
  • #03 Burnout & Business
    Dec 19 2024

    Burnout isn’t the end—it’s the beginning of a better way to work

    In this episode, I’m sharing a story many high performers avoid discussing but desperately need to hear—how I confronted burnout while running a thriving finance and investing mentoring business, and the strategies I developed to rebuild my energy and productivity.

    In this episode, I’ll cover:
    🚀 The truth about burnout: why it’s not just about overworking and how it can hit even the most accomplished professionals.

    💼 How cultural norms and societal expectations can make recognizing burnout harder—and what to do about it.

    🩺 The importance of taking control of your health through proper diagnostics, like hormonal and cortisol testing, and actionable steps to regain balance.

    ⏱️ Why redefining your boundaries and workflows is critical to sustainable success—and how to do it effectively.

    💡 Practical strategies for leveraging your unique strengths, cycles, and energy patterns to thrive in both life and business.

    This episode isn’t about slowing down; it’s about recalibrating to move forward smarter and stronger. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a corporate leader, or a driven professional, these insights will empower you to maintain peak performance without sacrificing your health.

    🎧 Tune in now to discover how to navigate burnout, reclaim control, and redefine success on your own terms.

    Don’t forget to click the bell on Spotify to stay updated on future episodes!

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • #02 The cost of compromise
    Dec 4 2024

    What’s the real cost of compromise in your life?

    In this deeply personal and empowering episode of Culturally Incorrect, I dive into the hard-hitting question: what happens when we sacrifice our values for convenience, profit, or societal norms?

    From navigating ethical investing to setting boundaries in relationships, I share my journey of making intentional decisions in work, relationships, and consumer habits—while holding fast to my core beliefs.

    Through candid stories and my decision to leave the corporate world, I challenge you to rethink what you tolerate and normalize. Whether it’s the toxic workplace, unhealthy relationships, or blindly supporting unethical corporations, this episode is a call to action: to take your power back.

    Tune in for practical tips on ethical investing, tools for smarter decision-making, and strategies to break free from systems that no longer serve you.

    This episode is your reminder that you’re not helpless—you’re empowered. You deserve to be seen, heard, and respected. Start making choices that honor you.







    Más Menos
    42 m
  • #01 Renaissance
    Nov 24 2024

    🎙️ Culturally Incorrect is back with a bang!

    In this empowering comeback episode, I'm sharing my journey from burnout to building a thriving business, rediscovering my identity, and embracing my personal Renaissance.

    While diving into the lessons learned through my lowest moments, I include practical tips on finding strength in self-care, aligning with core values, navigating cultural clashes, and reclaiming joy in small pleasures like gaming and journaling.

    This episode is an invitation to embrace change, find purpose, and unapologetically become the person you’re meant to be. 🌟

    Connect with me on Spotify! Start commenting and asking questions via the comment function - looking forward connecting with you!!! 💚

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • #45 What is inner diversity and how can we transform it into strong skills?
    Mar 3 2023
    - ENGLISH VERSION STARTS AT MINUTE 54' - German summary: Ein Gespräch mit Klaus Motoki Tonn - über innere Diversität, wie du damit umgehen kannst, was das "paradox mindset" ist, und wie du deine innere Diversität zu deiner persönlichen Stärke transformieren kannst. Am Ende der Folge gibt es praktische Tools an die Hand, wie du mit deiner inneren Diversität umgehen und herausfinden kannst, wie du nun die Stärken deiner "Andersartigkeit" einsetzen kannst. English summary: A conversation with Klaus Motoki Tonn - about inner diversity, how you can deal with it, what the "paradox mindset" is, and how you can transform your inner diversity into your personal strength. At the end of the episode, you will find practical tools on how you can deal with your inner diversity and how you can use these strengths of "being different" for your own personal advantage.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • #44 Wie tief sitzt Rassismus in Deutschland und was können wir dagegen tun?
    Jan 12 2023
    - GERMAN ONLY - Rassismus, Rechtsextremismus, Muslimfeindlichkeit & Integration - ein strukturelles Problem in Deutschland? Was tut die Politik dafür? Welche Ansätze helfen, um die aktuellen Herausforderungen in Deutschland zu verbessern? Wie können wir die Gesellschaft wieder zusammenführen anstatt zu spalten? Welche Rassismen existieren? Und wie kann man sich im Unternehmenskontext kritisch mit diesen Themen befassen? Wie gehen wir mit Whataboutism um? Konkrete Tipps & Tricks und wichtige Links zu Büchern, Podcasts und E-Learnings in den Shownotes.
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • #43 Migrant Founders - die vergessene Unternehmergeneration
    Sep 26 2022
    ENGLISH VERSION STARTS AT MINUTE 38 Ein tolles Gespräch mit Burak Gökkaya, Mitbegründer von vollefarben.de - warum wir Gründerinnen und Gründer mit Migrationshintergrund mehr unterstützen sollten, als wir es jetzt tun A great conversation with Burak Gökkaya, Co-Founder of vollefarben.de on why we should support migrant founders more than we do now
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • #42 Being bicultural: blessing or curse?
    Aug 10 2022
    English Version of Podcast: Start on minute 48 A great conversation about culture, being stuck between cultures, prejudices and clichees - and how-to deal with them ---- Ein tolles Gespräch über Kultur, das "stuck sein" zwischen den Kulturen, Vorurteilen und Klischees - und wie man mit ihnen am besten umgeht.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • #41 Why you have to create habits to make inclusion work
    Jul 13 2022
    Deutsche Version: 42 Min What are habits? Can you learn & train them? What are good habits & bad habits? How can you overcome bad ones? How can habits "strengthen" prejudices, biases, and/ or discrimination? How can I acquire habits that make me think and act more inclusive? --- Was sind Gewohnheiten? Kann man sie lernen und trainieren? Was sind gute Gewohnheiten und schlechte Gewohnheiten? Wie kann man schlechte Gewohnheiten überwinden? Wie können Gewohnheiten Vorurteile, Voreingenommenheit und/oder Diskriminierung "verstärken"? Wie kann ich mir Gewohnheiten aneignen, die mich inklusiver denken und handeln lassen?
    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m