27, February, 2025 Episode 250: The curious case of Why we get hangry Welcome to The Curious Case of Why We Get Hangry! We’ve all felt it—that sudden burst of irritation when we haven’t eaten. But why does hunger mess with our emotions? The curious case of why we get hangry by English Podcasts | Podcasts in English https://english-podcasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/The-curious-case-of-Why-we-get-hangry.mp3 Apple PodcastsBlubrryAndroid PodcastsRSSSubscribe by EmailSpotifyYouTube In this episode, we’re unpacking the science behind hanger, from blood sugar drops to stress hormones, and exploring ways to keep your cool when your stomach starts to rumble. Notes We’ve all been there—you’re hungry, you’re cranky, and suddenly, even the smallest inconvenience feels unbearable. But why does hunger make us lose our patience? In The Curious Case of Why We Get Hangry, we’ll explore what’s happening inside your body when your mood takes a nosedive due to hunger. From the role of glucose in brain function to the stress hormones that fuel irritation, we’ll break down the science of hanger and why some people experience it more than others. Plus, we’ll share simple strategies to keep your mood stable, even when your stomach is empty. Let’s dive in! Recap & Takeaways Takeaways for Language Learners: Hunger affects mood – When you don’t eat, your blood sugar drops, making it harder for your brain to regulate emotions. Stress hormones kick in – Your body releases cortisol and adrenaline, which can make you feel irritable or anxious. Some people get hangrier than others – Genetics, personality, and diet all play a role in how strongly hunger affects emotions. Preventing hanger is possible – Eating balanced meals and snacks can help keep your blood sugar steady and your mood in check. Words to remember – Hanger, glucose, irritability, hormones, metabolism, cranky, and adrenaline. Stay Tuned For Our Latest Episodes Subscribe to our Facebook group and page, our Youtube channel and to our Instagram to get all the latest podcasts, quizzes and blog posts. Start Listening Today! View Episodes Contact Us hello@english-podcasts.com FollowFollowFollowFollow
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