
  • Does AI Dumb Down Creativity?
    Mar 17 2025

    This discussion focuses on host Peter Csathy's latest feature article of the same name, which explores whether AI can ever create truly "original" and groundbreaking Art without humans controlling it as a tool to their own human creation. The discussion focuses on what uniquely makes human "creation" divine and unmatchable by AI content generation. Csathy argues that left to its own devices, AI generated works will always lead to the mediocre and mundane. The discussion also focuses on AI as a tool to expand creative possibilities - but not to overtake humans at the forefront of the creative process.

    Csathy generated this discussion using Google NotebookLM, which synthesized his article in line with his parameters. And Csathy approves its content and believes the overall discussion is both entertaining and enlightening.

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    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Conversation with Eric Shamlin, Creator of Iconic AI-Generated "Holidays" Coke Ad
    Mar 10 2025

    Host Peter Csathy recently was a featured speaker at ThinkLA’s big AI-focused event (ThinkLA serves marketing and media executives). Peter invited CEO Eric Shamlin of production company Secret Level to join him. Shamlin and his team created the iconic AI-generated “Holidays Are Coming” Coke ad that became THE marketing story this past December.

    In this exclusive “fireside chat,” Peter and Eric discuss the story behind it all — i.e., how Shamlin and his team conceptualized and executed it — and how consumers and the creative community reacted to it. Suffice it to say that while consumers reacted overwhelmingly positively (the ad was a smash hit), not everyone in the creative community felt the same. According to AdWeek, the ad “went from praise to rage … signaling a wider industry dilemma.” It’s a fascinating discussion that was extremely well-received, enlightening, and entertaining.

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    Peter's LinkedIn bio here.
    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • How Courts Will Assess Damages In Generative AI Copyright Cases
    Mar 5 2025

    In this episode, based on Peter Csathy's article of the same name, Peter's "synth" hosts discuss the central issue of remedies and damages for winning rights-holders in generative AI copyright cases -- and, relatedly, how the courts will even begin to assess monetary damages in a world where the relevant “harm” caused by an entire internet’s worth of unlicensed scraping has already been done (and can’t be undone unless existing LLMs are scrapped and AI training starts anew with licensed content only). Theoretical damage awards under copyright and related laws are downright astronomical.

    The discussion flows from the court's recent rejection of “fair use” in the now notorious Thomson Reuters v. Ross Intelligence case — where it ruled that the scraping of copyrighted works without consent and compensation is infringement (not a defensible “fair use”) as a matter of law.

    Peter generated this episode, based on his article, using Google NotebookLM (and he approves its content).

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Court Rejects AI's "Fair Use": Now What?
    Feb 16 2025

    This episode is a discussion of host Peter Csathy's new article titled, "Court Rejects AI's Fair Use: Now What?" (generated using Google NotebookLM). Csathy's article discusses all the issues raised by (and ramifications of) Judge Stephen Bibas's recent game-changing rejection of "fair use" as a defense to unlicensed AI scraping in the Thomson Reuters v. Ross Intelligence case: (1) now what will generative AI companies do (how will they act)?, (2) how would courts even begin to assess damages in this "horse is already out of the barn" scenario where the entire internet has already been scraped, (3) how would the Supreme Court rule when that AI training "fair use" issue inevitably reaches them?, and (4) would Congress itself create a new "fair use" exception to permit unlimited unlicensed AI training on copyrighted works (especially in the face of the new co-sheriffs in town, President Trump and Elon Musk)?

    Csathy approves the contents of this episode, and believes it is an accurate reflection of the issues (and his overall analysis). BUT there is one part of the discussion near the end of the episode that focuses on training on "synthetic data" - and Csathy strongly disagrees on that point.

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

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    12 m
  • Bombshell AI "Fair Use" Court Win for Creators & Media: What It Means?
    Feb 13 2025

    In this special episode, based on host Peter Csathy's most recent emergency newsletter about the recent bombshell Thomson Reuters court ruling, Csathy's synthetic co-hosts discuss the court's rejection of "fair use" as a defense to AI training on copyrighted works without consent and compensation. It's the first "fair use" decision in the world of copyright litigation filed by creators and media/entertainment against generative AI developers.

    This episode was generated using Google NotebookLM (and Peter approved its content, believes it accurately summarizes his article, and is helpful and insightful).

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    Peter's LinkedIn bio here.
    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • DeepSeek: What It Means for Media & Entertainment
    Feb 2 2025

    This special episode discusses host Peter Csathy's latest article about DeepSeek and its potential massive implications on the media and entertainment industry (not to mention U.S. generative AI developers). The conversation is hosted by Google NotebookLM's synthetic co-hosts (but Csathy has listened to the generated podcast, and believes it is largely consistent with the perspectives he voices in his article).

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    Peter's LinkedIn bio here.
    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Conversation with Andy Beach (fmr. CTO Microsoft): AI, DeepSeek & Hollywood
    Jan 29 2025

    Host Peter Csathy of Creative Media sits down for an exclusive conversation with Andy Beach, former CTO of Microsoft's Media and Entertainment group, who just left his position after being with Microsoft for 10 years. The two discuss and debate how generative AI is impacting Hollywood and the entire creative community today, and where they believe it's all going in the years to come.

    They also discuss how China's DeepSeek earthquake has changed Silicon Valley's generative AI game - and whether that's hype, or reality. Andy's and Peter's conversation and debate are frequently spirited (they certainly don't agree on everything), but they are also insightful and even entertaining. Andy was able to be particularly candid in his views since he is now fully "independent" and outside Microsoft. It's a fascinating discussion.

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    Peter's LinkedIn bio here.
    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Volume Is Out, "Fine Tuning" Is In for GenAI Video Licensing
    Jan 28 2025

    There was a time when “bulk” was the metric that mattered most to Big Tech for video content (“data”) needed for GenAI training purposes. In fact, those times were just months ago. “The more, the better!” was Silicon Valley’s mantra. But those times are over, and they aren’t coming back. Licensing’s life-cycle has moved on. Welcome to the brave new world of video licensing — GenAI “fine tuning” style.

    Peter Csathy's synthetic co-hosts from Google NotebookLLM discuss Peter's latest newsletter about it all -- which lays out the parameters that matter most right now for the major generative AI developers in terms of what they want for video licensing purposes. Those parameters and needs have evolved significantly over the course of the past several months.

    Sign up for the companion "the brAIn" newsletter via this link.
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    Peter's LinkedIn bio here.
    And send feedback to bizdev@creativemedia.biz.

    Más Menos
    14 m