
  • The Marble Hands, by Bernard Capes
    Dec 15 2008
    The Marble Hands, by Bernard Capes
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  • An Unfinished Race, by Ambrose Bierce
    Dec 6 2008
    An Unfinished Race, by Ambrose Bierce: . . . .
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  • A Ghoul’s Accountant
    Nov 29 2008
    A Ghoul’s Accountant, by Stephen Crane. . . . .
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  • The Man-Eating Tree, by Phil Robinson
    Nov 7 2008
    The Man-Eating Tree, written by Phil Robinson in 1881 Read by Brian Schell . . . . . .
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  • The Dead Alive, by Edward Lloyd
    Oct 11 2008
    The Dead Alive, or the Murdering Mendicant of Orleans, by Edward Lloyd Download the PDF: http://www.arcanetales.com/audio/Dead Alive.pdf
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  • The Thing at Ghent, by Honore de Balzac
    Oct 11 2008
    The Thing at Ghent, by Honore de Balzac Download the PDF: http://www.arcanetales.com/audio/Thing at Ghent.pdf
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  • Dagon, by H. P. Lovecraft
    Oct 3 2008
    I am writing this under an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more. Penniless, and at the end of my supply of the drug which alone, makes life endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall cast myself from this garret window into the squalid street below. Do not … Continue reading Dagon, by H. P. Lovecraft →
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  • The Strange Orchid, by H. G. Wells
    Sep 20 2008
    The Strange Orchid By H.G. Wells The buying of orchids always has in it a certain speculative flavour. You have before you the brown shrivelled lump of tissue, and for the rest you must trust your judgment, or the auctioneer, or your good luck, as your taste may incline. The plant may be moribund or … Continue reading The Strange Orchid, by H. G. Wells →
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