
  • Empty Nets
    Oct 2 2024

    Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the timeless story of Peter and Andrew, fishermen by trade, whose lives were transformed by a simple yet profound encounter with Jesus. We reflect on the imagery of empty nets and the deeper meaning they hold.

    We recount the moment when Jesus stepped into their boat, asking them to cast their nets once more . Their obedience led to a miraculous catch, symbolizing the shift from their old ways to a new purpose—fishing for the hearts of men. Through this narrative, we explore the themes of faith, trust, and divine direction.

    Discover how our own efforts, no matter how diligent, are ultimately guided by the Lord's hand. Learn to seek His guidance and trust in His timing, allowing Him to lead us to abundant blessings. This episode encourages us to cast aside our old nets and embrace the new ones, filled to overflowing by His grace. Amen.

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    4 mins
  • A Crumb is Enough
    Aug 6 2024

    Speaking with a new Christian, he was so moved by communion, he said, "I didn't just want a piece of bread, I wanted the entire loaf." We all hunger for love, for success, for perfection. I hunger for forgiveness.

    I hunger for a day when I won't need forgiveness.

    On more than one occasion, I have asked for the entire loaf. Big miracles from a really big God, deserving none of it.

    A Canaanite woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter. He answered. "Woman, you have great faith. Your request is granted." and her daughter was healed in that moment. Matthew chapter 15. To this woman, who was considered undesirable, a crumb was more than enough. When miracles do not arrive in the size and shape of my liking, I am discouraged and fail to be thankful for the crumb of blessing the Lord placed in my hand. A fever broken, pain subsiding, a peaceful night's sleep.

    I will continue to be persistent in prayer, asking for the entire loaf, but knowing a crumb is more than enough. Thank you, Lord.

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    4 mins
  • Dusty Days and Divine Grace
    Aug 5 2024

    Sitting in the same old spot, facing another day of monotony, a dry summer's dust settled around me. I grappled with the same struggles and whispered the same prayers, my heart weighed down by the past.

    As I stepped into the morning, a whirlwind of dust and memories engulfed me, pushing me to the edge. Troubled dreams from decades ago resurfaced, leaving me bruised and weary. Amidst the chaos, I cried out for peace, and it was then that Jesus took hold of me, calming the storm within.

    In the midst of life's tempests, I found solace in His presence. The winds may rage, but with Jesus as my anchor, I stood firm. Weakened but undeterred, I continued my journey, knowing that God clears the path ahead, His voice a constant reminder to 'Be still.'

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    2 mins
  • Walks in the Garden
    Jun 26 2024

    Awakened from a short night's sleep by a massive branch falling from an ancient live oak, with work boots and leather gloves on, the chainsaw's roar pierced the silence of the still sleeping world.

    Amidst the raucous rattle, I found a certain peace in my soul. All the noise that once seemed so important faded into the background of the task at hand. As the chainsaw paused, I found myself in a moment reminiscent of Genesis, hearing the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.

    Time seemed to stand still as I walked and talked with God, realizing that all my worries were insignificant in the light of eternity. It took a mighty branch crashing down to turn my eyes back to Jesus.

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    3 mins
  • Fix It and Lead - Lessons from my Father
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the life lessons imparted by a father who championed self-reliance and perseverance. Learn how these teachings inspired a journey to becoming an author. Discover the challenges faced along the way, This episode uncovers the fears of revealing too much and the ultimate redemption found in faith.

    Join us as we explore the empowering message of fixing what is broken, seeking knowledge, and leading others, all while reflecting on the profound impact of a loving God and the wisdom of a father’s guidance. Be blessed and inspired to shine your own light in the world.

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    3 mins
  • Exquisite
    May 22 2024

    I had the honor of being part of two weddings. One wedding, a handful of family in a backyard garden space, simple and easy-flowing, with a home-cooked meal on mismatched family china. The other, a church full of family and friends, more structured, rules and traditions, with a catered dinner and dance, both sweet and very special.

    Jesus attended a wedding in Cana, not as the focal point, but as a guest. He took jars of water, blessed them, and the water became wine. He took something seemingly ordinary and made it exquisite. Now, knowing these two couples, they are anything but ordinary. Yet with Jesus, their lives together will become extraordinary, exquisite. This is my prayer. It is my prayer for you as well. Amen.

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    6 mins
  • A Warrior's Resolve - Finding Strength in the Battle
    May 7 2024

    This episode focuses on a fierce battle involving a resilient woman and a daunting giant. Despite immense odds, the woman perseveres and continues to struggle, refusing to surrender.

    As her strength wanes and her fellow warrior falters under the weight of disappointment. The embodiment of divine love, Jesus, responds to her doubts. His compassionate words enlighten her, reminding her that strength lies in divine love, and miracles are born from needing and loving each other genuinely.

    Jesus assures her, when she acknowledges her inability to carry her burdens alone, that Mountains only move when we push together. He communicates an enlightening truth, reminding her that strength is usually found in shared struggles and collective efforts.

    We often look for huge miracles in our lives and get disappointed when we don't find them. However, numerous small miracles occur around us that we often fail to appreciate. These seemingly trivial moments of grace - a restful sleep, a phone call from a worried child, or even a sweaty hug after a workout, are the small miracles that count.

    Closing with a prayer for healing, wholeness, blessings, strength and patience, this episode encourages everyone to appreciate every small miracle in their lives. The last section titled 'The Unravel', extends a request to its listeners to offer a moment of prayer for the warriors in their lives - those who are fighting their own personal battles.

    Tune in to this soul-stirring episode of faith, struggle, and life's little miracles, to find renewed strength and inspiration. Be blessed!

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    3 mins
  • Billow My Sails
    May 3 2024

    In this profound episode, we journey on a vessel pressed by the oppressive heat, struggling against the tireless waters. Through the thick fog and encumbering waves, the plea echoes in desperation - "Lord, please billow my sails." Despite the relentless nature of the surrounding elements, the protagonist forges ahead, fueled by a flicker of hope and an unfathomable strength.

    Pit against the turbulent seas, the solidarity, resilience, and unyielding spirit portrayed in the tug of war with the hardships is truly moving. Stretching beyond his own fatigue, the main character reaches out to offer help to fellow vessels facing the same adversities. His selfless acts, putting others before his own tired self, depict the very essence of humanity.

    Despite aiding others, our hero marks his own progression as slow, his sails remain deflated—his longing echoes once more, "Lord, please billow my sails." Trapped amidst the stormy seas, he yearns for God's intervention - for His breath to fill his sails and accelerate his journey.

    The Lord's response, the comforting reassurance of His constant presence and support, brings warmth and light to the narrative's stark landscape. With wisdom and assurance, the Lord consoles the weary traveler, promising the eventual bliss of smooth sailing while reminding him of his current purpose—being an anchor for troubled vessels.

    This potent narrative is a beautiful blend of struggle, strength, unwavering faith, and the power of selfless aid. It is a heartening reminder that our journey shapes us and our struggles can be an anchor for others. Through dense fog, turbulent seas, and daunting waves, we learn to trust the awaiting calm and the promise of His unwavering support.

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    3 mins