• Fiction Readers, Bird Flu Transmission, Beluga Heads
    Jul 18 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about how reading fiction could make you smarter, the first ever likely transmission of bird flu from a cow to a human, and how a beluga whale communicates with its squishy head.

    Fiction Readers

    • “People who read a lot of fiction tend to have better cognitive skills, study finds.” by Eric W. Dolan. 2024.
    • “Cognitive effects and correlates of reading fiction: Two preregistered multilevel meta-analyses.” by Lena Wimmer, et al. 2024.

    Bird Flu Transmission

    • “Texas dairy farm worker’s case may be first where bird flu virus spread from mammal to human, scientists say.” by Helen Branswell. 2024.
    • “Bird Flu Detections Reporting in Backyard and Commercial Birds.” CDC. 2024.
    • “Avian Influenza.” World Organization For Animal Health. 2023.
    • “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in a Dairy Farm Worker.” by Timothy M. Uyeki, M.D., M.P.H., et al. 2024.

    Beluga Heads

    • “Belugas may communicate by warping a blob of forehead fat.” by Elizabeth Anne Brown. 2024.
    • “Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) create facial displays during social interactions by changing the shape of their melons.” by Justin T. Richard, et al. 2024.

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    11 mins
  • Tobacco Treatment, Clean Touchscreen, Parrot Stepdads
    Jul 17 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about a new and stimulating method that could potentially help smokers kick the habit, an innovative copper coating that kills bacteria on touchscreens, and the little birds that sometimes make for great stepdads.

    Tobacco Treatment

    • “Can brain stimulation help people kick their tobacco addiction?” by Eric W. Dolan. 2024.
    • “Why Won’t Our Patients Stop Smoking?” by David M. Mannino, MD. 2009.
    • “A randomized controlled trial of intermittent theta burst stimulation to the medial prefrontal cortex for tobacco use disorder: Clinical efficacy and safety.” by Merideth A. Addicott, et al. 2024.

    Clean Touchscreen

    • “Copper coating turns touchscreens into bacteria killers.” by Ben Coxworth. 2024.
    • “Towards transparent and durable copper-containing antimicrobial surfaces.” by Christina Graham, et al. 2024.

    Parrot Stepdads

    • “New animal dads often kill their stepchildren. These parrots adopt them instead.” by Virginia Morell. 2024.
    • “Eviction-driven infanticide and sexually selected adoption and infanticide in a neotropical parrot.” by Steven R. Beissinger & Karl S. Berg. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins
  • Shark Oil, Eco-Friendly Lubricant, Historic Land Management
    Jul 12 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about the demand for a compound called squalene that is decimating deepwater shark populations, an amazing effort to create an eco-friendly lubricant using green chemistry, and the surprising connection between shepherds, women, and wildfires.

    Shark Oil

    • “Deepwater Sharks Are Threatened by Demand for Liver Oil.” by David Shiffman. 2024.
    • “100 Million Sharks Killed Every Year, Study Show On Eve of International Conference on Shark Protection.” National Geographic. 2013.
    • “Fishing for oil and meat drives irreversible defaunation of deepwater sharks and rays.” by Brittany Finucci, et al. 2024.

    Eco-Friendly Lubricant

    • “New eco-friendly lubricant additives protect turbine equipment, waterways.” EurekAlert! 2024.
    • “Minimizing Toxicity and Optimizing Lubricity of Ionic Liquids for Eco-Friendly Lubrication.” by Xin He, et al. 2024.

    Historic Land Management

    • “Anthropologist documents how women and shepherds historically reduced wildfire risk in Central Italy.” EurekAlert! 2024.
    • “Wildfires as legacies of agropastoral abandonment: Gendered litter raking and managed burning as historic fire prevention practices in the Monte Pisano of Italy.” by Andrew S. Mathews & Fabio Malfatti. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

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    12 mins
  • Ghost Shark, Grief Treatment, Blood Vessel Coordination
    Jul 11 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about a newly discovered deep sea ghost shark, the best way to treat prolonged grief disorder, and how the blood vessels in our brain coordinate to improve brain functioning.

    Ghost Shark

    • “‘Ghost shark’ with enormous head and giant iridescent eyes discovered off Thailand.” by Elise Poore. 2024.
    • “Chimaera.” Shark Trust. 2020.
    • “Chimaera supapae (Holocephali: Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), a new species of chimaera from the Andaman Sea of Thailand.” by David A. Ebert, et al. 2024.

    Grief Treatment

    • “Which therapy works best to treat prolonged grief disorder?” by Lachlan Gilbert. 2024.
    • “Cognitive Behavior Therapy vs Mindfulness in Treatment of Prolonged Grief Disorder.” by Richard A. Bryant, et al. 2024.
    • “Comparing the efficacy of mindfulness-based therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in head-to-head randomized controlled trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis of equivalence.” by Kristine Tretto Sverre, et al. 2022.
    • “Prolonged Grief Disorder.” Psychology Today. N.d.

    Blood Vessel Coordination

    • “Coordinating Blood Vessel Activity Might be Associated with Better Brain Performance.” Tohoku University. 2024.
    • “Plastic vasomotion entrainment.” by Daichi Sasaki, et al. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    11 mins
  • Thresher Shark, Laron Syndrome, Sad Music
    Jul 10 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about the incredible dynamics that make the thresher shark so good at threshing, how people with a rare growth disorder might actually have an advantage that leads to longer lifespans, and why people listen to sad music.

    Thresher Shark

    • Fear the Tails, Not the Jaws, of These ‘Weirdo’ Sharks.” by Kate Golembiewski. 2024.
    • “Vertebral morphology in the tail-whipping common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus.” by Jamie L. Knaub, et al. 2024.

    Laron Syndrome

    • “People with Rare Longevity Mutation May Also Be Protected from Cardiovascular Disease.” by Beth Newcomb. 2024.
    • “Normal or improved cardiovascular risk factors in IGF-I-deficient adults with growth hormone receptor deficiency.” by Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, et al. 2024.

    Sad Music

    • “New insights into the psychological enigma of sad music.” by Eric W. Dolan. 2024.
    • “Liking music with and without sadness: Testing the direct effect hypothesis of pleasurable negative emotion.” by Emery Schubert. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins
  • Newborn Great White, Long-Term Flu Shot, Consciousness Map
    Jul 5 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about the possible holy grail of great white shark sightings, a new flu vaccine that could knock out every strain and last a long time, and a map of human consciousness.

    Newborn Great White

    • “Great white sighting may reveal ‘holy grail’ of shark science.” by Katie Hunt. 2024.
    • “Novel aerial observations of a possible newborn white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Southern California.” by Carlos Gauna & Phillip C. Sternes. 2024.

    Long-Term Flu Shot

    • “New strategy could lead to universal, long-lasting flu shot.” EurekAlert! 2024.
    • “Duke University Developing Universal Flu Vaccine.” YouTube Video. 2023.
    • “Understanding Influenza (Flu) Infection: An Influenza Virus Binds to a Respiratory Tract Cell.” CDC. 2019.

    Consciousness Map

    • “Brain imaging study reveals connections critical to human consciousness.” EurekAlert! 2024.
    • “Consciousness.” by Anil Seth. n.d.
    • “What is the Connectome Coordination Facility?” CCF. n.d.
    • “Stimulant Therapy Targeted to Individualized Connectivity Maps to Promote ReACTivation of Consciousness (STIMPACT).” by Brian L. Edlow, M.D.

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    12 mins
  • Hammerhead Embryos, Free Throw Touch, Kinky Alloy
    Jul 4 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about the rare study of a hammerhead shark embryo, how touching your teammate might help them make free throws, and a super alloy that doesn’t break - it kinks.

    Hammerhead Embryos

    • “Secrets of Hammerhead Sharks Revealed in ‘Very Rare’ Images.” by Robyn White. 2024.
    • “Bonnethead shark.” David A. Ebert, et al. 2021.
    • “Are Hammerhead Sharks Dangerous and Do They Attack Humans?” by Robyn White. 2022.
    • “Embryonic development in the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), a viviparous hammerhead shark.” by Steven R. Byrum, et al. 2023.

    Free Throw Touch

    • “Physical touch from teammates appears to improve free throw accuracy in basketball.” by Eric W. Dolan. 2024.
    • “The power of human touch: Physical contact improves performance in basketball free throws.” by Christiane M. Buttner, et al. 2024.

    Kinky Alloy

    • “This Allow is Kinky.” by Aliyah Kovner. 2024.
    • “Kink bands promote exceptional fracture resistance in a NbTaTiHf refractory medium-entropy alloy.” by David H. Cook, et al. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins
  • Giant Shark, Barred Owl Cull, Misophonia Stress
    Jul 3 2024

    Today, you’ll learn about a massive prehistoric shark, the controversial plan to kill millions of barred owls, and how a condition called misophonia could be linked to stress and trauma.

    Giant Shark

    • “Ancient, 30-foot relative of great white shark unearthed in Mexico quarry.” by Melissa Hobson. 2024.
    • “Exceptionally preserved shark fossils from Mexico elucidate the long-standing enigma of the Cretaceous elasmobranch Ptychodus.” by Romain Vullo, et al. 2024.
    • “Cretaceous period: Animals, plants and extinction event.” by Michael Dhar. 2022.

    Barred Owl Cull

    • “They Shoot Owls in California, Don’t They?” by Franz Lidz. 2024.
    • “Northern Spotted Owl.” National Wildlife Federation. N.d.
    • “Barred-Owl-Letter.” Letter PDF. 2024.

    Misophonia Stress

    • “Misophonia severity tied to higher stress and trauma, study shows.” by Vladimir Hedrih. 2024.
    • “What Is Misophonia?” by Paul Frysh. 2023.
    • “Misophonia is related to stress but not directly with traumatic stress.” by Rachel E. Guetta, et al. 2024.

    Follow Curiosity Daily on your favorite podcast app to get smarter with Calli and Nate — for free! Still curious? Get exclusive science shows, nature documentaries, and more real-life entertainment on discovery+! Go to https://discoveryplus.com/curiosity to start your 7-day free trial. discovery+ is currently only available for US subscribers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins