• Episode 216 - What if it's possible? Conquering Self Limiting Beliefs with Joy Baker
    Mar 11 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Joy Baker and discuss What if it's possible? Conquering self limiting beliefs.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:

    Website: Courageinaction.com

    IG: JoyBaker8888

    Free e-book on website - Messages from Spirit

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    40 mins
  • Episode 215 - High Vibrational Wellness With Sevante Wulkan
    Mar 6 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Sevante Wulkan and discuss High Vibrational Wellness.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:

    Website: ciftofficial.com You can find out about her books, teas, courses and oracle decks. Use cherries when you check out for a discount

    You can sign up for her Nourish Your Soul Retreats on her website. Upcoming July - New Mexico and October Nepal, India

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    42 mins
  • Episode 214 - Letting go of the need to struggle with Scott Grace
    Mar 4 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Scott Grace and discuss letting go of the need to struggle.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@scottgrace

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottkgrace

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    40 mins
  • Episode 213 - March Monthly Reading
    Feb 27 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we are going to do the March Monthly Reading.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about cards:

    Soul Coaching Oracle Cards by Denise Linn


    Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor


    Whispers of the Ocean Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield

    Back on Task

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    18 mins
  • Episode 212 - The Energy Body Connection with Alex Urbina
    Feb 25 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Alex Urbina and discuss The Energy Body Connection.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:


    Facebook: coachalexurbina

    X: alexreyurbina

    YouTube: alexurbinahealing

    Instagram: alexreyurbina

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    40 mins
  • Episode 211 - Astrology Awareness: North Node Soul Mission with Carmen Turner-Schott
    Feb 20 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Carmen Turner-Schott and discuss Astrology - North Node Soul Mission and other

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:


    Facebook: Deep Soul Divers Astrology

    Instagram: CarmenTurnerSchottAuthor

    YouTube: Carmen Turner Schott

    Podcast: Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars

    Free gift on website : 12th house and New Moon manifestation

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

    Show more Show less
    55 mins
  • Episode 210 - Heart Centered Energy with Ofer Niv
    Feb 18 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Ofer Niv and discuss Heart Centered Energy Work.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:



    Facebook/Linkedin/YouTube/Instagram - Ofer Niv

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    37 mins
  • Episode 209 - Intimacy over 50 with Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver
    Feb 13 2025

    Thank you for joining us on todays podcast where we share space with Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver and discuss Intimacy over 50.

    Where you can find us:


    YouTube – Daughters of the Moon Podcast

    IG @daughtersofthemoonpodcast

    Facebook - Daughters of the moon podcast


    Listen to us on any of the Podcast Platforms.

    Information about guest:

    Heart-to-Heart Connection - Partner Practice

    Deepen your connection, create harmony and shift the way you feel about yourself and each other in nano-seconds⁠https://tantranova.lpages.co/heart-to-heart-connection/⁠

    More information on Elsbeth & Freddy can be found at:⁠www.TantraNova.com⁠

    Their book 'Sexual Enlightenment' is available in hardcopy and audio format at:⁠https://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Enlightenment-Lasting-Fulfillment-Intimacy/dp/1452585431⁠

    Please like, share, follow and subscribe to our podcast. We would really love a positive review, asthis helps us to grow our podcast and continue to bring you amazing content.

    If you would like to be on our podcast, please contact us to let us knowwhat you would like to share with our followers and us.

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Kim and Barb andtheir guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes onlyand should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Pleaseconsult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

    We respectfully acknowledge the land on which we live, and work isTreaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the indigenous and the MetisPeople.

    For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows,this land will be recognized as Treaty 6 Territory.

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    50 mins