
  • Pharmacology, Angels, Astrology, Science
    Mar 11 2025

    In this week’s episode we study a section from Bereshit Rabah about how different aspects of the natural world were created by the divine for specific purposes. We discuss how this passage, about the creation of plants for the sake of pharmacology as well as the constellations controlling certain growth-phases of the plant, acknowledges the complex inter-relationships between different aspects of nature. We discuss how themes of humility, discernment, and awe can all play a part in the fight to maintain a livable climate. Follow along here: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/603556.1?lang=en&with=all&lang2=en

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • What can We Learn from Shatnez?
    Feb 25 2025

    In this week’s episode we study texts from Devarim, Vayikra, and the Talmud tractate Yoma. We have a far-ranging discussion including talking about the figure of the Satan in Judaism, and how it can be seen as internalized cultural messages telling us to stall on fighting climate change, how some chukkim (ie. laws that we can’t understand the reason for) such as Shatnez (prohibition against mixing wool and linen) and Kosher laws actually have climate benefit, and how the phrase “You shall live by them” (them meaning both kinds of Jewish law) shows the deep Jewish value of preserving life, which is a major part of what the fight to mitigate climate change is about. Follow along with the source sheet here: http://www.sefaria.org/sheets/603559

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • How did Joseph Convince Egypt to Take Climate Action?
    Feb 11 2025

    In this week’s episode we look at the story of Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams and the subsequent plan to prepare for coming famine (ie. climate disaster) and how the plan was carried out. We discuss how the regime in Egypt was an authoritarian one, in which only one person needed to be convinced for large-scale action to take place, but that some strategies from Joseph could also be used to encourage grass-roots change. We spoke about the effectiveness of having actionable steps, direct communication with communities, exciting novel solutions, and the idea of doing something big. Follow along with the source sheet here: www.sefaria.org/sheets/603548

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Are Climate Disasters a Punishment for our Sins?
    Jan 28 2025

    In this week’s episode we look at a text from the end of the book of Job (and Rashi’s commentary on it) about the power that G-d holds over the weather. We discuss the idea of divine punishment for sins, and how, while there are clear articulations of this concept in our sacred texts, we have a tradition, as seen in Job, of acknowledging that humans are not able to understand the ways of the divine and cannot claim to know why tragedies occur. We then go on to note that doing a “chesbon hanefesh” or searching for how we might have contributed to a situation, such as human contributions to climate change, can help motivate us to change our behavior. We also explore the idea that taking on new spiritual practices such as giving more charity or learning more Torah can help us come closer to the people we want to be and be able to meet the hard parts of life with more strength, generosity, and hope. Follow along with the source sheet here: www.sefaria.org/sheets/603551

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Fire and Water as Divine Power
    Jan 14 2025

    In this week’s episode we look at text from Midrash Tanchuma on Exodus 19:16, which describes all the fiery wonders that accompanied the giving of the Torah. The midrash goes on to also recount many watery wonders done by G-d to show divine power, including inundating a third of the surrounding lands by the Mediterranean sea. We discuss the paradox that we do not have control over the weather, but also that climate change is caused by human action. We also discuss how having faith can keep us going in scary and complex times. Follow along with the source sheet here: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/452572

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • The Individual Business Owner's Responsibility to the Environment of the Community
    Dec 31 2024

    In this week’s episode we look at text from the Mishna and Gemara of Bava Batra, an ancient text regulating air pollution. We discuss how, to uphold our deepest values, we have to set up structures that enforce them. We further discuss how a growing and more spread out population creates sacrifice zones, which even as we reduce pollution from electricity generation, many polluting industries will continue as we mine materials for and produce more things for sustainable electrification and transportation. Follow along with the source sheet here: http://www.sefaria.org/sheets/576006

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • The Ark as Seed Vault
    Dec 17 2024

    In this week’s episode we look at Ramban’s comment on Genesis 8:11 asking where the olive branch that the dove was carrying came from and how vegetation regenerated after the flood. While we feel that, living in the era of climate change, we are living in unprecedented times, Judaism has stories of drastic and sudden changes to the world, and traditions around how humans responded with ingenuity. We look at how the gates of the Garden of Eden and the ark as a seed vault parallel technologies we are currently creating to adapt to climate change. We also talk about how, to move forward, we need a culture of understanding and forgiveness. Follow along with the source sheet here: www.sefaria.org/sheets/603534

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The Righteous are Happy for the Good of the Creatures
    Dec 4 2024

    In this week’s episode we look at the Sefer Hachinuch’s comment on the commandment not to destroy fruit trees during a siege. The text presents one of the mitzvot foundational to the Jewish environmental movement, Bal Tashchit, the prohibition against wasting, which has been used to talk about sustainability and resource extraction. We also look at the concept of someone being a “Hasid Mitzvah” or paying special attention to a specific mitzvah. In the text that mitzvah is Bal Tashchit, and in the environmental movement that might be either being careful about everyday things like turning off the lights or reusing bags or finding the niche within the movement that you can become passionate about. Follow along with the source sheet here: http://www.sefaria.org/sheets/575995

    Más Menos
    18 m