
  • Steward the Truth as Identity in Christ
    Jul 30 2024

    Our fourth and final episode of our series Beautiful Truth. Everything we've talked about to in the previous three episodes - God's truth as truly good, the truth of our shared humanity, and truth as freedom from deception - leads up to this discussion about true identity found in Jesus Christ.

    Bible Reference: Philippians 3:4-11

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    20 mins
  • Steward the Truth as Freedom from Deception
    Jun 24 2024

    We all like to believe we're free - free to make our own choices, free to follow our own desires. But what if you were actually ruled by your desires?

    In John 8:31-36, Jesus Christ reveals the true nature of what human beings call liberty - and it's not pretty. But thankfully there's a greater truth than this - and it has the power to set people, to set you, free.

    Bible Reference: John 8:31-36

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    21 mins
  • Beautiful Truth: Steward the Truth as Shared Humanity
    Jun 18 2024

    As we continue the series Beautiful Truth, we're diving into the disconnect we perceive with the past and how that affects our view of what it means to be human. This then forms the context for us to consider what Scripture reveals - that we all share a common humanity with a common problem, and the awesome truth that God's Son has shared in our humanity to solve that problem. Our primary Bible reference is Hebrews 2:14-18.

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    21 mins
  • Beautiful Truth: Steward God's Truth as the Greatest Good
    Jun 11 2024

    This episode of Ascension on Air begins a new series called Beautiful Truth. In this series, we're focusing on the nature of truth and how we, as Christians, steward (or care) for it. Our first episode uses Genesis 1:31-2:3 as our primary verses and emphasizes that truth - God's truth in Christ - is good.

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    20 mins
  • The Gospel Is Resurrection Reality
    Apr 9 2024

    Life in this world is a mixed bag. We cling to the good things – relationships, health, safety, security, and naturally so. But so much of life is characterized by interruptions to those good things, and, as a result all that’s unpleasant – like pain, suffering, and disappointment.

    Sometimes this can be so severe that we view death as a reprieve. “It’s a good thing life doesn’t go on forever,” we might think, “because who would want to live forever in a world like this?”

    And yet, the beating heart of the Christian hope is the resurrection from death, life that doesn’t end, a grave that doesn’t have the final word. What of such a resurrection? Is it more than merely a wistful hope? Could there be an embodied life we’d truly enjoy, forever, free from all the interruptions to what is good?

    Jesus Christ has the answer for us. Now, on Ascension on Air: The Gospel Is Resurrection Reality.

    Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20.

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    26 mins
  • Live Intentionally Minded for Mission
    Feb 22 2024

    “Carpe diem,” wrote the Roman poet Horace. Seize the day, grasp the moment while it’s here. Or, as our contemporary culture would put it two thousand years later, YOLO. You only live once.

    Whether it’s carpe diem, YOLO, strike while the iron’s hot, or some other turn of phrase, common advice points to making the most of the time at hand. And this is true also as a Christian. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians, “Make the most of every opportunity,” and in the context, he’s speaking particularly about opportunities to share Christ with those who don’t know him.

    This kind of missional mindset is part of being a Christian. But it’s not necessarily easy. In fact, it’s far more natural to fall into a rhythm focused on self and unaware of the opportunities around us.

    Thankfully, the Apostle Paul has some words of encouragement for you and me in this. And more than just encouragement, because Paul shows us the power of the gospel of Jesus to make the most of our moments for Christ. Now, on Ascension on Air: Live Intentionally Minded for Mission.

    Bible Reference: Colossians 4:2-6

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    30 mins
  • Christ Ministers to and through His Body
    Feb 6 2024

    “No man is an island,” wrote the English poet John Donne in the 17th century. And it’s true. Not one of us is independent of others. We all exist because of others and by others. That we are born of a father and mother is simplest proof.

    Some would say this is a bad thing. To be free of others, entirely independent – self-sufficient, self-directing, self-determining – this is the ideal of humanity, claim some.

    But not only is such extreme individualism unrealistic and, truly, a lie – it’s also an empty shadow of what it means to be human. Of what God designed us to be as human.

    Community – an interdependent whole – such existence is woven into our human nature. But more than that, it’s also the blessing that God designed us to enjoy. And so it is that God brings us to himself only together with others, joined together as a body… a body united by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    And a body gifted to actively love the members of the body. Today, on Ascension on Air: Christ Ministers to and through His Body.

    Bible Reference: Romans 12:3-13

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    27 mins
  • We Root One Another in Christ
    Jan 30 2024

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” – or so goes the old childhood rhyme, as if what other say is of no consequence to us. The truth is, names – and words generally – have a lot of power. The words we speak and the words spoken to us can hurt deeply, as any child who’s been teased can confirm.

    But the power of words to help and heal is also very real – and none more so than the power of the word about Jesus Christ. That’s why Paul wrote what he did in his letter to the Christians living in the Roman city of Colossae. “Let the word about Jesus dwell among you richly,” he said. Why? Because it was this word that was the power of God to give peace, real peace, lasting wholeness and restoration of relationship between God and among people.

    And it is this word about Christ through which Christians root one another in the peace of Christ still today – and in so doing experience genuine Christian community. Now, on Ascension on Air: We root one another in Christ.

    Bible Reference: Colossians 3:15-17

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    25 mins