
  • Falando de Mercado: O “tarifaço” na malha da NTS
    Jul 1 2024

    O aumento inesperado nas tarifas de transporte da NTS vem gerando discussões no mercado de gás natural, com participantes apontando para a atuação da Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) e para decisões da Petrobras como as principais causas do “tarifaço”.

    Junte-se a Camila Dias, diretora da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas Markets, em um bate-papo sobre o que está acontecendo na malha da NTS e quais as repercussões no mercado.

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    7 mins
  • Driving Discussions: Musings from Mexico
    Jun 24 2024

    Listen to the outcome of the Mexican presidential election and how the markets will shape over the summer, with Argus Senior Reporter Steven McGinn and Associate Editor of US Products Jason Metko.

    With refineries incidents and maintenance around Mexico in May, how did all that impact imports into the Country, specifically from Gulf Coast refineries and gasoline blenders?

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    8 mins
  • Global LPG conversations: LPG outlook for 2024 and beyond
    Jun 20 2024

    Since the Covid pandemic, LPG markets have become far more volatile, but in 2024, prices appear to have paused for breath. Listen to David Appleton and Jack Greenwood as they discuss the market so far in 2024, the forecast for the rest of the year and beyond, and take a look at biopropane forecasting.

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    18 mins
  • The Biofuels Report: Asian UCO exports to US surge
    Jun 20 2024

    With rising demand for sustainable aviation fuel and HVO or renewable diesel, the demand for feedstocks is surging. One feedstock is taking center stage, used cooking oil.

    Argus recently launched the EPA-compliant UCO fob China and EPA-compliant UCO fob Strait of Malacca price assessments to reflect the growing flows of UCO out of China and SE Asia to the US. How will these flows affect UCO demand around the world? Listen in on this latest episode with our market experts, Jamuna Gautam and Sarah Giam.

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    7 mins
  • Falando de Mercado: Demanda por fretes e adubo diante do próximo ciclo de plantio
    Jun 12 2024

    O ano de 2024 tem tido diferentes particularidades no mercado brasileiro, tanto nos fretes rodoviários, quanto na comercialização de grãos e da compra de fertilizantes. Seja por aspectos no mercado internacional ou doméstico, as circunstâncias estão interligadas e afetam umas as outras.

    A editora adjunta da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, Renata Cardarelli, e o repórter sênior, João Petrini, conversam sobre o atual cenário dos mercados e os efeitos de fretes rodoviários abaixo da média, comercialização atrasada de soja e milho e os desafios para compra de fertilizantes para a safra de soja 2024-25.

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    11 mins
  • Fertilizer Matters: Episode 15 - Brazil, June 2024
    Jun 10 2024

    Hear Argus’ analysis of current fertilizer market dynamics in Brazil - one of the largest and most influential fertilizer markets in the world. Join Mike Nash, Senior Editor - Fertilizers and Gisele Augusto, Reporter - Argus Brazil Grains and Fertilizer as they discuss this market in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.

    Key topics covered in the podcast:

    • How the Brazilian fertilizer market has been developing in 2024
    • Farmers' increased focus on purchasing potash
    • Soybean barter rate update
    • Slowdown in Brazilian imports
    • Will Brazilian farmers ramp up phosphates purchases?

    Related links

    • Request a sample report/more information
    • Fertilizer price reporting, short and mid to long-term outlook services
    • Free sign up: Argus Fertilizer Market Highlights
    • Fertilizer Matters podcast series
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    6 mins
  • Chemical Conversations: Navigating pine chemicals and hydrocarbon resins amid plant shutdowns
    Jun 10 2024

    Pine chemicals editor Leonardo Siqueira talks to Steve Williams, VP of Argus C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins, about navigating the pine chemicals and hydrocarbon resins markets, including:

    • How plant shutdowns may impact trade flows and regional supply/demand balances.
    • The impact of Chinese consumption taxes on C5 tackifier markets.
    • CTO demand in the US and Europe.
    • Other key factors the industry need to stay close to in 2024 and beyond.

    This podcast is delivered by Argus’ chemical experts using data and insights from the Argus Pine Chemicals and Argus C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins services.

    Request a free trial or more information for Argus Pine Chemicals service.

    Request a free trial or more information for Argus C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins service.

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    17 mins
  • Falando de Mercado: Insegurança jurídica afeta precificação de Cbio
    Jun 6 2024

    A inadimplência crescente no cumprimento das metas do Renovabio tem pautado as conversas de participantes do mercado de Cbios, com o capítulo de judicialização contra o programa ofuscando os fundamentos e encolhendo a liquidez dos créditos de descarbonização.

    Junte-se a Conrado Mazzoni, chefe adjunto de redação da Argus no Brasil, e Rebecca Gompertz, repórter do relatório Argus Brazil Gas Markets, e saiba mais sobre as perspectivas para o rumo do mercado de Cbios.

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    13 mins