
  • Transforming Oil and Gas
    Nov 17 2024

    In this episode we talk to Donna Sutherland from Veri Energy about the challenges and opportunities facing oil and gas. Our focus is on Sullom Voe Terminal (SVT) in the Shetland Isles and the opportunity its unique proximity to legacy oil and gas infrastructure, water and renewable electricity will enable a genesis of the site in the net zero world. However there are challenges! We discuss government policy and support for projects like SVT and what needs to happen to enable investment in such projects. We look at social barriers and behaviours that need to change to allow a "right" transition. And we ask Donna if she was given one wish of government what would that be!

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Asking For Consent
    Jun 25 2024

    With a bow wave of renewable energy projects either in, or about to enter the planning and consenting process we ask the question of whether the present system is appropriate and robust for the net zero opportunity. Jonathan and Phil speak with Jadine Berry and Owen Francis from Turley and explore the current system with a net zero lens. What route do projects take through the planning process? Is there an engineering bias by project developers that can over look some of the complexities in stakeholder engagement? When should a project consider the planning and consenting process? How does the process vary between the devolved nations? Listen to this episode and find answers to all these questions and more.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Engineering, Circularity and Sustainability
    Mar 27 2024

    In the first edition of What On Earth! Phil and Jonathan chatted with Chris McMahon of Bristol University on the challenges of sustainability and a circular economy from an engineering perspective. Can we engineer ourselves out of the net zero challenge with continued human ingenuity? Or have we reached the peak of incremental change that has now created complex systems and processes which now heighten our circularity challenges. Learn about Jevons paradox and the multi-polar trap that explain our current challenges as society and possibly add a few titles to your reading list!

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Poultry, Process Optimisation and Performance
    Jan 30 2024

    Or The Phil Westmorland Interview! Over A Barrel welcomes our new co-host Phil Westmorland. In this episode we understand what makes Phil tick; his background and work at Apollo. We explore what shaped him growing up on a chicken farm and draw parallels from these experiences to his work today as Apollo's Decarbonisation Director.
    This will be the last episode under the Over A Barrel format as we seek to embrace the net zero challenge nationally across the UK and the opportunities and challenges this presents. More of that in next episode. Watch this space!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • FLOW: Go or No Go (A postcard from FOW23)
    Oct 20 2023

    A slightly different tack in this episode where Jonathan sends us a “postcard” from FOW2023 in Aberdeen, the exhibition and conference dedicated to floating offshore wind. Hot on the heels of that iconic gathering of Offshore Europe, Jonathan attempts to unpick the challenges and opportunities ahead for the industry. He speaks to government, developers and supply chain to understand different perspectives in order to understand the opportunity and whether the stumbling block of AR5 is a bump or a hurdle in the road ahead. Thanks to Steve Jermy from Celtic Sea Power and Cornwall LEP, Simon Cheeseman from OREC, Alex Gauntt from Cierco, Graham Foster from Marine Power Systems and Nigel Robinson from Apollo.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Rewilding the Energy Sector
    Sep 28 2023

    In this episode we chat to the former head of the North Sea Transition Authority, Andy Samuel. Andy gives us his now unfettered view from the coastal hills of Devon. We explore what seem some of the insurmountable challenges to the sector and with Andy’s insight and knowledge from his period at the NSTA provides us some hope and direction for the energy industry. Topics such as asset electrification, hydrogen and the use of the North Sea as a long term store for carbon dioxide are discussed. Great insight, knowledge and comment from an exceptional industry leader.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Go With The FLOW: A Developers Perspective
    Sep 1 2023

    In this episode Stuart and Jonathan talk with Sian Lloyd Rees, UK Managing Director for Mainstream Renewable Power. The discussion explores the challenges and opportunities facing the offshore wind industry and how Sian’s previous experience in oil and gas and software is helping her shape her approach for the sector. UK wide opportunities are explored along with potential skill shortages along with the energy transition opportunities for areas like Aberdeen. Sian gives her honest and interesting insights as a senior executive moving within the energy sector.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • The Answer is Blowin' in the Offshore Wind
    31 m