Marisa Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel delve into the vital role of managers as the heart of an organization. Wayne introduces the analogy of a heart, explaining how managers serve as the crucial link between senior leadership and their teams. They discuss the flow of information, the importance of effective communication, and the challenges faced by middle managers in maintaining trust and authenticity. Wayne emphasizes the need for transparency, honesty, and gathering accurate information to fulfill the role effectively. He shares insights on navigating the delicate balance between supporting decisions and expressing personal disagreements, all while ensuring the smooth functioning of the organization. Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical tips for middle managers aiming to create a strong heartbeat within their teams and organizations. Key Takeaways 1. Managers are the heartbeat of an organization: The analogy of a heart highlights the critical role managers play in processing and communicating information between senior leadership and their teams. 2. Gather accurate information: Managers should actively seek information from both above and below to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the organization and can effectively communicate it to their teams. 3. Transparency and authenticity build trust: Being honest about what you know, what you don't know, and the assumptions being made fosters trust within the team and reduces the risk of being seen as deceptive. 4. Communicate decisions with clarity: Even if managers personally disagree with certain decisions, it is their responsibility to communicate them clearly and provide the rationale behind them to maintain trust and credibility. 5. Balance between supporting decisions and expressing personal opinions: Managers must strike a delicate balance between aligning with leadership decisions and expressing their personal disagreements, all while maintaining their role as effective communicators and leaders. 6. Effective communication is essential in remote and hybrid teams: In virtual work environments, managers must be intentional about communication, actively seeking and sharing information, and leveraging transparent communication channels to ensure the smooth flow of information. Timestamps 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:46 - Managers as the heartbeat of an organization. 00:02:18 - Importance of effective communication and processing information. 00:03:22 - Navigating the balance between upper management and the team. 00:05:06 - The challenge of supporting decisions one may personally disagree with. 00:06:15 - Being honest about what you don't know and avoiding making things up. 00:08:06 - Importance of transparency and authenticity in maintaining trust. 00:09:24 - Being honest about what you know and don't know to avoid damaging trust. 00:12:00 - Challenges of being a middle manager and delivering difficult news. 00:13:06 - Actionable step for middle managers: Gathering accurate information. 00:15:46 - Balancing support for decisions with personal opinions. 00:16:24 - Recap of the heartbeat analogy and the importance of managers in organizations. Related Episodes The Great Mismatch: Why Returning To The Office Is Not As Easy As We ThoughtReturning to Office with Kevin EikenberryExpectations for Returning to the Office When You’ve Never Been to the Office Additional Resources There's Nothing Soft About the HeartDo You Need a Project Team EKG?Learn more about Wayne TurmelEmail Wayne TurmelConnect with Wayne Turmel on LinkedInLearn more about Marisa EikenberryEmail Marisa EikenberryConnect with Marisa Eikenberry on LinkedIn Purchase a copy of The Long-Distance Leader Purchase a copy of The Long-Distance TeammatePurchase a copy of The Long-Distance TeamThe Kevin Eikenberry Group Join us for a powerful, 4-part video series titled, Demystifying Remote Leadership. You will learn how to create solid working relationships in a virtual team with more confidence and less stress! Sign up: Want us to answer one of your questions? Contact Us! See the full show notes and transcript: