• The Commission of the Messiah
    Aug 25 2019
    After His resurrection, Jesus meets His disciples in Galilee as He had told them prior to His death. Jesus has already revealed Himself a multitude of times prior to this moment; yet "some are still doubtful." The disciples are so much like we are. We see the working of God and yet quickly begin doubting again. What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, mean to us as individuals? On the basis of the authority which Jesus has had since before the creation of the world, He sends out His disciples to make disciples of all nations. However, before you can make disciples, you must yourself BE a disciple! Who are you truly a disciple of? Whose words do you tend to quote most often? Whose words and messages do spend the most time reading, meditating on, and sharing? This message was presented on August 25, 2019 by David Hayes.
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  • The Resurrection of the Messiah
    Aug 18 2019
    In our study of Matthew's account of the earthly life of the Messiah, we have come to the EXCLAMATION POINT!!!! Last week we considered the Apex of the Victory over Sin ... today, we see that Victory given the seal, or stamp, of approval! The victory is not only the ultimate Atonement (covering) for our Sin … but it is the destruction of the "final enemy" - death itself! O Death, where is your sting? O Grave, where is your victory? !!! As we consider Jesus' victory over the grave, ask yourself the question: "Am I honestly living in the power of His resurrection?" This message was presented on August 18, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Sacrifice of the Messiah (Pt 5 - His Crucifixion)
    Aug 11 2019
    In our study of Matthew's account of the earthly life of the Messiah, we have come to what would have appeared to be the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus - His Death by Crucifixion. Fortunately, for us, we are looking backwards and we know that this is NOT a sorrowful ending but rather a crucial step in the Ultimate Victory! As Jesus has continually reminded the disciples - and the leaders of the people - what was happening was not a random coincidence but rather the Purpose and Plan of God were coming to their fullest fruition at this moment of history. Today’s message is not just about suffering and death ... but even more so about faithfulness and victory! This message was presented on August 11, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Sacrifice of the Messiah (Pt 4 - His Trials)
    Aug 4 2019
    In our study of Matthew's account of the earthly life of the Messiah, we began three weeks ago focusing on the final phase of the book - The Sacrifice of the Messiah. Last week we considered the Rejection of the Messiah. In that account, three times Jesus referred to the fact that things were transpiring in such a way as to fulfill Scripture. We continue our study today with an examination of the Trials of the Messiah - before the Religious Leaders and before the Political Leader. This message was presented on August 4, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Sacrifice of the Messiah (Pt 3 – His Rejection)
    Jul 28 2019
    In our study of Matthew's account of the earthly life of the Messiah, we began two weeks ago focusing on the final phase of the book - The Sacrifice of the Messiah. Our section today continues immediately following the Commemoration that He established in the Upper Room - and which we considered last week. Singing was part of the Passover celebration. So, they concluded their Seder with a hymn and then began to travel to the Mount of Olives ... specifically, to a garden that Jesus frequented often - to pray. Along the way, Jesus made a provocative statement to His disciples. This message was presented on July 28, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Sacrifice of the Messiah (Pt 2 – His Commemoration)
    Jul 21 2019
    Last week we began focusing on the final phase of the Messiah's earthly ministry - His Sacrifice. Last week we considered His Preparation. Today, we will be focusing upon the Commemoration that He established. Lord willing, over the next four weeks we will examine His Rejection, His Trial, His Crucifixion and His Resurrection. This message was presented on July 21, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Sacrifice of the Messiah (Pt 1 – His Preparation)
    Jul 14 2019
    Numerous weeks ago, we began to consider the final week of Jesus' earthly ministry; commonly referred to as the Passion Week. As we enter into this final phase of the book of Matthew - considering the sacrifice of the Messiah and His commission - we must remember that this is all happening very quickly for the disciples. There is the Triumphal Entry, the Altercations with the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes ... and then His statement that the Temple would be totally destroyed. The disciples are noticeably confused and Jesus provides some cryptic prophetic teaching regarding the time of His return. Jesus culminates His teaching with the statement, 'You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified.' If you were with Jesus, how would you have responded to this chain of events? ... and to this final statement? In our passage today, we see a series of responses and reactions to Jesus' teaching. Which most closely resembles your response? This message was presented on July 14, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The Return of the Messiah (Pt 2)
    Jul 7 2019
    Last week, we began to consider Jesus' teaching regarding His Return. Jesus stated that the time of His return would be marked by International Conflicts, Natural Disasters and Spiritual Struggles - including Deception, Persecution and Distraction! However, on a positive note the Gospel will be carried to every ethnos - nation or people group! Today we continue in Jesus' teaching as He gives an Exhortation to His followers based upon the Environment and Expectation of His return - using several parables and word pictures to accent His teaching. This message was presented on July 7, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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