are things that He tells us about that we can know, and this is where I want to start... God is love.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4cZT5PV
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    6 mins
  • New Routines, New Year
    Sep 8 2024
    It's easy to go back to old habits and routines that you're used to as school is starting back up. But it's a great time to think about what habits you have that are good for you and what are ones you should let go of.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3zpzivn
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    6 mins
  • Summer Break and Survey
    Jun 30 2024
    Hey friend, I'm Julie Lyles Carr. I'm the host of God on the Go, part of the Purposely Podcast Network and I'm getting ready to go on summer break to one of my very favorite places, and I hope that's what you're getting to do this summer as well. I was thinking about this verse from Psalm 74 verse 17. It was you, God, who set all the boundaries of the earth you made both summer and winter. And in summer, I don't know about you, but that always seems like a great time to be on the road, to travel, to soak up all those long summer days. I hope you are really enjoying it because we know that all too soon, all of the routines going to be back in place, right? School's going to start and all of the rehearsals and practices and all the things that we've got to get kids to and that our kids are involved in, it's all going to start again.

    So, I hope these days of summer for you are lazy and long and you have some time to reflect as a family, to chat, to talk. I want to encourage you, if you are doing a great American summer road trip, you can go back and listen to episodes of God on the Go, and you can find those trivia questions. You can find those places that are going to lead you to great conversation about faith and different things we need to consider as our kids are growing up and our own walks. So, go back and check out some of the episodes of God on the Go. We are going to be relaunching a whole new season as we get close to the start of school. So, be listening for that.

    And if you are already signed up on our text stream, great. I have a favor to ask you. Our show producer Rebecca, is going to be sending out a survey. We want to know what further topics that you want to know about. What are the conversations that you want to be able to have? How can we help you make the minutes matter even more? Those times that you're in the car waiting in the school, drop off line, taking somebody to practice, how can we come alongside and help and support you in that way? So be sure and look for that survey. If you're already on our texts. Now, if you don't want to do the text thing, no worries. You can go to the show notes and it would mean so much if you would take a look at the survey there and send us your answers. Send us any kind of feedback that you have for us, because again, that's why we're here. We want to come alongside and help you. So, be sure and check that out. Look for that survey.

    I hope you have an awesome summer break and I'll see you really soon back with new episodes. A whole new season of God on the Go. We want to also thank our sponsor. They have been a long for the ride this year, George Fox University. We so appreciate you. I'll see you soon on God on the Go.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3VIIF0n
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    3 mins
  • FOOTNOTES: Quirinius
    Jun 23 2024
    God Has a Plan! What are your dreams for your future? In dreaming, it's important to remember that God has a perfect plan for each of us. While it's good to have dreams and goals, God's plan may differ from what we want, but ultimately, His plan is what matters most.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4bJLIfJ
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    7 mins
  • FOOTNOTES: Epaphrus
    Jun 16 2024
    Be a Wrestler! I'm an action kind of person. If something goes sideways, I want to figure out a solution.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3yW8wtS
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    6 mins
  • FOOTNOTES: Joanna
    Jun 9 2024
    We are in a new series called "Footnotes", and it's about taking a look at people in the Bible who don't always get the spotlight. Don't always get the big notice, but who did some amazing and important things when it comes to the story of believing God and believing Jesus. Today we're going to talk about what it means to be a messenger!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3V6whqS
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    6 mins
  • FOOTNOTES: Tychicus
    Jun 2 2024
    Be a Bridge! The Pennybacker Bridge in Austin is iconic and one of my faves. This week we're using the idea of how people can act as bridges in our lives, helping us connect with others and understand new concepts.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3WYgOvl
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    6 mins
  • Distractions: Car Quiz
    May 26 2024
    It's that time again! I want you to tune your memory up because it's time for a God on the Go Car quiz!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4buXV7N
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    6 mins