
  • Portrait of A Pharisee
    Mar 10 2025

    What is legalism? This popular buzz word is frequently used to attack Christians who uphold righteousness and personal holiness, but is that how God defines legalism?

    Patrick Wetmore and Will Cord turn to God's revelation and examine a form of legalism that is rarely identified in 2025.

    So now let's shine the light of God's Word on This. Present. Darkness!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Not Made to Fight
    Feb 24 2025

    Should women be fighting in military combat roles?

    As theologian Cornelius Van Til said, "The Bible is authoritative on everything of which it speaks. Moreover, it speaks of everything."

    God speaks to gender and gives men and women defined roles. The issue comes down to will God define life for us or will we insist on defining it ourselves?

    Let's shine the light of God's word on this present darkness!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Antichrists in Abundance
    Feb 9 2025

    Most everyone in Christian circles has some point of reference to the concept of "the antichrist", but the Bible also speaks of antichrists (plural).

    So who are they? And how do they win the support of people and cause great spiritual damage? Patrick Wetmore and Will Cord discuss the topic of antichrists and more importantly relay some of what God says about them.

    So now let's shine the light of God's Word on this present darkness!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Spiritual Assault of Information
    Jan 25 2025

    Pause for a moment and think about how much information beckons for your attention and bombards your mind on a daily basis. Now think about how this is affecting you spiritually.
    Are you a redeemed? Has Jesus Christ delivered you from the domain of darkness and put you in the domain of His marvelous light. Our hope is He has. If Jesus is your Lord & Saviour, then you have a major war to fight. As we discuss on this episode, one of those battle fronts is for your mind. What are you giving your attention to? Endless sources of information are vying for your attention, but they poses a real spiritual threat. We are in danger of consuming so much information that we stop "hearing" God's word. Jesus said those who are spiritually deaf, ie those who don't know what He's saying or worse unwilling to respond when they do know, Jesus said these people are under a curse. Read Matt 13:1-23. Our prayer is the Word of God will pierce through all deception and nonessential information and cause you to respond in saving faith.
    So now let's shine the light of God's Word on this present darkness!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • College Football Cult
    Dec 27 2024

    The sin of idolatry is as prevalent as it's ever been and commonplace here in America. College football is a great example. People give whole hearted devotion to their team with the hope of forming a winning identity for themselves. On this episode Patrick Wetmore and Will Cord consider the spiritual threat college football poses to the born again follower of Jesus Christ.

    More importantly we share a dire warning from God not to become entangled in the sin of idolatry, regardless of how culturally "respectable" it is.

    So now let's turn our attention from this present darkness to the light of God's word!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Christmas Clarity
    Dec 19 2024

    What exactly are we celebrating at Christmas? Will Cord and Patrick Wetmore take a Biblical and Cultural look at Christmas on this episode of Your Who Hear. So now let's shine the light of God's Word on this Present Darkness!

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Be Thankful
    Nov 27 2024

    It's that time of year - Thanksgiving! Patrick Wetmore and Will Cord discuss Thanksgiving as a national holiday, but even more as a way of life for the child of God. God is good and gives good commands. Be thankful is one of His commands. Let's talk about it and speak God's word to this present darkness!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Criminal Activity
    Nov 27 2024

    God is super straightforward about his expectations for government. In Romans 13:4 He reveals the role of government is to punish evil. Sadly, that hasn't been happening as it should. Over the last four years abuse of power has become common. The rich and powerful have been able to live "above the law". Will we see law and order make a comeback? It's a topic Patrick Wetmore and Will Cord tackle on this episode of You Who Hear.

    Now it's time to speak God's word into this present darkness!

    Más Menos
    48 m