• Ways Marketing Educators Can Prepare Students For Today’s Digital Jobs
    Jun 29 2022

    In a recent report, half of the university students admitted to feeling unprepared for the job market, while 39% of employers believe recent graduates aren’t ready for the workforce.

    Please visit : https://dominatedigitally.com/

    Podcaste script : https://dominatedigitally.com/ways-marketing-educators-can-prepare-students-for-todays-digital-jobs/

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    14 mins
  • Challenges and opportunities in the field of digital marketing
    Jun 2 2022

    Digital marketing is one of the most sought-after skills in today's job market. There are plenty of great options for digital marketing courses in Ahmedabad. But, how do you choose the right one to suit your needs and interests? Check out our list of top digital marketing challenges and opportunities below. Digital marketing is a complex and ever-changing field, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to succeed.

    Please visit : https://dominatedigitally.com/

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    3 mins
  • Tips to increase your TOEFL writing score
    Apr 24 2022

    In TOEFL writing, paraphrasing is crucial. In fact, you'll lose a lot of points for plagiarism if you don't paraphrase your sources in Integrated Writing and instead utilise the identical terminology from the lecture or excerpt. It's also not good for your score if you repeat the question in Independent Writing word for word.

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    4 mins
  • A Fresh Approach Towards Facebook Marketing
    Apr 19 2022

    If you're running Facebook ads but aren't receiving the results you want, there are a number of reasons for this, including not using the proper tools or using the right tools incorrectly.
    In this article, we'll go over some killer and actionable Facebook hacks to boost your next campaign's ROI. Hacking Facebook Ads
    1. Identify and target your target market.
    Optimising Facebook advertisements alone isn't going to get you the results you want. The correct audience must be targeted in order to achieve the best outcomes.
    Even if you target the proper audience, you must follow up to ensure that your ad target is effective.
    View a report on ad performance with Facebook ad Reports. It will segment your audience based on their age and/or gender, the action they performed (such as conversion device and/or destination), and the frequency with which it was given (daily or weekly). 2. Making Use of Brackets
    This is one of the most obvious marketing blunders that any seasoned marketer should spot right away. Are you unsure what brackets are? [INFLUENCERS ONLY] is what we mean. Brackets are the greatest technique to help you make key elements in your posts stand out because Facebook does not enable underlining, italicising, or bolding. Punctuation is not only entertaining, but it is also the most effective approach to attract the attention of your followers and other Facebook users. Don't overdo brackets, and we advocate employing this Facebook Hack only when necessary, and just for as long as it's appropriate for your target demographic. Emojis are a great way to express yourself. Emojis, like brackets, will make your Facebook ads stand out. Only a few people are aware that Emojis may be used in Facebook ads to make them stand out. This one succeeds because Facebook is essentially a platform where users can do things like stalk their ex-girlfriends and watch strange videos. By using Emojis into your commercial, you may make it appear more like native content. It will make your ad appear less like an ad and more like a humorous post. Remember to utilise Emojis sparingly so that they are consistent with your brand. 4. Don't include a CTA (call to action) (CTA)
    Many people have written about the best type of CTA button to use in Facebook ads. While some argue that utilising the "Sign Up Button" is not a smart idea, others argue that using "Learn More" will result in the highest click-through rate. However, we're guessing you're unaware that you can run Facebook ads without a CTA button and still receive amazing results. This makes your material appear more natural, as it should. You should have figured out by now that the key to succeeding with Facebook Ads is to make them look as little like ads as possible. By the way, because the majority of people use Facebook to spend the time, keeping it basic will yield excellent results. 5. Facebook Messenger Advertising Campaigns
    Despite the fact that this is essentially a Facebook Ads hack, it's an opportunity you shouldn't pass up. While successful Facebook Messenger Ads are uncommon, the fact remains that they can be effective. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you should not pass up. In layman's terms, Facebook Messenger advertisements may be used to encourage and increase the number of individuals who interact with your brand using the application. You should show advertising to each person who messages your page, which will appear as a message in their Messenger app. This is similar to constructing an email list, except that it is done within Messenger. According to studies, Facebook messages have a greater open rate than emails. 6. Examine the Facebook Ads of your competitors
    There is a traditional approach to monitor your competitors' Facebook Ads from within the platform. It is not a good idea to copy your competitors' commercials because it may confuse your audience as to whose firm the ad belon

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    8 mins
  • Social Media Marketing Course In Ahmedabad
    Dec 18 2021

    Social media is no longer just a "fun" way to round out a marketing plan. It's a crucial, effective component of your marketing - and one that takes a lot of time and effort.

    With over 3.6 billion social media users, we live in a virtual world. You'll need a platform that reaches out to customers directly if you want to engage with them on a personal level. Your social media platform(s) of choice influences your connection to your audiences, whether it's Twitter or Instagram, Facebook or TikTok.

    There are various ways to catch people's attention as they read through their feeds, but some are unquestionably more cost-effective and time-effective than others. Today, we'd like to present ten social media hacks that are both simple and powerful.

    The Best Social Media Marketing Strategies

    1. Create a "batch" of social media posts.

    Consider "batching" your social media instead of sitting down at your computer every day, thinking about what Tweets to send and photographs to publish. Set aside one day per week for serious planning and batch scheduling. Then, for daily check-ins, you'll just need to set aside five to 10 minutes.

    Batching not only saves you time every day, but it also pushes you to prepare ahead for high-volume posts. Instead of a single Tweet, you'll be better prepared to create multi-image Instagram posts or an entire Twitter thread.

    You'll feel more on top of things throughout your hectic week if you spend more time batching your posts every few days. When it comes to social media marketing initiatives, think smarter, not harder.

    2. Maintain Consistency Throughout

    Are you wondering how this tip qualifies as a "hack"? Consistency, on the other hand, equates to instant brand awareness. You've already done half the work if your audience notices and recognises your posts among hundreds of others.

    Even if your brand isn't as well-known as Starbucks, Nike, or other big-name companies, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to keep a consistent image.

    Maintain a consistent colour scheme. Choose a single logo to use across all profiles. Maintain a consistent tone and utilise consistent wording across all posts.

    You may imbue your firm (and its social networks) with an air of professionalism by simply electing to be consistent with your branding efforts. When people come across your brand on social media, they will be more likely to recognise – and trust – it.

    3. Be Careful When Playing With Memes

    It's a risky approach to use "memes" in your social media campaign. If you do it incorrectly, you will come appear as stupid or out-of-style. On the other hand, if done well, customers will experience a new degree of connection to your brand.

    Balance is essential in all aspects of life. Your social media profiles should be as entertaining as they are instructive, and as funny as they are effective.

    Not only can a clever usage of a popular internet meme make your followers chuckle, but it will also make you look smart. It will make people reconsider your brand. You'll entertain your fans while gently engaging with them for your personal profit if you use comedy to humanise your company.

    After all, you're on social media to elicit a response from your audience and encourage participation. What better way to do that than with a well-timed, widely circulated meme?

    In conclusion, if you're looking for a social media marketing course in Ahmedabad that can equip you with the tools of the trade then look no further than Dominate Digitally. Dominate Digitally has a proved record of being one of the best institutes in Ahmedabad for pai

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    4 mins
  • Why are SEO training courses becoming so popular?
    Dec 4 2021

    Google organic traffic is one of the most effective strategies to get leads for your company on autopilot. However, "search engine optimization" can appear to be a terrifying beast that should only be tackled by rocket scientists.

    Our practical SEO course in Ahmedabad will teach you how to boost any website's organic growth, visibility, and conversion rates.

    In reality, SEO refers to anything you do to improve your ranking on Google. A 1% improvement per day might add up to a lot of traffic and put you on top in the long run.

    However, if you spend any time reading about SEO, you'll come across terms like JSON-LD and Structured data, which can be confusing and ineffective.

    Dominate Digitally’s detailed SEO Training in Ahmedabad comprises ever-green strategies and proven tactics that will never go out of fashion.

    In this article, I'll share 5 extremely actionable SEO techniques for freelancers that you can use right now to boost the rankings of your current business or get your freelancing career started.

    1. Create a website for freelance work.

    You must have a website for your business if you are serious about your freelance profession. A portfolio on a site like Dribbble isn't enough.

    Also, if you're on someone else's property and don't have your own website, it's quite difficult to boost your SEO.

    You should have your own website and domain name, which includes services like Blogspot and WordPress.com.

    Webflow and a self-hosted WordPress site are the finest solutions to establish a freelancing website in terms of SEO friendliness and ease of use.

    Webflow outperforms WordPress in terms of performance and quickness. However, WordPress is more popular, with a plethora of tutorials and instructions to help newbies get started.

    I propose utilising a top rated Managed WordPress Host like Kinsta to have good performance with your WordPress site (website speed influences your Google rankings). If you're on a budget, SiteGround is a good choice.

    To further optimise your site and make it load faster, use a tool like Pagespeed insights or GTmetrix.

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    7 mins