• 11. The Atonement is For Both Sides of the Veil
    Aug 27 2024

    Jesus Christ has already done the hard part (atonement) for each of us on both sides of the veil, infinitely forward and infinitely back. There is not a person, a thought, or a thing which is not covered by the atonement of Jesus Christ.

    When we fall short by not being obedient, this is when we call upon Jesus Christ, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, asking him to come and take those shortcomings so there is no distance between us. Too often we feel we don’t qualify for his love or his help, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

    When another comes along and tries to knock you down because they have taken upon themselves ungodliness, call upon Jesus Christ and the atonement to stop them and turn them back so that you might stay clean and spotless before him.

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    9 mins
  • 10. The Sins Be Upon the Heads of the Parents
    Aug 27 2024

    In Proverbs 22 it reads, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

    The same may be said of those not taught at a young age; as they grow older, it becomes more difficult to depart from the paths they have chosen, especially if those paths did not include Jesus Christ.

    The scriptures teach us that it is the parents responsiblity to teach their children the doctrine and gospel of Jesus Christ so that as they do grow old, they will not depart from the ways of truth. For those who have neglected this command, the sin rests upon the heads of the parents. It's not too late to make the change.

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    3 mins
  • 9. Families Are Forever
    Aug 27 2024

    Jesus Christ’s work has everything to do with the family. His work is to bring all the families together and ensure that all are accounted for so they can be gathered back into the presence of God the father. Our Heavenly Father is literally counting back his children which is why families are forever.

    The commandment ‘Love God and Love thy Neighbor’ takes on greater significance when we consider how loving and helping those around us is actually part of this gathering process. If you look beyond your immediate family and consider the perspective of God’s larger eternal family, God is saying, come be part of this work; but first, come unto me and learn of me so you can then go out and help me to gather. By helping God, we are truly loving God.

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    10 mins
  • 8. God Will Send Messengers
    Aug 26 2024

    A messenger is a person employed to carry a message. God chooses whom he will, and prepares each for the assignment ahead. All God asks is a willing heart and obedience to His word.

    We read of messengers in scripture, called forth to carry a message to the people on the Lord’s behalf. You may recall the story in the Old Testament of Jonah. He was called to go to the city of Ninevah to warn the people to turn from their wickedness. The people believed God and turned to him, and thus God spared the city from destruction.

    What about closer to home. Have you ever found yourself at the right place with perfect and often unexpected timing to the extent you were right where you needed to be to provide comfort, guidance, assistance or even aid to someone in need? You may not have viewed it as such, but wouldn’t that qualify you as a messenger? Don’t hesitate to call upon God to send messengers when you or those around you stand in need. And always stand at the ready, that you may find yourself where He needs you, at the right place at the right time.

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    9 mins
  • 7. God is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
    Aug 26 2024

    God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and He is not a respector of persons. He holds no person above another and will give to those who ask who have a desire to come unto him. Seek, ponder and pray and call upon him because he is only waiting on you to move.

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    28 mins
  • 6. Hearing the Voice of the Lord
    Aug 26 2024

    Consider the significance of why is it so important to hear and obey the voice of the Lord, and why obedience is the first law of heaven.

    To make it back into the presence of our Heavenly Father, we have to first make it back to Jesus Christ, as it is Christ that will take us the rest of the way back, and into the presence of God the Father.

    So how do we make it back to Jesus Christ?

    By being obedient to his every word. If we don’t know the Lord’s voice or even how to hear his voice, then how will you make it back to him? It is the Holy Ghost that will lead you to Christ by confirming each time you are obedient to his voice. The Holy Ghost then confirms the step you’ve taken is good and to keep going. Which is why it is so important to hear the voice of the Lord and to be obedient.

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    30 mins
  • 5. Obedience, the First Law of Heaven
    Aug 26 2024

    The voice of the Lord is constantly calling out to us each and every day to guide us in our journey through life. As He speaks to you, you’ll find yourself standing at the cross-roads and you get to decide if you will be obedient and listen to what he has asked you to do.

    This is where obedience comes in and why obedience is so important. How will you react in these moments? The more you listen and are obedient to His word, the louder his voice will become, the closer toward the Lord you will move, and the more you will receive.

    You might ask, how will I know if I have properly listened to the Lord verses taking a path of my own choosing? The answer is simple and can be given in a single word. When you listen and are obedient you will have PEACE and when you are not obedient that same peace will leave you so quickly you will feel it go. If that does happen, stop and go back to where you last felt peace and restart from there. Ask once again for God’s help, he will be there to help you because the atonement is infinite and will never fail you.

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    24 mins
  • 4. The Power of Prayer
    Aug 26 2024

    The power of prayer is literally having a conversation with God. The Power or prayer is unstoppable and is one of the greatest things we can do for our families and those around us, even for and in behalf of those not within our immediate family circle.

    Your example of living a righteous life is so important along with the power of prayer, knowing that God will answer, because that is His promise. Keep the commandments and your prayers will be answered; it maybe not in the way you think, when you think, or how you envision it; but they will be answered in the needed way.

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    15 mins