
  • The Risk - Reward Myth of Mineral Exploration: Jon Hronsky
    Mar 22 2021
    Coffee with Samso Episode 76 is with Jon Hronsky, of Western Mining Services   Mineral Exploration has always been thought of as the highly speculative and hence is a high risk investment. Jon Hronsky, a geoscientist of the last 37 years shares his thoughts on why this is not true.   I met Jon way back in the late 1989 when I was in my second year of my undergraduate geology studies. I have casually been following his work since then and value his high level (regional) targeting strategies.   One of the hardest things to research are the myriad of projects that exist in companies in ASX. Over the years, I have been asked many times what I think of the projects in this company of that company. What is hard to comment on is the legacy that exist in these projects. If you do not know the history or the content of management, this is extremely hard to give a "correct" answer.   The general consensus is that if there is historical history of mineralisation, this will be a better project. As many experienced proponents of this sector will tell you, this is not anywhere near sufficient information to make a "intellectual" comment. There are way too many other information required before it comes near the point of an "educated" estimation.   Jon Hronsky comes form a breed of mineral exploration that looks at the picture and this is what I call the need for the right ingredients. I am talking about greenfield projects where the "out of the box" thinking have taken the "risk" to chase the potential. These kind of projects normally comes up with the greatest rewards for investors.   In this episode, Jon shares with us his thoughts on mineral exploration and why he thinks the Empress Springs project is a great example of the First Mover Strategy for Moho Resources Limited (ASX; MOH) .   This is the biggest coherent anomaly I have seen. - Jon Hronsky on the Empress Springs project. The risk for investors is realistically less for greenfield exploration as opposed to advanced projects.
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    30 mins
  • The Journey of the Irish King of Kalgoorlie - Ashok Parekh.
    Apr 21 2022
    "}}},"VERSION":"8.70.33"}"> Episode 140 of Coffee with Samso is with Ashok Parekh sharing with us about his experience in Kalgoorlie and the activities within the Mineral Resources sector. Ashok Parekh is an established and well respected identity within the Kalgoorlie community. This is the reason why he is so knowledgeable about the industry. According to Ashok, he has been in Kalgoorlie since 1984 and it is for this reason that I seek to have him on Coffee with Samso. There are not many chances where we get to hear from participants who are well entrenched with the ins and outs of this industry. I have known of Ashok for many decades and this is the first time I have spoken to him. A legend in Kalgoorlie, A legend in the mineral resource industry and a legend in the art of del making in a sector that has more dangerous creatures than the Southern Ocean To all those viewers who are investors, this is a great episode to listen to someone who is in the "purple circle". His words of wisdom you cannot buy. This is a man who has done it all so I encourage viewers to watch and reach out to Ashok. Chapters 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 01:26 Ashok introduces the story. 03:08 What was the Mining Industry like back in 1984? 05:42 What was the exploration industry like in the 1980s and now? 07:42 The lessons learned from the Silverlake Resources Limited IPO. 09:55 The Mystic of Paddy Hannan. 12:16 The success story from Kalgoorlie. 14:42 Race is not an issue in this industry. 15:44 What is Kalgoorlie like now? 17:13 The Industry is all about Boom and Bust. 18:04 The beauty of the Goldfields. 19:47 The potential of the Superpit. 20:27 Silver and Zinc potential in the Goldfields. 21:03 Biggest Issue for the Goldfields. 21:19 The bottle neck of Toll Treatment. 22:15 The Business of Gold Mining. 23:54 The process of making money in the gold mining industry. 25:56 The Rydges Model. 27:57 Understanding Technical and Management. 29:42 Quality people will create good business culture. 32:18 Commodity Price. 33:06 Lithium - The Real deal? 34:45 Is this our generation of a new Industrial Revolution / E-Revolution? 37:05 Vanadium. 39:40 Mount Holland and Red Dirt Metals Limited. 40:32 Uranium. 42:49 What is Ashok doing now? 44:30 Thank you to Ashok. 44:59 Diggers and Dealers. 45:56 Conclusion and Ashok´s work within the Indigenous Community. Ashok Parekh "}}},"VERSION":"8.70.33"}">
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    48 mins
  • Transitioning to a Tin Mining Company.
    Apr 23 2022
    Coffee with Samso Episode 141 is all about the progress to a Feasibility Study and creating a World Class Tin producer Venture Minerals Limited (ASX:VMS) is starting to build the long path for production and this is a great conversation with Andrew Radonjic, the Managing Director. In this episode of Coffee with Samso, Andrew share with us the progress and what he sees as the building steps to making Venture Minerals as a World Class Tin and Tungsten producer. Andrew and I discuss what has been happening and he gives an update on Thor (Julimar look-alike), Kulin, and Golden Grove North. These are what we call the other projects but we know that all these projects have the potential to have a life of their own. What I like about Venture Minerals at this stage is that the volatility that has been a common theme with its share price appear to have abated. This is a great time for potential investors to start doing their DYOR. I urge all interested readers and viewers to reach out to Andrew and satisfy their questions. Patience is the key to looking at the company's future. Let's listen to these chapters: 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 01:09 Thor Update 01:43 The Thor JV is now confirmed. 04:44 Thor could get bigger. 06:14 Team getting ready for upcoming Feasibility Studies. 10:26 What's the difference in the study now and in 2012. 14:18 Is the current resource robust enough? 19:22 Is the margin better now ? Can the other metals be a credit to the process? 23:46 What are the potential of non-Tin and non-Tungsten metals? 30:10 What are the exploration potentials? 31:35 Could the current Geopolitical Issues can be positive for the Tungsten market? 37:02 Thoughts on nationalism on metal mining. 39:53 Is the Green Tin still a possibility? 45:11 Rehabilitation can be positive for the environment. 46:46 Other projects. 49:24 News flow 51:03 Why the feasibility study should be "easier". 52:26 Conclusions
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    53 mins
  • Revolver Resources Limited - An Elephant Copper Deposit - Discovered in Queensland - Australia
    May 6 2022
    Coffee with Samso Episode 142 is all about Revolver Resources Limited (ASX: RRR) discovering what is looking like a giant Copper Deposit in Queensland. In this episode of Coffee with Samso, we explore a company that is developing a great copper deposit. Revolver has two assets in north western Queensland, Australia that seem to be little know. The company had worked on these projects for 7 years in a private capacity and were listed in 2021. The company is well funded, cashed up and is in the process of unlocking the value of Dianne and Osprey. The two projects headline the company with both showing enormous potential. Pat Williams, the managing director of the company speaks to us about the dedication of the company to produce value for shareholders by systematically going through the process of exploration while keeping a tight reign on costs. The recent discovery of the Green Hill corridor speaks volume of the potential of Dianne. Green Hill prospect is not looking to emulate a size of 3 football fields and the results are indicating that the size could grow further. Operation on site commenced 1st half of Oct 2021-2022 and continuous in the wet tropics. The work completed include surface mapping, regional surface sampling, an extensive IP program and a 17 hole DD program. Diane is open in 3 remaining directions. Osprey is poised to be a Tier 1 project. The company has conducted 3 IP programs & continues building the geophysical signatures. The project is already showing indicators of a halo typical of an IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) system. The talented and experienced Board of Management are hands on actively exploring its tenements and pursuing further acquisitions as well as creating additional Shareholder value.​ Let's listen to these chapters: 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 01:10 The Dog with two Tales. 01:30 Pat Williams Introduction. 04:50 Transition from private company to public listed 07:03 The Dianne Copper Project 14:56 The prospectivity of projects like Diane. 16:50 Dianne project is an underexplored system? 24:11 The Green Hill prospect? 26:43 The other project - Osprey? 34:12 The value of WMC projects. 36:17 The pedigree of Osprey. 40:48 What could hamper your project and how are you countering these issues? 45:21 What are the news flow that investor can expect? 49:14 Why RRR? 50:21 Conclusion
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    52 mins
  • An Exploration Update - Thor Mining Plc (ASX: THR)
    May 8 2022
    Rooster Talk Episode 55 is with Nicole Galloway Warland, Managing Director - Thor Mining Plc (ASX: THR) Thor Mining is a updating us on the Ragged Range and the Uranium projects. The scene is set for exploration to begin. Our first encounter with Thor Mining was in February 2021 at a Coffee with Samso - A Potential ESG compliant Copper-Gold Producer: Thor Mining Plc (ASX:THR) - and the current Managing Director, Nicole Galloway Warland was the company's Exploration Manager then. The projects that were just being worked on then had just as much potential as the story. In this episode of Rooster Talk, Nicle gives us an update on the Ragged Range project which has a Lithium, Copper and Gold flair. The project is intriguing as it appears to have all three commodities in play. As Nicole begins to explain, the Ragged Range is very under explored with potentials that have yet to be realised or sterilised. As the exploration work begins to take hold, new will be flowing and a time for some serious work to be completed. Chapters 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 01:19 Update from Nicole. 02:10 Ragged Range 04:52 What has the historical information taught you about Ragged Ramge. 06:17 The Uranium and Vanadium update. 08:16 A well known uranium and vanadium area. 09:15 The acceptance of Uranium and Implications. 10:35 Uranium and the "No Emission" world. 11:24 Conclusions
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    12 mins
  • Cooper Metals Limited (ASX: CPM) - The Beginning of a Copper Discovery Process.
    May 10 2022
    Coffee with Samso Episode 143 Today's mineral exploration story is about Cooper Metals Limited (ASX: CPM) chasing for Copper and Gold. Ian Warland, Cooper's Managing Director, an exploration geologist with more than three decades of experience shares the concepts of the Cooper Metals story. In this episode of Coffee with Samso, I an gives us a good update on what is happening with their Australian projects in Mt Isa East, Queensland and the Gooroo Gold project in Western Australia. The recent interest in the Mt Isa region is set for exploration activities that is slowly taking shape. As the company is getting ready for more exploration activities, we learn about what is happening and why viewers should be getting some good old DYOR happening. Cooper Metals still has a fairly low market capitalisation so I urge viewers to watch and contact Ian to understand more about the company. Let's listen to these chapters 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 01:02 Ian Warland introduces Cooper Metals Limited 01:31 Quick run down on the RC program at King Solomon and Python 04:27 The significance of the ground proofing 04:54 Difference between EM and Fixed EM Loop 06:25 The evolution of Geophysics in exploring for Base Metals 07:42 Importance of modern technology advances like Geophysics 09:15 Geophysics saving exploration expenditure 09:41 Gooroo project 12:07 Geophysical targeting. 12:33 Market expectations 13:27 Current market flow 14:34 Conclusion
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    16 mins
  • Matador Mining Limited (ASX: MZZ) - Building a Mining Portfolio.
    May 11 2022
    The Exploration Focus of Matador Mining - Building a Mining Portfolio Rooster Talk Episode 56 with Sam Pazuki, the new Managing Director/CEO and Ian Murray, Non-Executive Chair of Matador Mining Limited (ASX: MZZ) This episode of Rooster Talk is all about Sam Pazuki, the Managing Director and CEO of Matador Mining. Sam comes from an experienced background with Oceania Gold Limited (ASX: OGC : TSX: OGC) who are a very successful gold miner. I like this move as I have said in my previous comments that Matador is a gold miner in the waiting. The Cape Ray project is 120km in length and has a resource of over 800,000 ounces which is destined to grow over time. In this episode, we get to hear what Sam's vision is for Matador. We also hear from Ian Murray, Non-Executive Chair, who shares his thoughts on the new member of the board and the new CEO. Chapters: 00:00 Start 00:20 Introduction 00:52 Ian Murray introduces Sam Pazuki, as new CEO . 01:53 Self-intro by Sam Pazuki 06:07 Looking at Gold Road No. 2 in making and the handover transition 08:18 Sam smooth transition period into MZZ 12:00 What is the prize for Matador? 17:11 The importance of structural geology. 17:55 The right strategy 19:01 Thoughts on Hermitage Project 19:33 Quick update on Matador 21:38 Ian involvement in MZZ 23:10 Sam on market expectation 25:10 Conclusion
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    26 mins