
  • Ep 300 Step Five of Detoxing from the Emotional Toxins: Execute the Plan
    Aug 19 2022

    It’s the 200th episode of the start small BELIEVE BIG. What started as a suggestion because I had a book coming out has turned into a wonderful way to serve the Lord in a new way.

    Thank you for being here for this episode or if you’ve been around since the beginning.

    In today’s episode of start small BELIEVE BIG, we will learn about Executing the plan of the DETOX.

    When faced with the decision to leave an impact for Jesus, three questions lay out our strategy.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Ep 299 Step Four of Detoxing from the Emotional Toxins: Outline a Plan
    Aug 18 2022

    Have you ever made a plan and God redirects it? Well let’s just say God throws me curveballs a lot.

    Thinking we’re staying with a team for a while and not.

    Buying a house we think is forever, and move.

    A friendship that I thought was life-giving takes a turn for the worse.

    I’m not usually one not wanting to step into a new adventure and friendships but…now I see I’ve not been listening to the Lord how I should.

    We can outline a plan for the next steps as long as we include Jesus in the planning and realize when He’s redirecting our plan for his glory.

    Listen for the God-given directive that gives you direction.
    Is your parachute ready?

    Dream so big only God can fulfill it. Start today. Rely on Jesus.

    Hear the call, listen, and go. One day at a time.

    Today's episode gives three steps to outlining the plan.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Ep 298 Terminate the Toxin of Unbelief and Guilt Shame
    Jul 28 2022

    The longer we live with the toxins of unbelief, guilt and shame, the more we create anxiety, self-pity, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. It is hard to let go of these toxins, but if you do, God is ready to fill you with His peace.

    Terminating toxins takes time and focus. With our vertical gaze fixed on Jesus, we know we are not alone as we rid ourselves of the toxins. Validating and evaluating our feelings and reactions to our emotions help identify and remove three serious toxins. When we get rid of those, we can have a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    Today we will give you quite a few scripture to help you overcome unbelief and guilt/shame.

    I want to let you know about the daily devotion I send out Monday-Friday mornings.

    Join our amazing community of humans taking a little time each morning to dig into God’s Word.

    When you sign up for Morning ‘Sonshine’, you will receive a little encouragement in your inbox each morning. The devotion starts with scripture, then a short teaching, and ends with a quick prayer.

    We’d love to have you join us! I promise no spam, just Jesus and me. You can find the link in the show notes or on my website billiejauss.com.

    Do you have a friend that the podcast or the devotions may bless? Let them know!

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Ep 297 Step Two of the DETOX: Evaluate the toxin of Unbelief and Shame/Guilt
    Jul 21 2022

    God is moving. Come along for the ride. Join the detox.

    Acrostic for D E T O X




    Outline a Plan

    eXecute the plan

    Never let the barriers keep you from accepting what God wants to do in and through you.

    E-evaluate the toxins of Unbelief and Guilt/Shame

    Satan loves it when we have questions or doubts about God, and his hope is that we’ll never find our way back. That Satan would even care to mess with me tells me God has something magnificent in store for my life.

    We want to control rather than release power to Jesus. We deny that God can do more and do it better than we ever could. We don’t accept the fact that God has our best interest in mind.

    What are you struggling with? The doubt that God can use you? That you can make a difference in the kingdom? Guilt and shame from your past cancels what you can do now?

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Ep 296 5 Step Detox: Step One of Detoxing from Unbelief and Guilt/Shame
    Jul 14 2022

    For the next 5 episodes, I will be digging into two of the most prevalent emotional toxins…Unbelief and Shame…we will walk through the 5 step process to freedom and peace of mind using the DETOX acrostic.

    In today’s episode of start small BELIEVE BIG we define the toxin of Unbelief and Guilt/Shame.

    I love that many of you have been on this journey called a podcast with me for almost 200 episodes. Yes, I started the podcast with the number 100. Let’s just say don’t listen to everything others suggest!

    I began this series of Detoxing from the three top emotional toxins. But I’m taking a little detour. We are going to cover the last two over the next 5 episodes.

    There are some exciting things happening and there’s a bit of redirection being tossed about.

    I’m in the very beginning stages, but as we head into the 200th episode the Lord is placing some small things on my heart and in my path.

    We will dig into that over the next few weeks. So come back for exciting decisions and moves.

    Billie's Website

    Billie's Books

    Morning 'Son'shine

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Ep 295 Step 5 eXecute the Plan to Find Peace and Fulfillment Without Fear
    Jul 7 2022

    On today’s episode of start small BELIEVE BIG we will learn about eXecuting the plan to find peace and fulfillment from Fear, Step 5 in the Detox from Emotional Toxins series.

    Never let the barriers keep you from accepting what God wants to do in and through you.

    Define the fear that’s holding you back.

    Examine the feeling of fear.

    Terminate the toxin by replacing deception with truth.

    Outline the plan.

    This week we are executing the plan of overcoming the emotional toxin of Fear

    Do it scared.

    When faced with the decision to leave an impact for Jesus, three questions lay out our strategy.

    Billie's website

    Billie's books

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Bonus Episode: Lakeside Retreat with Marci Seither
    Jul 5 2022

    On today’s episode of start small BELIEVE BIG I’m talking with author Marci Seither about her new devotion Lakeside Retreat: Life-giving Devotions from a Restful Shore

    Marci's writing career began after her humor article was published in a small-town newspaper. Since then, she has authored two books and hundreds of articles for local papers as well as Guideposts, Light & Life, and Focus on The Family.

    Besides writing, she enjoys teaching workshops, speaking, and photography.

    Her biggest joy, besides being married to John and raising six kiddos, is making marshmallows from scratch and of course, taking time to visit the cabin.

    Marci's website

    Lakeside Retreat: Life-giving Devotions from a Restful Shore

    Billie's website

    Billie's books

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Ep 294 Step 4 Outline A Plan for Spiritual Health
    Jun 30 2022

    On today’s episode of start small BELIEVE BIG we will learn How to Outline a Plan for Spiritual Health.

    Acrostic for D E T O X




    Outline a Plan

    eXecute the plan

    Never let the barriers keep you from accepting what God wants to do in and through you.

    This week we are outlining a plan to overcome the emotional toxin of Fear.

    Start today. Begin to rewrite the plan believing that God promises the other side. When the Lord gives a directive, He gives direction. Trust that He will take you there. Find peace in His intention, even when you don’t know what that is.

    Having a spiritual health plan gives us guidance to rely first on Jesus. A list. My favorite thing. Create a list as a reminder to finish the detox with a healthy forward plan of action to follow Jesus.

    The Health Plan’s first step is writing three statements that I believe are true about you, and you should and will think about yourself.

    -I am braver than I believe.

    -I am smarter than I think.

    -I am stronger than I seem.

    The great I Am will take you to the other side.

    Billie's website

    Order Distraction Detox

    Más Menos
    25 m