Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Breathe In History: A Journey Through Borobudur Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Borobudur pagi itu basah karena hujan semalam.En: Borobudur that morning was wet due to the rain from the night before.Id: Kabut tipis melayang perlahan, memberi aura misterius pada candi yang megah.En: A thin mist drifted slowly, giving a mysterious aura to the magnificent temple.Id: Adi menggenggam catatan yang dibawanya.En: Adi clutched the notes he brought.Id: "Hari ini aku akan mengungkap semua rahasia Borobudur," pikirnya.En: "Today, I will uncover all the secrets of Borobudur," he thought.Id: Adi dan Rina, kakaknya, datang untuk merayakan Maulid Nabi sekaligus belajar dari sejarah candi ini.En: Adi and Rina, his sister, came to celebrate Maulid Nabi as well as to learn from the history of this temple.Id: "Adi, jangan terlalu memaksakan diri," kata Rina, khawatir karena tahu adiknya mengidap asma.En: "Adi, don't push yourself too hard," said Rina, worried because she knew her brother had asthma.Id: "Malam ini kita punya banyak waktu, Rina," jawab Adi semangat.En: "We have plenty of time tonight, Rina," replied Adi excitedly.Id: Bayu, seorang pemandu lokal, menyambut mereka.En: Bayu, a local guide, greeted them.Id: "Halo, perkenalkan, saya Bayu.En: "Hello, let me introduce myself, I'm Bayu.Id: Saya akan menemani kalian berkeliling hari ini.En: I will accompany you around today."Id: "Bayu mulai bercerita tentang sejarah candi.En: Bayu began to tell the story of the temple's history.Id: Adi mendengarkan dengan antusias, mencatat setiap detail.En: Adi listened enthusiastically, noting every detail.Id: Rina memperhatikan langit yang mendung, berharap hujan tidak akan turun lagi.En: Rina watched the cloudy sky, hoping it wouldn't rain again.Id: Saat mereka menaiki anak tangga, Adi mulai terengah-engah.En: As they climbed the steps, Adi started to pant.Id: Udara lembap membuatnya sulit bernapas.En: The humid air made it difficult for him to breathe.Id: Rina memandang Adi dengan cemas.En: Rina looked at Adi with concern.Id: "Adi, kita harus istirahat," usulnya.En: "Adi, we should rest," she suggested.Id: "Tidak, aku baik-baik saja," tolak Adi, meski napasnya semakin berat.En: "No, I'm fine," Adi refused, even though his breath was getting heavier.Id: Bayu melihat situasinya.En: Bayu noticed the situation.Id: "Ayo, kita ke sana.En: "Let's go over there.Id: Ada tempat duduk di bawah pohon itu," tawarnya, menunjuk ke arah tempat teduh.En: There's a seat under that tree," he offered, pointing to a shaded spot.Id: Mereka menuju tempat aman itu.En: They headed to that safe place.Id: Rina mendudukkan Adi.En: Rina sat Adi down.Id: "Tarik napas dalam-dalam, Adi.En: "Take a deep breath, Adi."Id: "Adi berusaha mengatur napas.En: Adi tried to regulate his breathing.Id: Bayu memberi suntikan semangat, "Jangan khawatir, kita bisa lanjut nanti setelah kamu merasa lebih baik.En: Bayu gave some encouragement, "Don't worry, we can continue later after you feel better."Id: "Setelah beberapa waktu, Adi mulai merasa lega.En: After some time, Adi started to feel relieved.Id: "Maaf sudah merepotkan," katanya pelan.En: "Sorry for the trouble," he said softly.Id: "Yang penting kesehatanmu, Di," kata Rina, menggenggam tangannya.En: "The important thing is your health, Di," said Rina, holding his hand.Id: "Sejarah tidak akan lari ke mana-mana, Adi.En: "History won't run away, Adi.Id: Kita bisa belajar dengan cara yang lebih santai," ujar Bayu sambil tersenyum.En: We can learn in a more relaxed way," said Bayu with a smile.Id: Setelah istirahat cukup, mereka melanjutkan perjalanan dengan langkah lebih tenang.En: After enough rest, they continued their journey at a more relaxed pace.Id: Bayu bercerita lebih banyak tentang batu-batu candi yang dipahat indah.En: Bayu told them more about the beautifully carved temple stones.Id: Adi menyadari pelajaran penting: menikmati perjalanan juga bagian dari pencarian.En: Adi realized an important lesson: enjoying the journey is also part of the quest.Id: Mereka menutup hari itu dengan kekayaan cerita dan kekayaan persahabatan.En: They ended the day with a wealth of stories and the richness of friendship.Id: Serta keputusan Adi yang berbeda.En: Along with Adi's different decision.Id: Kini ia tahu, kadang kala, mendengarkan tubuh lebih penting demi mencapai tujuan.En: Now he knows, sometimes, listening to your body is more important to achieve your goals.Id: Borobudur tetap berdiri megah, dengan Adi yang telah belajar pelajaran berharga: bernafas lebih penting dibanding sekadar berlari mengejar pengetahuan.En: Borobudur still stands majestically, with Adi having learned a valuable lesson: breathing is more important than just running after knowledge. Vocabulary Words:wet: basahmist: kabutdrifted: melayangmysterious: misteriusmagnificent: megahclutched: menggenggamuncover: ...