• The Purpose of Community - Andy Southmayd
    Sep 22 2024

    Andy dove deep into the importance of community and spiritual formation within the body of Christ. He explores the critical need for both individual healing and collective growth, shedding light on the obstacles we often face, such as unresolved personal wounds and the influence of individualism. Andy encouraged us to embrace both solitude and community as essential practices for spiritual growth, following Jesus' example.

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    41 mins
  • The Practice of Community - Kim Bucher
    Sep 15 2024

    Kim Butcher talked about how vital community and relationships are for anyone following Jesus, using insights from Jesus' own life and the relationship circles described by psychologist Robin Dunbar. She encouraged us to look at the different levels of relationships we have—from our larger community to our closest friends—and challenged us to be intentional in building and nurturing those connections. Just as Jesus showed us through His life and ministry, solitude and relationships are essential for our spiritual growth and formation.

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    33 mins
  • Encountering God in the Silence - Kate Rhoden
    Sep 8 2024

    Kate Rhoden continued our conversation on the practice of silence and solitude, guiding us through three key things we may encounter on this journey: ourselves, the enemy, and ultimately, the presence of God. Kate shared her own personal struggles and breakthroughs along the way. She invited us to lean into the discomfort and confront the fears that can surface in moments of stillness, all in pursuit of the deep rest and communion with God that silence brings.

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    59 mins
  • The Furnace of Transformation - Andy Southmayd
    Sep 1 2024

    Andy continued the conversation on the practice of solitude and silence by turning to the example of Jesus, who often withdrew to quiet, desolate places to pray and commune with the Father. The life of Jesus demonstrates the significance of stepping away from the noise and busyness of the world to connect with God in stillness. Andy encouraged us to intentionally carve out time and space to be alone with God, free from distractions, so we can encounter Him, reflect on our hearts and minds, and be transformed. Solitude is not an end in itself but a practice that prepares us to re-enter community with a deeper capacity to love and serve others.

    Here are key take aways from this teaching:

    1. Trellis – The practices and disciplines of following Jesus are like a trellis that we grow upon, rather than just floating through life. They provide structure and support for our spiritual formation.
    2. Fidelity – Our fidelity through our practices becomes the container where love is birthed and grows in us for the sake of the world around us.
    3. Eramos – This Greek word refers to the wilderness, quiet, desolate places that Jesus frequently withdrew to in order to pray and be with the Father. We have a deep human need for quiet and solitude and our entire society and culture is fighting against this. But over and over in the gospels, Jesus goes to his eramos just to be with the Father.
    4. Community – the point of solitude is to be formed into the likeness of Christ, growing in love and compassion for ourselves and for the world around us. Solitude and silence are not meant to isolate us, but to prepare us to engage more fully and lovingly with our community. The two practices go hand-in-hand.
    5. Practice – Find your eramos and start small with just 1-2 minutes of solitude per day. Consistency and presence in the moment are more important than duration.
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    46 mins
  • Who is My Neighbor? - Kim Butcher
    Aug 18 2024

    Watch Kim's teaching as she emphasized how important it us to show love and compassion to people in need, drawing on the story of the Good Samaritan. She encouraged us to pause and think about who our neighbors are and how we could show them love through simple acts of kindness and hospitality.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. We are called to be witnesses of Christ in the world around us, just as the disciples were. This means having compassion and love for those in our community, not avoiding or ignoring them.
    2. Jesus is the greatest example of compassion - he met people right where they were, loved them, and his presence changed their lives. We are called to do the same for our "neighbors", whoever that may be.
    3. It can be challenging to have compassion and see the needs of others, as we often have our own struggles and put up blinders. But we need to be aware of this tendency and ask God to open our eyes.
    4. The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches that our "neighbor" is anyone God brings across our path, even if they are different from us or we are uncomfortable. We are called to show them mercy and care.
    5. Kim challenged us to practice hospitality and witness to our community this week - whether that's inviting someone for coffee, having a family over, or simply being aware and open to connecting with those God places in our path. This requires boldness, but God will provide you grace to walk it out.
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    50 mins
  • The Practice of Hospitality - Kim Butcher
    Aug 11 2024

    Check out Kim's message where she highlights how powerful hospitality and storytelling can be in sharing the message of Jesus. By simply being welcoming, Kim encourages us to pray for more compassion and to trust that God will create opportunities to share His love.

    Here are the key takeaways from Kim's message:

    1. Being a witness for Christ means sharing your personal testimony and experiences of God's love and work in your life. It's about demonstrating your faith through your words, actions, and attitude.
    2. Compassion is key to effectively witnessing to others. We need to have a sympathetic consciousness of others' distress and a desire to help them, just as Jesus did. This comes from first receiving God's compassion for ourselves.
    3. Practicing hospitality - inviting people into relationship, sharing meals, and genuinely listening to their stories - is a powerful way to witness and share the love of Christ. It opens the door for spiritual conversations and transformation.
    4. The challenge is to start praying for specific people God is putting on our hearts, asking Him to give us His compassion for them. Then be open to the opportunities He provides to build relationships and share His love.
    5. Witnessing is not about preaching or pushing religion, but about living out our faith authentically and allowing people to experience the difference Jesus makes through how we love them.
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    47 mins
  • The Gift of Sabbatical - Ryan Rhoden
    Aug 4 2024

    As Ryan and Kate enters and prepares for their sabbatical, he is reminded of the deep importance of rest and spiritual renewal. This is not just a pause or break, but a purposeful time to dive deeper into personal growth and aligning more closely with God's purpose for his life. In the busyness of ministry, it can be easy to lose sight of the need to regularly stop, rest, and allow God to do a deeper work in one's heart and mind. This sabbatical represents an intentional season to step away from the demands of leadership, reconnect with the Lord, and allow the Holy Spirit to refresh, restore and realign their focus. It's not about checking out, but about leaning in to what God wants to do in this dedicated time of rest and spiritual renewal.

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    57 mins
  • A Community of Contentment - Andy Southmayd
    Jul 21 2024
    As we continue our conversation on Generosity as a practice that forms us into people of contentment, contentment in Jesus. Jesus is calling us to be a resilient community, filled with resilient disciples walking out a resident faith. Resilient follower of Jesus is one who is simply and radically content in Christ.
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    48 mins