FluentFiction - Indonesian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Rain, Art, and Resilience: Rizky's Journey at Prambanan
    Nov 13 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rain, Art, and Resilience: Rizky's Journey at Prambanan Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-13-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Hujan rintik-rintik menyapa Prambanan yang berdiri megah di kota Yogyakarta.En: The soft drizzle greets Prambanan, standing majestically in the city of Yogyakarta.Id: Festival budaya telah dimulai, membawa orang-orang dari berbagai penjuru datang bersama-sama untuk merayakan seni dan kerajinan lokal.En: A cultural festival has begun, bringing people from all directions together to celebrate local art and craftsmanship.Id: Wangi dupa bercampur dengan suara gemelan, menambah suasana magis di antara candi-candi batu kuno.En: The scent of incense mixed with the sound of gemelan adds a magical atmosphere among the ancient stone temples.Id: Di salah satu sudut festival, Rizky, seorang perajin muda, sibuk menata meja miliknya.En: In one corner of the festival, Rizky, a young craftsman, is busy arranging his booth.Id: Tangannya terampil, memoles patung kecil yang terbuat dari batu vulkanik.En: His skilled hands polish a small statue made from volcanic stone.Id: Rizky cemas.En: Rizky is anxious.Id: Ia tahu karya-karyanya bukanlah yang paling modern, namun ia ingin menonjolkan keindahan dan makna seni tradisional.En: He knows his works are not the most modern, but he wants to highlight the beauty and meaning of traditional art.Id: Di tengah keramaian, Dewi, seorang seniman berpengalaman, berdiri mengamati suasana.En: Amidst the crowd, Dewi, an experienced artist, stands observing the scene.Id: Kehadirannya selalu ditunggu-tunggu karena ucapannya selalu bernas dan berarti.En: Her presence is always anticipated because her words are always insightful and meaningful.Id: Tidak jauh darinya, Bayu, jurnalis muda yang giat, siap mencari berita menarik tentang seniman lokal.En: Not far from her, Bayu, a diligent young journalist, is ready to find an interesting story about local artists.Id: Sementara itu, Rizky memikirkan tantangannya.En: Meanwhile, Rizky contemplates his challenge.Id: "Apakah hasil karyaku cukup bagus?En: "Is my work good enough?"Id: " pikirnya.En: he thinks.Id: Dia telah bekerja keras memberikan interpretasi baru pada seni kuno.En: He has worked hard to provide a new interpretation of ancient art.Id: Namun, dalam era modern ini, dia takut gagasannya dianggap terlalu sederhana.En: However, in this modern era, he fears his ideas might be considered too simple.Id: Ketika hari semakin siang, Rizky mantap menampilkan karyanya.En: As the day progresses, Rizky confidently presents his work.Id: Patungnya mencerminkan cerita legenda Ramayana, didesain dengan gaya ala arca kuno namun memiliki sentuhan modern.En: His statue reflects the story of the Ramayana legend, designed in an ancient statue style yet with a modern touch.Id: Dewi mendekati Rizky, mengamati patungnya dengan cermat.En: Dewi approaches Rizky, examining the statue carefully.Id: "Kamu berani menampilkan sesuatu yang berbeda, Rizky.En: "You dared to present something different, Rizky.Id: Ini luar biasa," katanya dengan senyum tulus.En: It's amazing," she says with a sincere smile.Id: Ucapan Dewi memikat perhatian Bayu.En: Dewi's words capture Bayu's attention.Id: Ia mendekat, kamera di tangannya siap menangkap momen.En: He approaches, camera in hand ready to capture the moment.Id: "Boleh saya buat liputan tentang karya ini?En: "May I write a feature about this work?"Id: " tanya Bayu.En: asks Bayu.Id: Rizky terkejut, namun senang.En: Rizky is surprised but delighted.Id: Melihat apresiasi Dewi dan ketertarikan Bayu, rasa percaya diri Rizky tumbuh.En: Seeing Dewi's appreciation and Bayu's interest boosts Rizky's confidence.Id: Karya Rizky mendapat tepuk tangan meriah dari para pengunjung.En: Rizky's work receives a warm round of applause from the visitors.Id: Akhirnya, Bayu menulis artikel tentang Rizky.En: Finally, Bayu writes an article about Rizky.Id: Tulisan itu memuji orisinalitas dan dedikasinya pada seni tradisional.En: The piece praises his originality and dedication to traditional art.Id: Tak hanya itu, Dewi menawarkan bimbingan untuk memperdalam tekniknya.En: Not only that, but Dewi offers guidance to deepen his technique.Id: Rizky terharu.En: Rizky is moved.Id: Di tengah hujan yang mereda, senyum kemenangan menghiasi wajahnya.En: Amidst the rain that is subsiding, a victorious smile decorates his face.Id: Rizky kini menyadari pentingnya tetap setia pada visi pribadinya.En: Rizky now realizes the importance of staying true to his personal vision.Id: Ia menemukan kekuatan dalam identitas seninya sendiri, menghargai akar yang menginspirasi karyanya.En: He finds strength in his own artistic identity, appreciating the roots that inspire his work.Id: Festival di Prambanan bukan hanya menjadi ajang pertunjukan, tetapi juga awal baru bagi Rizky untuk berkarya lebih baik lagi, memadukan tradisi dan inovasi.En: The festival at ...
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    17 mins
  • Breathe In History: A Journey Through Borobudur
    Nov 12 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Breathe In History: A Journey Through Borobudur Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Borobudur pagi itu basah karena hujan semalam.En: Borobudur that morning was wet due to the rain from the night before.Id: Kabut tipis melayang perlahan, memberi aura misterius pada candi yang megah.En: A thin mist drifted slowly, giving a mysterious aura to the magnificent temple.Id: Adi menggenggam catatan yang dibawanya.En: Adi clutched the notes he brought.Id: "Hari ini aku akan mengungkap semua rahasia Borobudur," pikirnya.En: "Today, I will uncover all the secrets of Borobudur," he thought.Id: Adi dan Rina, kakaknya, datang untuk merayakan Maulid Nabi sekaligus belajar dari sejarah candi ini.En: Adi and Rina, his sister, came to celebrate Maulid Nabi as well as to learn from the history of this temple.Id: "Adi, jangan terlalu memaksakan diri," kata Rina, khawatir karena tahu adiknya mengidap asma.En: "Adi, don't push yourself too hard," said Rina, worried because she knew her brother had asthma.Id: "Malam ini kita punya banyak waktu, Rina," jawab Adi semangat.En: "We have plenty of time tonight, Rina," replied Adi excitedly.Id: Bayu, seorang pemandu lokal, menyambut mereka.En: Bayu, a local guide, greeted them.Id: "Halo, perkenalkan, saya Bayu.En: "Hello, let me introduce myself, I'm Bayu.Id: Saya akan menemani kalian berkeliling hari ini.En: I will accompany you around today."Id: "Bayu mulai bercerita tentang sejarah candi.En: Bayu began to tell the story of the temple's history.Id: Adi mendengarkan dengan antusias, mencatat setiap detail.En: Adi listened enthusiastically, noting every detail.Id: Rina memperhatikan langit yang mendung, berharap hujan tidak akan turun lagi.En: Rina watched the cloudy sky, hoping it wouldn't rain again.Id: Saat mereka menaiki anak tangga, Adi mulai terengah-engah.En: As they climbed the steps, Adi started to pant.Id: Udara lembap membuatnya sulit bernapas.En: The humid air made it difficult for him to breathe.Id: Rina memandang Adi dengan cemas.En: Rina looked at Adi with concern.Id: "Adi, kita harus istirahat," usulnya.En: "Adi, we should rest," she suggested.Id: "Tidak, aku baik-baik saja," tolak Adi, meski napasnya semakin berat.En: "No, I'm fine," Adi refused, even though his breath was getting heavier.Id: Bayu melihat situasinya.En: Bayu noticed the situation.Id: "Ayo, kita ke sana.En: "Let's go over there.Id: Ada tempat duduk di bawah pohon itu," tawarnya, menunjuk ke arah tempat teduh.En: There's a seat under that tree," he offered, pointing to a shaded spot.Id: Mereka menuju tempat aman itu.En: They headed to that safe place.Id: Rina mendudukkan Adi.En: Rina sat Adi down.Id: "Tarik napas dalam-dalam, Adi.En: "Take a deep breath, Adi."Id: "Adi berusaha mengatur napas.En: Adi tried to regulate his breathing.Id: Bayu memberi suntikan semangat, "Jangan khawatir, kita bisa lanjut nanti setelah kamu merasa lebih baik.En: Bayu gave some encouragement, "Don't worry, we can continue later after you feel better."Id: "Setelah beberapa waktu, Adi mulai merasa lega.En: After some time, Adi started to feel relieved.Id: "Maaf sudah merepotkan," katanya pelan.En: "Sorry for the trouble," he said softly.Id: "Yang penting kesehatanmu, Di," kata Rina, menggenggam tangannya.En: "The important thing is your health, Di," said Rina, holding his hand.Id: "Sejarah tidak akan lari ke mana-mana, Adi.En: "History won't run away, Adi.Id: Kita bisa belajar dengan cara yang lebih santai," ujar Bayu sambil tersenyum.En: We can learn in a more relaxed way," said Bayu with a smile.Id: Setelah istirahat cukup, mereka melanjutkan perjalanan dengan langkah lebih tenang.En: After enough rest, they continued their journey at a more relaxed pace.Id: Bayu bercerita lebih banyak tentang batu-batu candi yang dipahat indah.En: Bayu told them more about the beautifully carved temple stones.Id: Adi menyadari pelajaran penting: menikmati perjalanan juga bagian dari pencarian.En: Adi realized an important lesson: enjoying the journey is also part of the quest.Id: Mereka menutup hari itu dengan kekayaan cerita dan kekayaan persahabatan.En: They ended the day with a wealth of stories and the richness of friendship.Id: Serta keputusan Adi yang berbeda.En: Along with Adi's different decision.Id: Kini ia tahu, kadang kala, mendengarkan tubuh lebih penting demi mencapai tujuan.En: Now he knows, sometimes, listening to your body is more important to achieve your goals.Id: Borobudur tetap berdiri megah, dengan Adi yang telah belajar pelajaran berharga: bernafas lebih penting dibanding sekadar berlari mengejar pengetahuan.En: Borobudur still stands majestically, with Adi having learned a valuable lesson: breathing is more important than just running after knowledge. Vocabulary Words:wet: basahmist: kabutdrifted: melayangmysterious: misteriusmagnificent: megahclutched: menggenggamuncover: ...
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    17 mins
  • A Curator's Leap: Reviving Hidden Art at Borobudur
    Nov 11 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Curator's Leap: Reviving Hidden Art at Borobudur Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Matahari pagi mulai menyinari Candi Borobudur yang megah.En: The morning sun began to shine on the magnificent Candi Borobudur.Id: Para peserta dari berbagai negara berkumpul untuk mengikuti International Culture Summit.En: Participants from various countries gathered to attend the International Culture Summit.Id: Angin sepoi-sepoi musim semi menyegarkan suasana, membuat daun-daun pepohonan berbisik lembut.En: The gentle spring breeze refreshed the atmosphere, making the leaves of the trees whisper softly.Id: Di tengah keramaian, Adi berdiri sambil memegang materi presentasinya dengan sedikit gugup.En: Amid the crowd, Adi stood holding his presentation materials, feeling a bit nervous.Id: Adi adalah kurator muda dari museum lokal.En: Adi was a young curator from the local museum.Id: Dia mencintai budaya Indonesia dengan sepenuh hati, tapi sering merasa suaranya tenggelam di tengah suara-suara besar dunia seni.En: He loved Indonesian culture with all his heart but often felt that his voice was drowned out by the louder voices in the art world.Id: Sejak lama, dia ingin menunjukkan betapa kayanya budaya lokal yang sering terabaikan.En: For a long time, he wanted to showcase the richness of the local culture that was often overlooked.Id: Dia melihat ini sebagai kesempatan besar.En: He saw this as a big opportunity.Id: Dewi, seorang antropolog budaya terkenal, juga hadir.En: Dewi, a renowned cultural anthropologist, was also present.Id: Dia dikenal dengan pandangannya yang tajam dan sering kali kontroversial.En: She was known for her sharp and often controversial views.Id: Adi ingin sekali berbicara padanya, berharap bisa mendapatkan perhatian dan mungkin dukungannya.En: Adi was eager to speak with her, hoping to gain her attention and perhaps her support.Id: Tapi, keraguannya datang seperti awan yang menghalangi sinar mataharinya.En: But his doubts appeared like clouds blocking his sunlight.Id: Di salah satu sesi diskusi, Adi melihat kesempatan.En: During one of the discussion sessions, Adi saw an opportunity.Id: Dewi sedang berbicara dengan para peserta lain tentang makna seni tradisional Indonesia.En: Dewi was conversing with other participants about the meaning of traditional Indonesian art.Id: Adi mengumpulkan keberanian, mengambil napas dalam, dan memutuskan untuk bergabung dalam percakapan itu.En: Adi gathered his courage, took a deep breath, and decided to join the conversation.Id: "Permisi, Bu Dewi," Adi memulai dengan suara yang tegas namun sopan.En: "Excuse me, Bu Dewi," Adi began with a firm yet polite voice.Id: "Saya ingin membahas perspektif lain mengenai kebudayaan kita yang sering kali terabaikan.En: "I would like to discuss another perspective regarding our culture that is often overlooked."Id: "Dewi memandang Adi dengan minat.En: Dewi looked at Adi with interest.Id: "Silakan, saya sangat tertarik mendengar pendapat Anda," katanya.En: "Please, I am very interested to hear your opinion," she said.Id: Adi menjelaskan tentang berbagai aspek budaya lokal yang dia rasa belum mendapat cukup perhatian.En: Adi explained the various aspects of local culture that he felt hadn't received enough attention.Id: Seperti seni ukiran kayu dari desa kecil di Jawa yang memiliki simbolisme mendalam, dan tarian tradisional yang menceritakan sejarah unik suatu daerah.En: Like the wooden carving art from a small village in Java with deep symbolism, and the traditional dances that tell the unique history of a region.Id: Panel diskusi mendengarkan dengan saksama.En: The discussion panel listened intently.Id: Dewi pun terkesan dengan kedalaman dan ketulusan Adi.En: Dewi was impressed by Adi's depth and sincerity.Id: Tanpa disangka, dia menantang pandangan Dewi dengan argumen yang segar.En: Unexpectedly, he challenged Dewi's views with fresh arguments.Id: Suasana mendadak hening, lalu Dewi tersenyum dan berkata, "Pandangan Anda sangat menarik, Adi.En: The atmosphere suddenly became silent, then Dewi smiled and said, "Your perspective is very interesting, Adi.Id: Saya setuju bahwa kita harus memberi perhatian lebih pada aspek-aspek ini.En: I agree that we should pay more attention to these aspects."Id: " Dewi kemudian memuji Adi di depan seluruh peserta.En: Dewi then praised Adi in front of all the participants.Id: Diskusi mereka menjadi lebih dalam, membahas bagaimana meningkatkan kesadaran global terhadap budaya-budaya yang sering terabaikan ini.En: Their discussion deepened, talking about how to raise global awareness of cultures that are often neglected.Id: Banyak peserta lain yang kemudian tertarik, bertanya dan berdiskusi lebih lanjut dengan Adi.En: Many other participants then became interested, asking questions and discussing further with Adi.Id: Adi merasa puas dan lebih percaya diri.En: Adi felt ...
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    18 mins

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