• Finding the Courage to Quit Career Burnout and Start a New Fulfilling Life with Harmony Jade
    Sep 15 2024

    Sometimes we have those days where you want to pack it all up, drive away and leave those unfulfilling bits of your life behind. Having the courage to actually do it? Well, that’s a totally different story! And it’s one that our guest this week is able to personally share with us. Harmony Jade, a women’s business mentor and certified yoga instructor, joins me on the latest episode of the Beautiful Subconscious podcast. After working a high-pressure job in the corporate world for over 20 years, she experienced firsthand the mental toll of career burnout (or as she calls it, the polite way of saying nervous breakdown). Harmony found she no longer recognised the person she had become - so, she decided to make a radical change. She now balances her love for yoga with her passion for mentoring women in the business space, and encourages them to find harmony in their lives. We discuss the reality of the demands and distractions that modern life is placing on our energy levels, and how it can cloud our authentic selves from recognising our true needs and desires. Harmony also shares her personal journey with finding positivity and gratefulness again through the power of yoga, and how it can be used by anyone to become more mindful and present in daily life. She encourages us to become in tune with our own intuition and place trust in our subconscious to make the big (and the small) decisions that we can internally struggle with. We learn to shed the weight of the things we ‘should’ be doing, and embrace the possibility of a life full of things we want to be doing.

    We’re taking a look at the bigger picture:
    🧘‍♀️ Recognising your true desires in your career and personal life - and having the courage to go after them
    🧘‍♀️ Yoga and the positive effects it can have on mental and physical health
    🧘‍♀️ Finding a work-life balance that works for you instead of the other way around

    If you’re a female entrepreneur who wants to reclaim their life back from the hustle, head to Harmony’s website to work with her, and if her transformative journey has inspired you, you can follow it along on her Instagram!

    The Total Life Transformation subconscious mastery 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    If you’re feeling a higher calling and interested in registering your interest in our Kinesiology 101 training, take inspired action and head to the link here: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/smkkinesiology101signup

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    44 mins
  • How Using your Intuition AND Holistic Healthcare can Remove Emotional Blockages and Heal the Body with Angela Smith
    Sep 8 2024

    Your body is incredibly intelligent - it has built intricate systems that are designed to protect you from any harm. Whether it’s your immune system fighting off illness, or your subconscious mind storing or surfacing memories in response to triggers, every system in your body is constantly communicating with each other. But what happens when there is a breakdown of that mind-body relationship? Our guest this week is Angela Smith, a soul-led, spirit-driven individual with over 30 years of experience in healthcare. Her journey in healthcare began in midwifery, a calling she knew she had been destined for her whole life. She works to empower women to make their own birthing decisions and advocates for them throughout the process, all whilst ensuring that mother and child have everything they require from a holistic view. Her healthcare practice has now expanded to include women at all stages of their lives who are struggling with a disconnect in their mind-body connection, after experiencing severe personal health issues herself. Her focus is now to help women integrate all aspects of holistic healthcare into their treatment plans to regain their vitality. We’ll be diving deep into the mind-body connection, including how to recognise the signs of inflammation in your body, the impact of lifestyle on mental health, and the critical importance of placing trust in your body and its healing processes and supporting it where you can. Angela shares her profound personal experiences and is our guiding light to forming a deeper connection with natural health.

    We’re taking a broader view.
    👩‍🍼 Empowering women in their journey from pregnancy through to birth
    👩‍🍼 Inflammation and illness triggers, and the effect they have on the body, mind, and emotions
    👩‍🍼 Embracing natural and functional holistic approaches for healing

    If you resonate with Angela’s journey, head to her website to work with her, or follow her on Instagram and Facebook for more holistic inspiration.

    The Total Life Transformation subconscious mastery 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    If you’re feeling a higher calling and interested in registering your interest in our Kinesiology 101 training, take inspired action and head to the link below: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/smkkinesiology101signup

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    44 mins
  • Finding Your Spark In Your Everyday Again
    Sep 1 2024

    Everyday life can become a boring treadmill of mundane tasks: constantly working, doing the same things over and over again. But we shouldn’t be filling our days with ‘have to’s’! When we find those true inspirations that are felt deep within our subconscious souls, those daily chores can begin to feel like exhilarating actions on the path to achieving your dreams and goals! On this week’s episode, I’m helping you find your spark again in life: that passionate feeling that motivates you to get up and tackle each day with joy rather than dread. It’s all about taking aligned action and shedding those self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the freedom to achieve what you want to do, not what you feel you have to do! Whilst drawing inspiration from your environment is critical, it’s so important to have a clear strategy that you can consistently follow. I’m sharing my 3 steps to regain that light inside and take inspired action to fill your days with ‘want-to’s’ instead.

    Look inside yourself and see:
    ✨ Balancing inspiration and action to find your spark and motivation
    ✨ Comitting to clear goal-setting (and then consistently working towards it!)
    ✨ Liberating yourself from self-limiting beliefs and living authentically

    The Total Life Transformation subconscious mastery 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    If you’re feeling a higher calling and interested in registering your interest in our Kinesiology 101 training, take inspired action and head to the link here: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/smkkinesiology101signup

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    24 mins
  • Don’t Speak! Your Body Is Always Talking - Learn How To Listen
    Aug 25 2024

    Our subconscious mind holds all our traumas and fears deep within. They can be uncomfortable truths to face, and we tend to push them right down to avoid having to deal with them. But when we push those thoughts away, we don’t silence them entirely... so where do they go? When we can’t (or won’t!) verbalise our deepest emotions, our bodies will speak that truth for us through our reactions. On this week’s episode, I’m translating your body’s secret language with our deciphering tool - kinesiology. Traumatic or emotional events affect not only our minds but also our bodies, embedding those memories deep within. When triggered, those emotions burst to the surface as physical symptoms. By using kinesiology, we can work within the musculature systems and begin to address these long-lost memories that are holding us back, and then set them free by working with the body - not against it. Learn to listen when your body calls!

    Unlock the secret language:
    🤲 Signs your body is trying to speak to you and make you listen
    🤲 Which memories are likely stored, and the effect this has on your body and actions
    🤲 How kinesiology can bring past emotional traumas to the surface - and then let them go in peace

    The Total Life Transformation subconscious mastery 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    If you’re feeling a higher calling and interested in registering your interest in our Kinesiology 101 training, take inspired action and head to the link here: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/smkkinesiology101signup

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    13 mins
  • My 3 Steps to Rise Above Your Reactions
    Aug 18 2024

    Kids who just aren’t listening, a co-worker that’s not cooperating, or even just that person who cut you off in line this morning… it’s easy to let our overprotective subconscious mind react and let our emotions explode out of us! Then the inevitable happens afterwards - the regret and shame that we allowed those negative reactions to dictate our actions and cloud our judgement. But it doesn’t have to be that way! On this week’s episode of the podcast, I’m showing you that we don’t need to automatically react when we can consciously respond in a way that reflects our true selves. Whilst it can be difficult to deal with the ebbs and flows of everyday life and face your own pride and ego, the alternative is far worse and holds us back from achieving fulfilment and inner peace. I’m sharing everything I’ve learned and giving you my 3 steps to rising above your reactions and taking back power over your own actions!

    We’re rising above it:
    🌙 Recognising our reactive responses to the curveballs life throws at us
    🌙 My 3 steps to rising above the automatic negativity
    🌙 What happens to our inner selves when we default back to old reactions

    The Total Life Transformation subconscious mastery 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    If you’re feeling a higher calling and interested in registering your interest in our Kinesiology 101 training, take inspired action and head to the link here: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/smkkinesiology101signup

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    17 mins
  • Kinesiology is a Human Lie Detector
    Aug 11 2024

    Have you ever told someone ‘I’m fine!’, but you weren’t really fine? Or did you say it so convincingly that you even managed to convince yourself? Whilst your mind can play tricks on you, your body can’t lie - it holds all of that emotion and stress inside and manifests in physical symptoms! And we can take advantage of those clues by using our good friend kinesiology. In this week’s episode, I’ll be sharing how you can use kinesiology to shed light on the truth your subconscious is trying to hide away. Whilst it’s a reflex that’s designed to help protect us, it’s not usually adapting and forming in healthy or constructive ways. The mental stress starts to seep into other areas of your body, and your muscles can’t function properly under that duress. So we can step in with kindness to ourselves, and allow ourselves to face the truth that our subconscious so desperately wants to conceal, and only then can we work to let that tension go and heal the cause at its core. Your mind is a mystery that can be solved - you just need a great kinesiology detective!

    We’re not missing any details:
    🕵️ The power of the subconscious to control the narrative and influence our conscious decisions
    🕵️ Linking the body and our subconscious emotions: the origins of kinesiology!
    🕵️ Recognising and then resolving our subconscious hurts through self-care and compassion

    The Subconscious Mastery and Strategy 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    14 mins
  • Be the Olympian in Your Own Arena
    Aug 4 2024

    That presentation you have coming up, the speech you have to do at your friend’s wedding, or just that phone call you’ve been putting off - nerves can easily get the better of us. But if you’re like every single other Aussie right now, you’re probably watching the Olympics and wondering: how do they do it? How do athletes stand in a stadium and perform at the best of their ability, and not simply crumple under the pressure? The answer is that they master their subconscious and take full control of their mindset every single day. In this week’s episode, I’m going inside the mind of a professional athlete to help you understand the skills they use to stay focused, and how you can use those very same strategies to master the arena of your life. It’s all about training you to challenge the automatic responses of your subconscious that are trying to hold you back out of fear, and shaping them to become passionate drivers forward. I’ll be your coach on the sidelines, supporting you to achieve your dream no matter how big or small!

    Your subconscious training drills this week:
    🏅 Building an unshakable psyche of self-worth and self-belief
    🏅 Harnessing your emotions (taking control of them before they take control of you!)
    🏅 Accepting help from your support system to become better together

    The Subconscious Mastery and Strategy 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    19 mins
  • Gain Back Your Confidence: How Healing Your Gut Can Help You Lose 10 Kilos with Izzy Beeston
    Jul 28 2024

    Whilst our bodies can’t talk to us through words, they speak to us through signs and symptoms. So if your body feels like its needs aren’t being heard, it’s going to let you know about it (hello feeling tired and rundown, anyone?). But here to help us decode that conversation is our guest this week Izzy Beeston, an online health and physique coach (specialising in functional medicine) and the founder of Ambitious Bodies. Designed to help women heal their gut and find clarity in the oversaturated world of diet culture, she supports them every step of the journey, from building tailored fitness programs to empowering women to take back control of their eating habits. And this is exactly what she will be doing in our Subconscious Mastery program! Izzy’s personal experiences have shaped her own fitness journey, including dealing with disordered eating and her diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease. She shares what she’s learnt from these challenges, as well as her knowledge gained from a decade in the fitness industry. She gives us her tips and strategies to help women transform their minds and physiques, and to feel kick-ass confident and healthy again!

    We’re exploring more about:
    🏋️‍♀️ Effects of your environment and your genetics, and how these influence your health
    🏋️‍♀️ Challenging diet culture and the positive outcomes of embracing whole foods and fitness
    🏋️‍♀️ How poor gut health affects both our physical and mental health
    🏋️‍♀️ Functional medicine, including understanding blood work

    If you’re needing support on your health and fitness journey, follow Ambitious Bodies on Insta and Facebook to learn how you can join in with Izzy and her incredible community.

    And if you’d like to hear more of Izzy’s inspiring story (and get some serious fitness tips along the way), you can reach out to her on social media.

    The Subconscious Mastery and Strategy 6-month program is now LIVE! If you need to level up your mind and change your life, sign up to the link below to learn more and join now: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/6-month-program

    You can also find my FREE Wellness Checklist here to help guide you on your path to healing: https://getstarted.shellmarie.com/mywellnesschecklist

    Please reach out to me if you have any insights or questions from the show through Instagram and Facebook.

    This is your opportunity to transform pain into empowerment and claim the life you deeply desire. Gain radical self-understanding, harmonise emotional imbalances, and reconnect with your innate self-worth, leading to a deeply fulfilled existence.

    If you want to elevate your subconscious even further, I’d love to chat! Book a session with me: https://shellmarie.com/

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    29 mins