FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Unlocking Heritage: A Journey Through Time in Bratislava
    Nov 12 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Heritage: A Journey Through Time in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V úzkych uličkách Bratislavy sa nachádza skrytý obchod, Schránka Tradícií.En: In the narrow alleyways of Bratislava, there is a hidden shop called Schránka Tradícií.Sk: Tento obchod je plný starobylých remeselných výtvorov a vône drevených pilín, ktoré napĺňajú vzduch.En: This shop is full of ancient handcrafted creations and the smell of wood shavings fills the air.Sk: Je jeseň a Marek, mladý muž s čiernymi vlasmi, vstupuje do obchodu s istým úmyslom.En: It is autumn, and Marek, a young man with black hair, enters the store with a certain purpose.Sk: Hľadá darček pre svojho starého otca na sviatok svätého Martina.En: He is looking for a gift for his grandfather for the feast of Saint Martin.Sk: Steny obchodu sú pokryté policami s farebnými krojmi, keramikou a drevenými výrobkami.En: The walls of the shop are covered with shelves holding colorful costumes, ceramics, and wooden products.Sk: Marek sa cíti stratený medzi všetkými týmito krásnymi predmetmi.En: Marek feels lost among all these beautiful items.Sk: Jeho starý otec vždy hovoril príbehy o slovenských tradíciách.En: His grandfather always told stories about Slovak traditions.Sk: Marek si veľmi želá nájsť niečo, čo spája ich spoločnú kultúru.En: Marek dearly wishes to find something that connects their shared culture.Sk: Jana, majiteľka obchodu, vidí jeho váhanie a priateľsky ho osloví: „Hľadáš niečo špeciálne?En: Jana, the shop owner, sees his hesitation and addresses him in a friendly manner: "Are you looking for something special?"Sk: “ Marek kývne a vysvetlí, že hľadá darček pre deda, ktorý má hlboký význam.En: Marek nods and explains that he is searching for a gift for his grandfather that holds deep meaning.Sk: Jana zamyslene prikývne a navrhne: „Skús sa pozrieť na naše vyrezávané drevené rúrky.En: Jana nods thoughtfully and suggests, "Try looking at our carved wooden pipes.Sk: Sú ručne vyrobené a každá má svoju vlastnú históriu.En: They are handmade and each has its own history."Sk: “Marek sa pomaly presunie ku sklenenej vitríne, kde sú vystavené krásne drevené fajky.En: Marek slowly moves to the glass display case where beautiful wooden pipes are exhibited.Sk: Jednu z nich zdobí jemný vyrezávaný vzor.En: One of them is adorned with a delicate carved pattern.Sk: Pripomína mu staré príbehy, ktoré mu dedko vždy rozprával.En: It reminds him of the old stories his grandfather used to tell him.Sk: Cíti v sebe zvláštny pocit spomienok a dedičstva.En: He feels a strange sense of memories and heritage within himself.Sk: „Toto je tá pravá,“ rozhodne Marek, uznávajúc svoju voľbu.En: "This is the right one," Marek decides, acknowledging his choice.Sk: Upokoji sa a v očiach mu zaiskrí istota.En: He calms down and his eyes sparkle with certainty.Sk: Drevená rúrka bude dokonalý symbol ich zdieľaných histórií.En: The wooden pipe will be the perfect symbol of their shared histories.Sk: Po zaplatení vojde Marek na uličku, drží svoj darček pevne v rukách.En: After paying, Marek walks out onto the alley, holding his gift firmly in his hands.Sk: Cíti sa spojený so svojimi koreňmi a spokojný s rozhodnutím, ktoré spravil.En: He feels connected to his roots and satisfied with the decision he made.Sk: Keď prechádza pod padajúcimi listami, vie, že jeho dedko bude ohromený.En: As he walks beneath the falling leaves, he knows his grandfather will be amazed.Sk: Skrytý chrám zostáva pokojný, no jeho poklady našli zaslúžený domov.En: The hidden temple remains peaceful, but its treasures have found a deserved home.Sk: Marek odchádza s pocitom naplnenia a hlbokého porozumenia k dedovej láske k tradíciám.En: Marek leaves with a sense of fulfillment and deep understanding of his grandfather's love for traditions. Vocabulary Words:narrow: úzkychalleyways: uličkáchhidden: skrytýhandcrafted: remeselnýchpurpose: úmyslomfeast: sviatokshelves: policamicostumes: krojmiceramics: keramikouhesitation: váhaniefriendly: priateľskysuggests: navrhnecarved: vyrezávanépattern: vzorheritage: dedičstvaacknowledging: uznávajúcsparkle: zaiskrícertainty: istotasymbol: symbolfulfilled: naplneniadeserved: zaslúženýtemple: chrámpeaceful: pokojnýtreasures: pokladyconnected: spojenýroots: koreňmifulfillment: naplneniaunderstanding: porozumenialove: lásketraditions: tradíciám
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    13 mins
  • Unveiling the Spirit Secrets of Vysoké Tatry Mountains
    Nov 11 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling the Spirit Secrets of Vysoké Tatry Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V chladnom jesennom ráne, horám vo Vysokých Tatrách vládla tichá majestátnosť.En: On a cold autumn morning, the mountains in the Vysoké Tatry were enveloped in a quiet majesty.Sk: Jozef, skúsený turista a nadšenec legiend, stál pred horskou chatou.En: Jozef, an experienced tourist and enthusiast of legends, stood in front of the mountain cabin.Sk: Vôkol nej sa do farieb jesene ponárali lesy, jednou vetvou sa ich očakávanie zimy už dotýkalo.En: Around it, the forests were immersing themselves in the colors of autumn, with one branch already touching the expectation of winter.Sk: Martina a Zuzana, jeho priatelky, ešte oddychovali vo vnútri pri krbe.En: Martina and Zuzana, his friends, were still resting inside by the fireplace.Sk: Hmla klesala zo skalnatých vrcholov a Jozef premýšľal o legende, ktorú často počúval od starých miestnych: duchovia hôr, ktorí vedia odhaliť tajomstvá pradávnych čias.En: Fog descended from the rocky peaks, and Jozef pondered the legend he often heard from the local elders: spirits of the mountains, who can reveal secrets of ancient times.Sk: Včera, počas summitu milovníkov hôr, našli zvláštny predmet.En: Yesterday, during a summit of mountain lovers, they found a peculiar object.Sk: Bol to starý kameň s neznámymi symbolmi.En: It was an old stone with unknown symbols.Sk: Jozef veril, že je to dôkaz toho, o čom vždy sníval — dôkaz existencie horských duchov.En: Jozef believed it was proof of what he had always dreamed of—evidence of the existence of mountain spirits.Sk: Martina však bola skeptická.En: Martina, however, was skeptical.Sk: "To sú len rozprávky pre turistov," povedala s úsmevom, zatiaľ čo Jozef stále obdivoval kameň.En: "These are just stories for tourists," she said with a smile, while Jozef continued to admire the stone.Sk: Prípravky sa zintenzívnili, pretože počasie sa rýchlo menilo.En: Preparations intensified as the weather was changing rapidly.Sk: Snehová búrka sa blížila.En: A snowstorm was approaching.Sk: Napriek tomu, Jozef bol rozhodnutý.En: Nonetheless, Jozef was determined.Sk: Odhodlanie ho pritiahlo hlbšie do hôr.En: Determination drew him deeper into the mountains.Sk: "Musíme to prezrieť ešte pred zimou," presviedčal ostatných.En: "We have to examine it before winter," he urged the others.Sk: Cesta bola ťažká a vietor zintenzívnil.En: The journey was difficult, and the wind intensified.Sk: Napokon, Jozef objavil skrytú jaskyňu.En: Eventually, Jozef discovered a hidden cave.Sk: Vnútri, na prekvapenie všetkých, našiel starobylé nápisy, rovnaké ako tie na kameni.En: Inside, to everyone's surprise, he found ancient inscriptions, the same as those on the stone.Sk: Bol nadšený.En: He was thrilled.Sk: Duchovia hôr?En: Spirits of the mountains?Sk: Možno áno!En: Maybe so!Sk: Po návrate do chaty so sprievodom vzrušenia a pochybností, Jozef rozprával o svojom objave ostatným.En: Upon returning to the cabin with a mix of excitement and doubt, Jozef shared his discovery with the others.Sk: Niektorí ho podporovali, niektorí nie.En: Some supported him, some did not.Sk: Ale všetci boli fascinovaní.En: But everyone was fascinated.Sk: Jozef našiel nový zmysel života.En: Jozef found a new purpose in life.Sk: Už to nebola len legenda.En: It was no longer just a legend.Sk: Bol to príbeh pre budúce generácie, inšpirácia pre všetkých milovníkov týchto nádherných hôr.En: It was a story for future generations, an inspiration for all lovers of these magnificent mountains.Sk: Hmlisté rána Tatranských vrchov mali teraz iný význam — boli bránou k tajomstvám, ktoré čakajú na odhalenie.En: The misty mornings of the Tatranských vrchov now had a different meaning—they were a gateway to secrets waiting to be uncovered. Vocabulary Words:enveloped: vládlamajesty: majestátnosťimmersing: ponáraliexpectation: očakávaniedescended: klesalapondered: premýšľalelders: starýchpeculiar: zvláštnysymbols: symbolmiproof: dôkazskeptical: skeptickápreparations: Prípravkyintensified: zintenzívniliapproaching: blížiladetermination: odhodlaniereshape: presviedčalhidden: skrytúinscriptions: nápisythrilled: bol nadšenýfascinated: fascinovanípurpose: zmyselmagnificent: nádhernýchmisty: hmlistégateway: bránauncovered: odhalenie
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    13 mins
  • Autumn Success: Marek's Strategic Triumph in the Office
    Nov 10 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Success: Marek's Strategic Triumph in the Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-10-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V kraji jemne padajúceho svetla jesene, kde farby lístia vonku hrajú v slnečných lúčoch každú škálu oranžovej a žltej, sa nachádza moderná, otvorená kancelária.En: In the land of gently falling autumn light, where the colors of the leaves outside play in the sunlight with every shade of orange and yellow, there is a modern, open office.Sk: Počítače ticho bzučia a vôňa kávy sa pomaly mieša s napätím vo vzduchu.En: Computers quietly hum, and the scent of coffee slowly mingles with the tension in the air.Sk: Pre Mareka, marketingového analytika s veľkými ambíciami, to je deň plný očakávania.En: For Marek, a marketing analyst with big ambitions, it’s a day full of anticipation.Sk: Dnes je jeho hodnotiaci deň.En: Today is his evaluation day.Sk: Sediac pri svojom stole, Marek si stiahol do seba dúšok čerstvo uvarenej kávy.En: Sitting at his desk, Marek took a sip of freshly brewed coffee.Sk: Myslel na prezentáciu, ktorú pripravil na stretnutie s Jozefom, ich kritickým a náročným manažérom.En: He thought about the presentation he had prepared for the meeting with Jozef, their critical and demanding manager.Sk: Zuzana, jeho kolegyňa a priateľka, prešla okolo jeho stola s povzbudzujúcim úsmevom.En: Zuzana, his colleague and friend, walked past his desk with an encouraging smile.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek, máš dobrý plán," povedala, pokrúžiac prstom smerom k jeho prezentácii.En: "Don't worry, Marek, you have a good plan," she said, gesturing towards his presentation.Sk: Jozef, so svojím prenikavým pohľadom, čakal so založenými rukami.En: Jozef, with his piercing gaze, waited with crossed arms.Sk: Na jeho stole ležal zoznam problémov z nedávneho projektu, ktorý zdržala technická porucha.En: On his desk lay a list of issues from a recent project that had been delayed by a technical glitch.Sk: "Marek, vieš, že tento projekt meškal. Čo s tým urobíme?" začal Jozef.En: "Marek, you know this project was delayed. What are we going to do about it?" started Jozef.Sk: V Marekovi sa znovu prebudil strach, ale pripomenul si svoje ciele.En: Fear reawakened in Marek, but he reminded himself of his goals.Sk: Chcel uznanie, chcel povýšenie.En: He wanted recognition, he wanted a promotion.Sk: So zhlboka nadýchnutím Marek spustil prezentáciu.En: With a deep breath, Marek started the presentation.Sk: Jeho hlas bol istý, hoci cítil tlak.En: His voice was confident, even though he felt the pressure.Sk: Predstavil odvážnu, inovatívnu stratégiu, ktorú starostlivo vypracoval.En: He presented a bold, innovative strategy he had carefully crafted.Sk: "Toto je riziko," prerušil Jozef.En: "This is a risk," interrupted Jozef.Sk: "Ako nám to pomôže? A čo ak to zlyhá?"En: "How will it help us? And what if it fails?"Sk: Práve v tej chvíli prehovorila Zuzana, pokojným, ale rozhodným tónom.En: At that moment, Zuzana spoke up, in a calm but decisive tone.Sk: "Marek vynikajúco pracoval na tejto stratégii, Jozef.En: "Marek worked exceptionally on this strategy, Jozef.Sk: Je to riskantné, ale potenciálne môže dosiahnuť značné výsledky.En: It’s risky, but it has the potential to achieve significant results.Sk: A on je ochotný túto zodpovednosť prevziať."En: And he’s willing to take on this responsibility."Sk: Nastalo napäté ticho.En: A tense silence followed.Sk: Jozef si vzal chvíľu na zamyslenie.En: Jozef took a moment to think.Sk: Marekova oddanosť a Zuzanina podpora sa k nemu dostali.En: Marek's dedication and Zuzana's support reached him.Sk: "Dobre," povedal pomaly, "skúsime to na skúšobnej báze.En: "Alright," he said slowly, "we'll try it on a trial basis.Sk: Ale Marek, budeš to mať pod kontrolou."En: But Marek, you'll be in control."Sk: V tej chvíli pocítil Marek vlnu úľavy a vzrušenia.En: At that moment, Marek felt a wave of relief and excitement.Sk: Bolo to prvé malé víťazstvo na jeho ceste za sebahodnotením a zvýšením sebavedomia.En: It was the first small victory on his journey of self-assessment and confidence building.Sk: Vedel, že riskovanie sa niekedy vypláca, a dnes sa na neho usmialo šťastie.En: He knew that taking risks sometimes pays off, and today luck smiled upon him.Sk: V chladnom, no krásnom jesennom dni, sa Marek konečne cítil uznávaný a viac si vážil samotné rozhodnutia, ktoré prijímal.En: On a cold, yet beautiful autumn day, Marek finally felt recognized and appreciated the decisions he was making more. Vocabulary Words:gently: jemneautumn: jesenemingles: miešaanticipation: očakávaniaevaluation: hodnotiacibrew: uvarenejcritical: kritickýmdemanding: náročnýmencouraging: povzbudzujúcimpiercing: prenikavýmglitch: poruchareawakened: prebudilbreath: ...
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    15 mins

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