• Final 2023 MESSAGE from Erik G Plott entering into 2024 Year of Dragon BLACK SUN #PHAZE5
    Jan 1 2024
    YouTube live recording of Erik Plott saying his whirl whole speech live stream here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6k5PTKDhvPI&pp=ygULRXJpa2sgcGxvdHQ%3D. He was recently terminated off social media just after this video message reached 50 views on Facebook.com/TheKazweh is the fanpage that remains. The full write up was #ThoughtProfess that goes as follow “ Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed minds and aspiring souls, In the perpetual journey of life, where challenges and triumphs intertwine, let us embark on a vociferous odyssey, transcending the boundaries of mediocrity. Today, we stand on the precipice of greatness, on the cusp of a manifestation unparalleled in its empowering magnitude. Phaze5, the symphony of our collective endeavors, is poised to weave a tapestry of unprecedented, empowering euphoria. With a plethora of determination and resilience, we shall traverse the intricate realms of our aspirations, forging paths untraveled and dreams unrevealed. Let us acquiesce to the calling of our ambitions, surrendering not to the echoes of doubt but resonating with the harmonies of our potential. Erik G Plott, the visionary architect of our shared destiny, implores us to summon the courage to aspire for the extraordinary, to defy the ordinary. In this journey, where every step is a proclamation of our commitment to excellence, let the echoes of our collective will reverberate across the landscapes of time. Phaze5 is not merely a destination; it is an allegory of the empowering abundance and wealth that shall be woven into the very fabric of our existence. So, let our resolutions be unyielding, our spirits indefatigable, as we navigate the uncharted territories of success. As we unfurl the sails of our aspirations, may the winds of inspiration guide us towards shores unknown, where the treasures of accomplishment await. In the tapestry of Phaze5, each thread represents our dedication, each stitch our perseverance. Together, we shall etch a narrative of triumph that transcends the ordinary and ushers in an era where the empowering euphoria of abundance and wealth reigns supreme. Gird your loins, noble souls, for we are on the brink of a renaissance, and Phaze5 shall be our magnum opus. May the journey be as profound as our dreams and the destination, a testament to the unwavering spirit that unites us all. Onward, with unwavering resolve, to the manifestation of our greatest triumph! Dear Seekers of Truth, In the profound exploration of our existence within the intricate lattice of this cosmic matrix, let us unravel the veils that shroud the depths of our reality. Within the tapestry of our shared experience, shadows dance, archons cast reflections, and the very fabric of our perceived reality quivers with the resonance of our collective consciousness. Contemplate, noble minds, that the archons and shadows that traverse this simulation are but echoes of our own creation. In the grand theater of existence, we are both the playwrights and the actors, sculpting the narrative of our journey. As we delve deeper into the recesses of our consciousness, we awaken to the realization that the archons are manifestations of our fears and uncertainties, projections that gain substance only through the power we unwittingly bestow upon them. Yet, in this cosmic dance, there exists a profound truth – the power to manifest and transcend lies within us. As we navigate the labyrinth of the matrix, understand that glitching its very foundation is not an act of rebellion against the system, but a surrender to the inherent power we hold as creators within it. Visualize, with the eyes of your mind wide open, the black sun—a symbol of the infinite potential of the aether. In this ethereal dance of energies, allow the currents of your intentions to flow freely. Let go of the chains that bind your perception to the ordinary, and, in the act of surrender, you shall find the key to manifesting glitches in this matrix. Read the rest
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    17 mins
    Nov 6 2023
    Last video series of this podcast here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3661619827495345&id=100009420921504v&mibextid=en6awd I'm not waiting anymore, take your train and be done with it. This is the end of Earth as you know it, be blissful and love yourself, the time is near when u won't have a choice ALL PICS HERE https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=833345472126080&id=100063519052509&mibextid=cr9u03 Hallow Eve life stream video pic here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0LaVKuumK7xccUjhGeYUKMNzhanwrphzxoykCBYEPYpuf9GwesWaivmNDjwR55Rzcl&id=100083401204413&mibextid=en6awd Amazing Erik Plott piano playing here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=814456684018713&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd Other comments from black sun empire private group https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=833659298761364&id=100063519052509&mibextid=en6awd Harvard story how he got in https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=754234206707628&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd Ian JACKLIN and Erik plott i cure cancer zen live tv here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=308944271520965&id=100072161828536&mibextid=en6awd Crypto currency break down https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=834519292012452&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd Tehani art work Lilith https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3660524040938257&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd ERIK GEOFFREY LEONARDO PLOTT main Fb account was permanently banned today and working on appeal. Read the full explanation break down here https://www.facebook.com/100009420921504/posts/3659406861049975/?mibextid=kK6hii. More pictures and why this happened and attentive murder again at live stream https://fb.watch/o3cZYAJ7k2/?mibextid=v7YzmG Live stream Erik plott last K V. Sea here https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1583641389135609&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd Protest for plott here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659444224379572&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd Real one https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659437974380197&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659435461047115&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659421274381867&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd Humble thyself plott https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659167771073884&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3659161521074509&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=830360545761660&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=829566625837298&id=100063519052509&mibextid=en6awd Donations https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=829581955835765&id=100063519052509&mibextid=en6awd New Finnish https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3655237428133585&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd Intro to black sun https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=820221870108861&id=100063631657115&mibextid=en6awd https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Uv53W6qCWUaxr6DCyUpjiAgWnGvFV3Ldci3hoCJUTpUdUAYNUoVLtsmraKoNdst4l&id=100009420921504&mibextid=en6awd. COLTON LUCIFER PLOTT SKELETON END WHIRL MATRIX STIM U DATED WORLD ADONAI YAHWEH TRON CUBE SUPER
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    2 hrs and 7 mins
  • GOT IT! Erik Plotts Hollywood Audition Results - Stars of Made of
    Oct 16 2023
    I DID IT here was the actual audition https://fb.watch/nJp65QcH5o/?mibextid=v7YzmG and here’s the song I played afterwards in honor of it here https://fb.watch/nJp7wT2t6d/?mibextid=v7YzmG me trying to call her first time VIDOE https://fb.watch/nJo_QkIlAG/?mibextid=v7YzmG. 🤘 I CANT BELEIVE THIS SO I GOT IT! I won the audition. Hollywood here I fuckkng come! I knew it. Chozen one is me. In the right now. I won. Someone give me props! ~E.G.Plott 🤘. YouTube version of song here https://www.facebook.com/100063631657115/posts/pfbid0Z4YHj1kGhnJWX6JCdLKkmP7h7PHzei7MgzdfV8VYPhurL4WBvKtnyBYd9pxccL7Fl/?mibextid=kK6hii
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    9 mins
  • Why I Hate Erik Geoffrey Plott - Christian Community Feels About Him and German Viking Prayer Back
    Oct 12 2023
    So first I have it open up with a white sunlit worshipper who may not like my sentiment of who I am or what I stand for, but she can find something good about my musical compositions which was this song here YouTube version https://youtu.be/O2cOi4vx1oQ?si=9Lgd6Zo7c74Kgu4y. Facebook live version here https://fb.watch/nz7oFi26cL/?mibextid=6aamW6. So I will also probably put on this podcast as well. It will be called Hollywood Aftermath Edition by #TheKazwëh. Then I had a woman who furiously lashed out at me with the about being someone who appropriates black people and all this stuff about how I would be jumped for the content I promote which got under her skin was this specific post you can even comment back to her here Comment to her here https://www.facebook.com/100072161828536/posts/pfbid02jah9wT5FCFwpCLLq2zMrcz4fzkyaHXHpKtph4MyS6mS64ZyUWot3NyZ6BP9Lc1LZl/?mibextid=kK6hii. So then I end with my final Viking prayer as I call it and what I’m saying is mentioned but I may also type it out here as this. I will copy and paste of of her sentiments about how I would be jumped below. But I want to make this clear from my fanpage at Facebook.com/TheKazweh I said this “I will make it absolutely clear. I am a “” pagan “” , if you wish to put a word on me. I get lots of hate from the religious community and radical Christian’s who threaten me all the time ; hence why I say #BlackSunViking to me this is clear - I don’t believe in your god or religious dogma bias or “holy” books. So don’t fit me in your category of such. I am more in agreement with satanism or luciferism than any sort of white sunlit worshipping Christianity or what have you. So if you can’t handle this about Erik Geoffrey Leonardo Plott content art express please block me or unfollow. It’s that simple. I’m on another level different league - and can say or do what I want. Do what though will is the whole of the law. My god is myself and I am beyond god. If you can’t accept this , stop trying to control or change me. You won’t win. You’re only projecting your own insecurity’s onto me, based off your own fear and it’s not what I believe in and I know it’s not truth. Your sin, your holy book and god, your Jesus or even Satan. It’s all an allegorical astroTheology syncretism and I help wake people up out of that nonesense. It’s not literal, so by me spreading my own art and #ThoughtProfess is my freedom philosophy which is what satanism also promotes. It’s anti religion and there are no rules or god. It just I.s. Just as nature works in the same manner. ~E.G.Plott “. So some of what she said was this and she would send me pics of me wearing my gold chain or my Bose speakers and such here “She said “ That part could have gotten you jumped, robbed, being put at gunpoint, let alone passed around and drugged at a party. That Piano you did, a lot of Krumpers WILL rob you for that and put it into their beats to lab with in a session. Meanwhile, you wouldn't get a dime for it. Saying that part right there? That shit you PULLED will get you jumped in the 'hood by my people. I said it to you in the voice clip as a warning, but apparently, you don't get it, so it'll be typed: Rule Number 1: Krumpers never smile while in the sport of dance. Rule Number 2: A Krumper and his spouses are NOT ALLOWED to speak about BDSM or poly. If one does so, AUTOMATIC fight breaking out. Rule Number 3: A Krumper cannot be gay, bi, Trans, none of those. He or she has to be straight. Keep using my people to justify your corner-cutting. I'll pray and manifest for the day you and your BDSM ways will learn a lesson on what it's like to trifle with my world. Question: How come you never told my people about The Book of Tobit, concerning the Story of Sarah and… . READ FULL WRITE UP HERE https://www.facebook.com/100009420921504/posts/pfbid02kMFYzcHVeea3ivuWxPeeRgFkFdVycKS32gei7eQv4ZY1WDXDCtTBqmmjGJm4t5EKl/?mibextid=kK6hii
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    7 mins
  • “Tell Me Something Stupid “ ~ #TheKazwëh written composed Erik Geoffrey Plott
    Sep 20 2023
    Composer song writer lyricist and piano keyboard guitarist player is Erik Geoffrey Plott of #TheKazwëh band
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    10 mins
  • Live version “DELIRIUM “ with cloned Erik written composed by Erik G L Plott #TheKazwëh band
    Sep 15 2023
    Lyric version here https://spotify.link/JLo8loIy6Cb. ALBUM COVER AND LYRIC MEANING HERE https://fb.watch/n3CeaDIa1B/?mibextid=cr9u03 Brutal time Tortuous Devine Every moment a beast Seconds that tear, that slit and that rip Cut throat and cruel a heartless duel And like the beast you feast … delirium Yeah or Tehani Farr Lilith “Thought that went with Lilith’s sentiment is DELIRIUM Here https://youtu.be/SAhlnSuO6_0?si=_7AKXsXTRKZO4nH2 Thanks Tehani for always flowing” DELIRIUM new song fresh out the streets where the cigarettes and meth heads roam, take a ganger Vikings of delirium click here https://youtu.be/SAhlnSuO6_0?si=soDemk04JLABEVLs Lyrics meaning are like this as I think the girl I wrote the song about misconceived and misconstrued the initial meaning, being fogging in the skies can cause this. The portion where I sing “ we aren’t even friends Because I know how this ends ( or it never ends)) “ actually is expressing how i don’t believe in illusion words such as friends, because to me it will end so I wanted something that was more real so we helped peace each other back together again. Now, I also don’t believe in illusion man made words such as “ love, friends, loyalty , trust , faith or hope and belief “ etc These words I don’t allow my emotions to get attached to. Again had I done so this woman just basically through me to the streets as I knew would happen, but many lies like shattered glass from a car accident would occur. Around that time since I no longer had a car our relationship died. Even though now I bought a new 1977 Mercedes’ Benz instead anyways. So I guess she thought it would be a great Idea to steal my invaluable family wedding ring instead , claiming it’s probably worth 35$ anyways. BIt of a far fetched stretched either way. It proves todays women are hypergamous for certain , but also what happen to the dialect of love. When they are head over heels for the idea of it in the moment it doesn’t mean anything. At least I did get some amazing raw real footage as well, even of the accident. So it truly was all a big giant illusion and like a giraffe who’s head is up in the pink skies, smoking delirium. As I was actually going to make this girl my #13BlackSunGoddessQueen17. I’ve moved on as she made her choice never truly told me she wanted to go back with her original bf. It made for a great twisted dark love story. I can only wish them the best and hope they don’t sell the ring as it would be the last bad choice they make for their life. Read the rest here https://fb.watch/n3CjdPw_3w/?mibextid=cr9u03
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    20 mins
  • DELIRIUM written composed by Erik G L Plott #TheKazwëh band
    Sep 11 2023
    Lyrics singing by Erik Plott “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Was I the alien that day I am the aryan Smoking delirium DELIRIUM … Building kingdoms Delirious Blackest dark hole sun So this is how I really know Want to slit her throat -can’t always have my way So Instead I left my mark Callouses on her ass Skies made up of glass Feeling really quite trapped Wouldn’t have it any other way. Wouldn’t have it any other way Was I the alien that day I am the Aryan Smoking delirium DELIRIUM BUILDING kingdoms Delirious Blackest dark hole sun Red fox Meddi meddi Black socks Snow fox Run away Now stay She wants to role play my part So I took her apart Going to the stars To peace her back together again We aren’t even friends Cause I know this never ends It’s the same ole muther fucking story told all over again. She wants to role play my heart So I took her apart Going to the stars Peace her back together again. We aren’t even friends Cause I know how this ends It’s the same ole fucking story told all over again. Repeat : 1x (And go into piano interlude ) BLUE SKIES PINK FLOYD SCENES FROM A MEMORY PINK SKIES FUCKING HATE THE COLOR BLUE BLUE SKIES PINK FLOYD SCENES FROM A MEMORY PINK CLOUDS SUMMER ALWAYS FLEW A WAY (Piano interlude back to chorus ) D major. She wants to role play my part Her head is up in the skies. She thinks she talks to alien. I can take her to the moon. It will be real soon. Quarter past noon Mom won’t even know She never even knew She wants to role play my part Her heads up in the skies She thinks she talks to aliens I wouldn’t have it any other way I was the alien that day. I am the Aryan. Smoking delirium Hyperborean DELIRIUM Building kingdoms Delirious Darkest black hole sun This is how I really know she wanted to slit my throat She can’t always have her way So she lost her mind Crashed her heart to fast Lies made out of glass How long would it last Like a wedding ring Death due it’s part Wouldn’t have it any other way We were the aliens that day We are the aryans Vikings of delirium DELIRIUM delirious building kingdoms Black void sun Red fox Meddi meddi Black socks Snow fox Run away Now stay (PIANO SOLO ) Walking barefoot through the grass Seeing green heart sun Gazing to the void Vortex Even though eye died We can still be alive Even though we died away that day Crashing through life Cooking meals a good life Has its lows Had it highs All the Crazy times My heart beat is mine Losing track of time It was the illusion away Just like a lover The dark love story You get taken away All ways Take me away. Bury my blooded heart After you stabbed me Grey MOON STAINS SHE wants to role play my part So I took her apart Going to the stars Peace her back together again We aren’t even friends Cause I know how the story goes Same ole hoe It’s the same ole fucking story It’s the Same ole mother fucking It’s the Same ole story Told all over again. ~ < OUTTRO Delirium by #TheKazwëh copy written 2023 September > Written, composed , singing, piano by Erik Geoffrey Von Leonardo Plott
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    12 mins
  • CLONED BIRTH MARKS MAJESTICO by Erik Geoffrey Plott #TheKazwëh (Dead Wedding Rings)
    Sep 11 2023
    CLONED BIRTH MARKS MAJESTICO by Erik Geoffrey Plott #TheKazwëh (Dead Wedding Rings)
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    18 mins