
  • On Tour With The Holy Spirit :: Unwrapped
    Mar 10 2024

    On Tour With The Holy Spirit :: Unwrapped with Ps. Nicola Gibb.

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    50 mins
  • On Tour With The Holy Spirit :: Episode 1
    Mar 6 2024

    This week we start our series of On Tour With The Holy Spirit with Ps. Nicola Gibb.

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    40 mins
  • Relationships :: Relationship with Others
    Mar 6 2024

    Our final sermon in our relationship series. Relationship with others with Ps. Nicola Gibb.

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    36 mins
  • Relationships :: Relationship with Jesus w/ Dave Tibos
    Feb 18 2024

    In this faith-inspiring episode, Dave "the Tibernator" shares his impactful journey with Jesus Christ and how it has transformed his life. Being a steadfast gospel-sharer, Dave discusses the essence of knowing and maintaining a deep relationship with Jesus. He engages us with a spiritual narration on the vital role of faithfulness with Christ, drawing compelling examples from the lives of Peter and Mary, treasured biblical characters.

    Dave's remarkable testament encourages us to anchor our lives on Jesus, experiencing a life of eternity that starts the moment we let God into our hearts. He emphasizes maintaining simple and childlike faith, reflecting the teachings of Jesus himself. He gracefully connects his love for Christ with his tireless desire to help others realize their divine potential.

    With a blend of heartfelt laughter and profound insights, Dave compellingly shares how our stories of burden transform into love stories when we let Jesus reside in our hearts. His inspiring journey is a beacon of hope to trust in God's promises actively working in our lives.

    In this robust sermon, the speaker unpacks his personal journey of finding laughter, simplicity, and a direct relationship with God amid life's chaos. He discusses the transformative nature of childlike faith, dying to oneself, and embodying love as a Christ follower. These foundation stones draw us closer to Jesus and help us understand, embrace, and model God's love for us.

    The testimony presented here invites us to question our worthiness and control, urging us to surrender to God's wisdom and unconditional love. Packed with enlightening teachings, personal reflections, and God-centered affirmations; this sermon takes us back to basics, helping us find profound joy and spiritual fulfillment. Experience the joyous art of becoming love, learning to get out of our own way, and embracing the divine mystery of child-like faith by joining Dave on this enlightening journey of faith transformation.

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    31 mins
  • Relationships :: Dads Army
    Feb 18 2024

    In this enlightening series we explore the dynamic relationships that make up our lives, starting with the most pivotal one - our relationship with God the Father. Before extending our focus to other relationships such as marriages or friendships, we present the notion that strengthening our bond with our Divine Father is the cornerstone for improving all other relationships. To succeed in every aspect of life, you must first align your relationship with the Father. Throughout this journey, we delve deeper into the concept of the Father’s love, our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and how these spiritual bonds profoundly impact our worldly relationships and our wider community.

    Our inaugural session is predominantly about our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Through numerous scriptures, we invite you to contemplate His greatness and unconditional love toward us all and to enjoy a personal encounter with Him. No matter what our experiences have been with earthly fathers, we must not parallel them with our relationship with our Father in Heaven. Despite histories of broken families or disappointing paternal relationships, solace is found in knowing that our Heavenly Father is perfect. Embark on this journey with us to fortify your spiritual relationship and enhance your relationships on earth.

    This podcast conveys the transformative power, healing attributes, and spiritual nourishment of living a Jesus-centered life. We share our conviction about Jesus as the sole path to salvation and discuss our personal encounters with Him, which have strengthened our faith. By echoing the Father's qualities, Jesus introduces us to the most profound love, protection, and essence of belonging, prompting us to love and serve God above all else.

    Explore the true comfort, grace, and hope derived from faith in Jesus and discover the merits of being a part of God's family. Gain insight into your position within God's grand plan while basking in the assurance of being loved and cared for as His children. Listen to the narrative of our faith-evolving journey and experience the sense of peace and exhilaration that comes with serving under God. Learn to approach God with childlike faith, internalize His teachings, and observe them manifest in your life. Answer the call, join the faith's army and embark on this life-changing journey.

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    43 mins
  • Vision Sunday at C3 Penrith
    Feb 18 2024

    In today's sermon, we embark on a profound exploration of the powerful interplay between faith and action in our Christian journey. Citing the biblical accounts of Centurion's child-like faith and Apostle Paul's unwavering determination, we underline faith's undeniable significance and elucidate the unique gifts God has instilled within each of us for our Christian mission.

    We delve into the beautiful analogy of the handcrafted horses representing the essence of God's creativity and our unique design in His likeness. As we underscore the relevance of these God-given gifts, we ignite a vital discussion on our roles as contributors to our Church and society. Beyond being a mere concept, we realize how faith essentially requires us to put it into action.

    The sermon encourages believers to note down and pray over their aspirations for the future. With inspiring accounts of personal struggles transformed into stories of faith and the surprising wonders it can bring about, we are stirred to make our dreams a reality and not hesitate in longing for great things aligning with God's will.

    While envisioning a vibrant Church teeming with passionate Christians committed to impacting their communities, the sermon enlightens us on recognizing our identities in Christ, preparing us to fulfill our God-ordained missions. The message culminates in emphasizing the need for unity and focused, determined action in the Church and among believers.

    Building on the inspiring story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4, we learn how aligning our individual visions with God's grand mission can lead to unimaginable blessings and fulfillment. We get introduced to extraordinary leaders constructively expanding God's kingdom and meet our new staff members. This thought-provoking episode concludes with prayers for each visionary to receive divine guidance, fortitude, and anointment to actualize their dreams, contributing significantly to the Church's mission.

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    37 mins
  • Faith :: I gave you my word - Ps. Nicola Gibb
    Jan 29 2024

    C3 Penrith - Sunday 28th January 2024 - Faith :: I gave you my word with Pastor Nicola Gibb.

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    54 mins
  • Faith :: Ask Questions w/ Phil Jagger
    Jan 29 2024

    Sunday 21st January 2024 - Faith :: Ask Questions with Phil Jagger.

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    55 mins