THE PRACTICE OF BRAHMACHARYA: The Path to Spiritual Purity - Section III. TECHNIQUES OF SEX SUBLIMATION: Sexual Purity and Spiritual Elevation - Sri Swami Sivananda - HQ Full Book. In *The Practice of Brahmacharya*, Sri Swami Sivananda explores the transformative journey of mastering sexual energy through sublimation, emphasizing its significance for spiritual growth and personal development. *Section III: Techniques of Sex Sublimation* provides practical guidance on harnessing sexual energy for higher pursuits. Each chapter addresses different aspects of sublimation, offering valuable insights into overcoming lust and achieving spiritual clarity. --III. TECHNIQUES OF SEX SUBLIMATION - Sexual Purity and Spiritual Elevation:**Chapter 14: Suppression and Sublimation**This chapter sets the foundation for understanding the concepts of suppression versus sublimation. Sivananda explains that suppression—repressing sexual energy without addressing its source—can lead to negative consequences, while sublimation transforms sexual energy into spiritual energy. He outlines various techniques for achieving sublimation, emphasizing that while total sublimation may be challenging, it is not impossible. Sivananda encourages practitioners to view their sexual impulses as potential fuel for spiritual advancement, promoting the idea that a conscious redirection of this energy can lead to profound inner growth.**Chapter 15: To Marry or Not to Marry**Sivananda tackles the age-old question of whether to marry or remain celibate. He examines the viability of celibacy in modern life, arguing against the Epicurean notion that pleasure is the ultimate goal. The chapter delves into the nature of love within marriage, presenting a balanced view of both celibacy and household life. Sivananda explores the concept of the *Akhanda Brahmachari*, a person who maintains brahmacharya regardless of marital status. He advocates for a conscious choice, urging individuals to consider their spiritual aspirations when making decisions about marriage and relationships.**Chapter 16: The Dangers of Promiscuous Mixing**In this chapter, Sivananda warns of the dangers associated with promiscuity and the impact of mental images formed through such experiences. He discusses how exposure to sexual stimuli can create havoc in the mind, leading to lustful thoughts and distractions. The chapter presents the idea of “forbidden fruit” as a test for spiritual aspirants, encouraging readers to resist temptations that may divert them from their spiritual path. Sivananda emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and discipline in safeguarding one's mind and spirit against the negative influences of promiscuous mixing.**Chapter 17: Stop That Lustful Look!**Focusing on the power of perception, Sivananda implores readers to be mindful of the feelings and thoughts that accompany their gaze. He discusses the significance of avoiding lustful looks and explains how such actions can lead to impure thoughts and desires. Sivananda provides practical strategies for countering these thoughts, emphasizing the need for vigilance and discipline in one's interactions. This chapter serves as a reminder that the eyes are windows to the mind, and maintaining purity in vision is crucial for spiritual progress.**Chapter 18: The Role of Diet in Sex Control**This chapter emphasizes the critical relationship between diet and sexual energy. Sivananda advocates for a *sattvic* diet—one that is pure, wholesome, and conducive to spiritual practice. He warns against certain foods that can aggravate lustful desires, identifying them as obstacles to maintaining brahmacharya. Sivananda discusses *mitahara*, or moderation in diet, as an essential practice for controlling sexual impulses. Additionally, he highlights fasting as a purifying exercise that can aid in sublimating sexual energy, promoting clarity of mind and spirit.**Chapter 19: Wet Dreams and Spermatorrhea**Addressing physiological issues related to sexual energy, Sivananda differentiates between physiological pollution (wet dreams) and pathological pollution (spermatorrhea). He examines the causes and consequences of these occurrences, warning against the dangers of indulging in evil sex habits and the emotional turbulence that can arise from repressed desires. Sivananda offers practical advice for managing these experiences, emphasizing the importance of proper diet, regular habits, and spiritual practices such as early rising and devotion to the Lord. He also recommends beneficial practices like hip baths to help mitigate the impact of excessive sexual energy.**Chapter 20: Some Powerful Aids to the Practice of Celibacy**In this chapter, Sivananda provides a comprehensive list of practical tools and techniques to support the practice of celibacy. He emphasizes the importance of controlling the palate, avoiding negative company, and cultivating awareness of one’s thoughts. Sivananda encourages seeking *satsanga* ...