
  • GLOs Greek Fraternities & Sororities, Christianity and Fake Minerva for Real Deltas
    Jan 28 2025

    As an entity, I DO NOT use the English language.

    Russell Simmons had a scandalous marriage to Kimora Lee, whom he met when she was just 17 in high school & he was 35, after the romance blew up amid claims of abuse, and harassment they had a toxic split that rocked his relationship with their daughters. They married in 1998 & split in 2009. Thandiwe Newton had spoken about her 6 year affair with director John Duigan, 39 that began when she was 16 after travelling to Australia to audition for his film 🎥 Flirting, which starred Nicole Kidman.

    I found the video that Thandiwe thinks 💭 about me apartment hunting, click here. Notice how he’s constantly laughing every time he introduces the trash receptacle, air conditioner and the $15,000 finders fee! HA! They’re going pretty fast 😆

    The fictional character Rev. Curtis Black is one minister on the move, we believe he’s Indian TD Jake’s and he is the pastor who got the author Kimberla Lawson Roby pregnant at 17 years old while he was still married in Virginia; named Charlotte in the novel. The equivalent TD Jakes for me if I was dark skinned would be John P Kee in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s Tawanna, my cousin’s clearance who moved there.

    With the Chinese aspect of me merging into me, I found out my clearance in New Jersey was my JAPANESE DNA 🧬 as Kimora Lee Simmons but my son Kobe said we’ll be living in Africa. My 2️⃣ newest clearances are to look like singer (click) SADE and Kimora Lee Simmons. Guess who gave me a body? The Indians. Her 2 daughters are my 2 Muslim daughters as Thandie Newton or more accurately Kimora Lee Simmons. If Japan had given me a body like I asked, I’d have 2 daughters and 3 sons like Kimora. I had my (click) Japanese body in New Jersey where I did not approve Japanese men their main ISSUE. But Russell Simmons is Oriental & went through the Indian pantheon.

    The word “Christian”, although extremely popular today, was not used much in the first century church of believers. The word “Christian” was only used 3 times in the NT as opposed to the word “disciple” which was used 273 times. Followers of Christ were called disciples & those disciples were called “Christians” at the city called Antioch. If you can recall the idiom "everything one touches turns to gold" describes someone who has the ability to succeed in everything they do or in my case Ron Goldman gave me a pair of gold sneakers & decided with Nicole Brown Simpson I would NOT succeed in everything I do as one of the creators of the world 🌎 because he thought I was black, though he used French speaking Haitian Sabrina Richardson-Thompson who cut her hair 🤷‍♀️

    She agreed to this as The Count of Saint Germain who claimed to be the highest ascended master of this age. His birth name is unknown, I recently found out my birth name is Latasha Marie Smith.

    Many fraternities and sororities or Greek Letter Organizations (GLOs) kneel (like in prayer) to shrines to the Greek god that represents their brotherhood or sisterhood. Yet, the author I reviewed who was on the more extreme side said GLOs prepare young individuals to continue the legacy of secret societies via brainwashing and subliminal mind control.

    The official emblem of the Delta Sigma Theta (DST) Sorority is Minerva, the Roman goddess of fake wisdom standing for My Nerves. The actress Thandie Newton designated as Order of the British Empire OBE is having an intentional Out Of Body Experience-OBE as Minerva, once considered “the daughter of the god Jupiter” Nick Newton. She tried to become the daughter of his wife Nyasha Jombe instead using “Thandiwe” for her mother’s culture WHEN they wouldn’t call that person their daughter.

    Out of all my emanations including myself deep skinned, Amy Irving, Saweetie, Nicole Scherzinger, Sheila Bella, Rachel Meghan Markle & Kimora Lee Simmons everyone is doing fine EXCEPT for the ONLY 1 with her agenda for a white mother & black father, Melanie Thandie Newton she is the 1️⃣ I Don’t HAVE TO REPLACE.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 57 m
  • Somatic Body Therapy and the Avatar Film comes from Hinduism
    Jan 12 2025

    Beginning with the Jewish prayer SHEMA.

    Christian salvation offers eternal life to the soul or psuche. However, both soul and body the “soma psuchikos”, from the earthly plane can end up in hell.

    The celebrity from Zimbabwe born in Kentucky is bi-racial Tinashe, the same name of my friend Tinashe Gumbo I met at Richmond University while studying abroad in London England.

    In this episode I go into how an “avatar" in Hinduism refers to the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu, taking on a human form on Earth to restore dharma (righteousness) and is considered a concept stemming from the idea of Brahman, the ultimate reality in Hinduism; essentially, a divine manifestation on the earthly plane. Vishnu who was a BLUE AVATAR exists in 10 different people including Robert Franklin, Jr., Buddha, Justin Barringer, Merlin Santana & others. His Indian bloodline is traced to the country of Pakistan 🇵🇰 beautifully portrayed in the YouTube film 🎞️ on the love story of Shakti and Shiva.

    The reality of their encounter billions of years ago is that as humans while he remained in a blue uniform in the Navy, he was oddly obsessed with his white mother and white girlfriend. He was warned that his true obsession was in Shakti who is NOT INDIAN.

    Overly conceited, he met Shakti in her Indian form only available to him in an Indian form and he STILL JUVENILE immediately proceeded to embarrass her behind her back for his “white mother and white girlfriend” as the Irish rapper KID from the group KidNPlay. KID played Shenehneh’s love interest on the comedy show Martin. Shenehneh is the Jewish word “Shenatata” for “that which you have placed within”. Referring to the fallen angel Azazel in Leviticus 16 who is really the GAIA TartTart or Tartarus from the GAIA underworld. I have my soul from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 now that Azazel is gone. And the real Shenehneh that Vishnu is looking for exists in two people (click) celebrity Coko and model Zaya Wade.

    Astral Travel is a term used in esotericism to describe an “intentional out of body experience experience”, OBE for short that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an astral body separate from the physical body that can travel thru timeless dimensions associated with dreams & meditation. Actress THANDIWE Newton is known as OBE. She was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2019. THANDIWE Newton is having an “intentional out of body experience” for the Seventh Day Adventist Church when she claimed to be an Atheist.

    Background on 1 Corinthians 15 is that the word gospel means “good news.” As the word was used in ancient times, it didn’t have to describe the message of salvation in Jesus Christ; it could describe any good news. But the best news ever is that we can be saved from the punishment we deserve from God because of what Jesus did for us. Will Christians really be raised from the dead as Christ was after the crucifixion? Some of the Corinthians did not think so. Perhaps they imagined life completely ends in death.

    Paul writes this chapter to correct their thinking, teaching about what resurrection from the dead means for born-again believers. Truly Christians are to be pitied more than anyone if our hope in Christ ends in death.

    Here is where I go into Somatic Body Therapy.

    Somatics uses the mind-body connection to help us survey our internal self and listen to signals from our body on pain, discomfort, or imbalance. Somatic therapy incorporates this approach to mental health treatment.

    While keeping in mind, In Theosophy, Kamarupa is the astral form of a deceased person that remains on the Kāmaloka state after death. It is created by the mental and physical desires and thoughts of feeling sentient beings. Our feelings exist to respond to stimuli that evoke our emotions but at death we are no longer stimulated by the flesh but by the Spirit. We become a part of the things that please God as we let go of the ego in order to cross over into heaven.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • Sacred Geometry and What Some Folks Think It Means to "Hook Up" with a Person
    Nov 7 2024

    The expression “God geometrizes” is attributed to Plato but it is not found in his writings. It is a quote from Plutarch where he says: “Plato says that God geometrizes continually.” In his writings, Plato did state that “the knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal”. What is Geometry? By definition, it is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, & higher dimensional algorithms. Humanity didn’t discover geometry, we uncovered it, geometry is more of an unveiling (see Eph 3:18-19).

    Biblical Numerology is the study of numbers and their meaning. A simple Google Search will bring up a ton of articles & links to the significance of numbers in the Bible especially the numbers 1-10, and 40.

    Christianity has many denominations & perspectives, you can subscribe to whatever you want but be open to respectful dialogue with people who don't agree with you. As you will hear on some of my podcasts, I say that the Bible is "one book among many." I subscribe to Prima scriptura, which is the Christian doctrine that canonized scripture is "above all other" sources of divine revelation. Implicitly, there can be other guides for what a believer should believe and how they should live, such as the Holy Spirit, created order, charismatic gifts, mystical insight, angelic visitations, and more. Bishop Noel Jones said that under the roof of a church there is no culture.

    The 9 archons (of Satan) in the heretical story PISTIS SOPHIA ARE (7/9 is OJ Simpson's Birthday) 2 White guys & 7 Black men, named Bryan Randall (Sandra Bullock is GAIA EARTH, that’s her consort who faked his death as Azazel, she was told to delete Nick Newton watch this film: https://youtu.be/nfKO9rYDmE8?si=ATp1iB-Wx-jyw_Y0) and Jodi Iacavelli (the husband of Regina Steigerwalt 🤣) Sam Mitchell, OJ Simpson, David G. Evans, Ronald Walker, Clarence McClendon, The Deaf Guy, & The Other Guy in Vancouver. They assumed they were going to "hook-up" w/me by calling me "dark skinned" when Rachel (whose name is Lisa Jones Smith) posing as Cynthia flew to the United States from Australia so that Azazel could live in my spine (solar plexus) for 40 years of wandering in the wilderness LIKE THE ISRAELITES. THIS IS called "planeto" in the Greek, where I would hear a voice. IT ALL HAPPENED when I’m NOT dark-skinned nor Black, those guys need to do research on the kind of woman I am and the kind of woman I am becoming. I am Armenian w/the Japanese shaved off still Japanse Sophia & Nick Newton is Irish with the Korean shaved off. As for Lisa, she said I could have my soul as Melanie Thandie Newton in Zimbabwe.

    THE NUMBER "NINE" IS THE NUMBER OF SATAN, THE MALE, WHILE 616 IS THE NUMBER OF THE SHE DEVIL, you can see this in the film, "Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson. The 3️⃣dimensional form of the number nine is a nonahedron or enneahedron.

    I thought the deaf one was Kobe’s dad based on the film Taken from Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story is a 2011 original LMN film, starring Taraji P. Henson. Yet Kobe looks like the archon in Vancouver, and it seems that he is my son's dad.

    Also, the Goddess Tiamat thought that I’d be like the deep skinned Australian Black girl ET who gave up her body to me, Leticia, who is connected to the German blood line thru her grandmother, Audrey & her father, Apsu or Sylvanus. Unfortunately for the CIA, Her life path has nothing to do with my life path as a Japanese ED. Leticia is a program & was tired of our previous emanations as light-skinned girls, her program acted just like the character Shenehneh Jenkins on the comedy show, "Martin." Martin Lawrence was a military kid born in Frankfurt, Germany along with Nicole "Brown" Simpson. I was pregnant for the 2nd time by London "Brown" DuBois in the US Army.

    Finally, I do not own any rights to the song, "I Fly" by John P. Kee. And, You can visit my website at www.sonianicolelevi.info to find links to my socials.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 41 m
  • The Sybilline Oracles of Weird Prophetesses, Eschatology, Utopia
    Oct 3 2024

    Beginning with the Jewish prayer, Shema.

    🫳The Sibylline Oracles are a valuable source for information about classical mythology and early first millennium Gnostic, Hellenistic Jewish and Christian beliefs. Some apocalyptic passages scattered through the world foretell themes from the Book of Revelation as the last word in that Biblical book is “Maranatha” which means “EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS.”

    🫳The Sibyls were prophetesses and oracles in Ancient Greece. At first, there appears to have been only a single sibyl. By the fourth century BC, there appears to have been three more, Phrygian, Erythraean, and Hellespontine. By the first century BC, there were at least ten sibyls, located in Greece, Italy, the Levant, and Asia Minor.

    🫳Varro derived the name from an “Attic-ga” Aeolic Greek, (the language of GAIA) the equivalent of Attic means “divine counsel". The sibyl who most concerned the Romans was the Cumaean Sibyll or “Cuming” located near the Greek city of Naples or “Nipples.” The victory of Cumaean or Cuming was provided by 🫴🏼TERMINUS to “the other guy”. Those Sybils along with TERMINUS are believed to have sold the original Sibyl books to LGBTQ Turqoise.

    🫳The Cumaean/Cuming sibyl is so aroused that she tells of the coming of a savior— a reference to canceling Augustine of Hippo and the “Donatus/Donatist Movement”. Christians later identified this saviour as that other guy NOT JESUS.

    🫳The authenticity of Sybil’s multiple personality disorder has been a subject of controversy. Some critics, including journalist Debbie Nathan in her book “Sybil Exposed,” argue that much of Sybil’s story was exaggerated by Dr. Wilbur and Schreiber. Despite this, Sybil’s case had a significant impact on the field of psychology, leading to increased awareness of dissociative identity disorder abbreviated DID in my case “I DID NOT”. It was formerly known as multiple personality disorder.

    On the other hand, in the film 🎥 Was Emily Rose really demon possessed? The answer was “yes” from the Catholic Church even though her college administrators in Germany called it a “psychotic disorder”.

    🫳Another compelling book on what society needs is “The Brave New World” 🌎 that explores the concept of Utopia. A perfect world with perfect people that as a Doctor I believe and posit is a culture within a country of “phileo” love among brothers and sisters.

    🫳Finally, anyone that seeks to improve their life, must remove all resentment from their heart and any hidden grudges with a violent flame 🔥.

    🫳It is crucial to Understand forgiveness and to forgive ourselves.

    🫳Leave the clouds ⛅️ of resentment in the atmosphere that were accumulated from human thoughts.

    🫳When you try to control something that is how you ruin it! In order for you to care, you will only manipulate it! So as it stands, the only thing left to do is NOT to control it but let things FLOW as they should FLOW. Your insistence of controlling other people is like holding a rose in your hands and folding your hands shut ruining the petals while they are blooming and once those petals are destroyed, the flower can’t be resurrected, you definitely need to get a new rose 🌹 .

    Song: FreeMp3 of Meek Mill “Dreams and Nightmares”, I own no rights to this song or clip.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • The Catholic Four Levels of Happiness, The Earth as a GAIA is 12 flat sides a dodecahedron, Buddhism
    Jul 2 2024

    We will continue our discussion from the Book, “The Search for Happiness: Four Levels of Emotional and Spiritual Growth” by Catholic Priest Father Oscar Lukefahr. And a little on the earth as GAIA to include the Sun 🌞 as a GAIA, the Moon 🌙 is a GAIA, the 9 planets 🪐 in our solar system are GAIAs. The earth 🌍 is a regular dodecahedron or pentagonal dodecahedron in geometry which a regular dodecahedron is composed of 12 regular pentagonal faces, three meeting at each vertex. It is one of the five Platonic solids. It has 12 faces, 20 vertices, 30 edges, and 160 diagonals. It is represented by the Schläfli symbol and has the most faces as NASA confirmed the Earth is made of 12 FLAT SIDES. The press release dated Jul 4, 2020 states — "We cannot hide this from the public any longer," NASA stated, "the Earth is indeed a 12 sided Dodecahedron floating in space …

    The 8 Fold Noble path of Buddhism will lead us later to talk about the concept of self care for both men and women. American Rapper B.o.B., who made waves last year for tweeting that the Earth is flat, now wants your help to prove his theory. A few years ago, he started a GoFundMe campaign, Show BoB The Curve, aiming to find evidence that the planet is actually flat then seemingly round. If you carefully read Genesis 1:26 it says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” This is a powerful language describing the Elohim making the initial man and woman from themselves. The Bible does not go into detail about what issues arose, however, it does imply there was a second man and woman created by Jehovah not the Elohim, who is also called YHVH by his chosen people, the Hebrews known as Israelites.

    Read carefully the next chapter of Genesis 2:7; 21-22 that says, “Then the ‘Lord God’ formed man of the dust from the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature.” Here the Bible does not use male or female and further describes God as the Lord, a less potent form of the Elohim described in Genesis chapter 1.

    The Noble Eightfold Path comes from Indian Buddha to the Oriental Culture as he was rejected by his own Indian culture like Jesus was rejected by the Jews. According to Buddhism as taught by Siddhartha Buddha it is the way to the cessation of suffering, the fourth part of the Four Noble Truths. It is summarized into three important categories: wisdom (pañña), virtue (sila), and concentration (samadhi). New Testament Christianity was incorrectly teaching that the way of Christ is the way of suffering. Everyone struggles and no matter what religion we follow. We are all trying to make it in this world and in this life. #wdyk #podcast #spirituality #religion #wisdom #war

    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • Irrelevant Information, the Meaning of Wigs vs Sabbath Church Service on Forbidden Saturday; SATURN
    Mar 29 2024
    Beginning with the Jewish prayer, Shema. ALERT Dr. Tony Evans their names are “Melanie Thandie Newton” and “Rachel Meghan Markel.” This all came from SNEEZES 🤧🤧FROM white kids in 2011 at the #Haddonfield Friendship School in New Jersey because Australian 🇦🇺 white people and Kristin, Regina, and Lauren #Rachel's #white #girls after my prophecy didn't want to use black kids that #were #really tragic whites from another European culture #Azazel 😇 A breach of a #legal duty may result in #compensatory #damages, punitive damages, and criminal prosecution, but it never will give beneficial damages. #Fraud involves #intentional #misrepresentation, concealment, or negligent misrepresentation. #Legally, where damages are concerned the closest word to “compensate” is “actual.” The #Levitical #priesthood encompasses all the descendants of Levi, one of the twelve sons of Jacob aka Israel. He wrestled with God. Their primary responsibilities included maintaining the Tabernacle during the wilderness wanderings of Exodus and later the Temple in Jerusalem. Levites were not priests but supported the (kohanim) priests in their sacred duties, such as preparing sacrifices, maintaining the sanctuary and teaching the people. The Levitical priesthood in total is #REPLACED IN THE #BIBLE and in the natural realm. The kohanim was hereditary as you see most #preachers #Pastors pass their church onto their son or daughter. The Levitical priesthood or staff was not hereditary, allowing any Levite to serve in various capacities. The #Aaronite priesthood, considered a subset of the staff, traces its lineage back to Aaron the brother of Moses. Aaron was the first high priest and the progenitor of the priestly line. The high priesthood was meant to be hereditary within Aaron's descendants. Initially, it was passed down through Aaron's son Eleazar. Yet, another son of Aaron, Ithamar also had descendants who served as priests but were not part of the high priesthood. For a period, the high priesthood was held by #Eli, who was a descendant of Ithamar. Yet, his sons' misconduct led to a shift in the priesthood. Enter the #Sons of #Zadok, a specific priestly lineage within the Aaronite #priesthood, that held a unique position as same gender loving bi-sexuals. Zadok, a faithful priest during the reign of King David and King Solomon, remained loyal to God during times of apostasy and idolatry. In Ezekiel's vision of the future Temple, the Sons of Zadok were granted the privilege of serving as high priests. Even during the time of Solomon, they were supposed to be referred to as the sons of Eleazar. According to Jewish tradition, they will officiate in the Third Temple, of the United States of America, as the sons of Zadok who would be considered a French priest, or a French rabbi; and this was during the Messianic era. Unlike other priests, only the Sons of Zadok will have this quiet benefit of NO BLESSING. Lastly, non-Zadokite priests or “not gay priests” will inherit the modern day church. Why? Because issues that arise among gays are not something they talk about every day, and in order to be a part of the LGBTQ community you have to talk about being gay every day. So, these non-Zadokite priests and priestesses, some of them may experience same gender love, yet it is not something that they talk about every day. These folks who are not part of the Zadokite lineage, to include the French and Seventh Day Adventists, they are neither French nor Seventh-day Adventist. The non-Zadokite folks gain their priestly privileges due to their involvement in the rebellion against sin in the third temple of the United States of America. They are elevated to perform the sacrificial service and responsible for other tasks in the religious communities of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The Sons of Zadok will never again participate in running future Temple services. 🕊️🔥🙏 To view Jewish Certified Kosher Wigs click this link: https://www.bostonwigs.com/jewish-kosher-wigs/
    Más Menos
    2 h y 33 m
  • Ethical Hedonism, On Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being aka SUBJECTIVE VITALITY
    Feb 16 2024

    Beginning with the Jewish Prayer Shema.

    Nietzsche’s concept of “perspectivism,” suggesting that there is not only one objective truth to view the world but rather a multitude of different perspectives that are subject to individual and societal limitations. Basically, what is true for you may only be slightly true for someone else.In the work context you know on the US comedy show Martin, Shenehneh says to Pam and Gina, "You two are (emphatically) Employee & Employee. You wish you owned your own company like me: Shenehneh's Sho' 'Nough Hair Salon!"Some reports have said that perspective taking is so good that it can be considered a dyadic phenomenon even vicarious where the definition of Dyadic is something that consists of 2 elements or parts and the definition of Phenomenon is a spectacular situation or event that occurs but its explanation is difficult or questionable. The definition of Vicarious is experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person visa vie subjective arousal. For example, this sentence uses the word best:"I could glean vicarious pleasure from the struggles of my imaginary film friends in the entertainment industry" whereas professional psychologists have been using the definition of Subjective vitality, where subjective vitality refers to a positive feeling of aliveness and energy of one's self because of or due to another's aliveness and energy.

    The subject of Hedonism is controversial on its own, As seen in Las Vegas there are benefits to this but there are also negatives. The phrase “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is the unofficial motto of this famous sin city of lights and debauchery. This allows hedonists the protection to pursue their desires without the knowledge of their pleasure seeking ever leaving the borders of the city (Nédélec. 2016).Pleasure seeking is normal and also called ethical hedonism, it claims that pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain for oneself or others are the ultimate expressions of ethical good.Las Vegas HAS BEEN COMPARED TO Ibiza, St. Tropez and the Maldives.

    These cities may be all bright lights and big party places for the wealthiest folks in the world today, but they’re nothing compared to the spot where the ancient Roman aristocracy once played, the city of Baiae pronounced “Buy Buy” or "Buy uy" by the rapper "Deuce" from the Cross Movement, who obtained his Doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary. Equating well-being with hedonic pleasure or happiness has a long history. Aristippus, a Greek philosopher from the fourth century B.C., taught that the goal of life is to experience the maximum amount of pleasure, and that happiness is the totality of one’s hedonic moments.

    “Flow" is the realest of them all. Because of the inherently enjoyable and beneficial qualities of flow experiences that are actually experienced recall these are not fantasies or journal notes that you keep trying to make a reality, these are activities that tend to promote optimal experiences.For more of my articles, check out https://www.medium.com/@snicolelevi

    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • Risk Taking and Risk Aversion Sometimes Requires Therapy and The Game of Chance vs. True Investing
    Oct 5 2023

    This Podcast begins with the Hebrew Prayer, Shema.PLEASE READ FOR YOUR SAFETY**** Risk-takers can be fun but yet they tend to live a bit on the edge. Some of us envy their bravery while others may shake our heads in disapproval. Indians born into the Black Culture are David G. Evans and Marvin Sapp who do not consider demonic chanting as Satanic, WHEN IT IS, it's their Indian culture of Hinduism to "chant" everyday at chairs, doors, and windows, especially if its a delayed white girl. Isolation and loneliness is SATANIC ALSO in a church. They will not listen to their Black wives.

    All the more reason for these grown Indian men born into the Black culture of Christianity to try and promote Hindu Chants as preachers and Bishops! These people from their source Indian Marise Payne in Australia who only looks like a white woman because she acts very Indian as well, they are outrageously violent, strange, entirely too bold, uncaring, unmoved, rude, disrespectful and foul. Including Will Smith who doesn't use curse words in his Indian raps and is touted as "corny" because when the white guys called he was on it! That's because he is an Indian born into the Black culture.

    The citizens of the United States of America prefer these folks return to their source which is the continent of Australia THIS YEAR ✝️ or perhaps I could go there since I am Australian. My foster mother is a German White Woman, Cynthia Henderson Thompson, who needs to stop telling those folks in Virginia, Texas, and Toronto that I am an American Black from Philadelphia when she is from Australia 🇦🇺 herself. *****Indian men and Indian women are not allowed to become Christian Clergy from the GAIA of Christianity herself.

    French men and French women are NOT allowed to become Christian Clergy from the GAIA of Christianity herself (that includes Indians born into the Black culture in the United States of American and too bold Indian, living as a British Black Sonia E Thompson in England at www.soniaethompson.com).*****The only culture approved for Christian Clergy from an Indian GAIA is the German Culture of Germany, Jesus' culture. The bottom line is Risk-taking is a part of life and not all risk taking is bad. If we took no risks at all, we would all sit in our houses and live in fear. Now understand that abused people who fear their abuser obey they abuser. Most folks will obey something they are scared of. It doesn’t really matter if it’s good or bad what matters is that you fear the right things instead of fearing the wrong things.

    Firstly, the emotion of fear occurs in the amygdala of the brain. Some individuals engage in unnecessary risks that put themselves and others in danger. In this episode, I talk about the risks associated with being an excessive risk-taker. As I learned growing up, too much of anything is not good! Regular risk-taking, appropriately creates real changes in the brain. Those who struggle with anxiety and depression are more likely to engage in excessive risk-taking. These individuals cannot achieve normal levels of dopamine in a healthy way, so they seek more extreme means to find "chemical happiness".

    The St. Petersburg principle or St. Petersburg lottery is a Russian paradox involving the game of flipping a coin where the expected payoff of the theoretical lottery game is infinite. Here is a link to the image of my father: https://www.facebook.com/TennesseeWilliamsAuthor/photos/a.1526475270899820/3288604618020201/?type=3&locale=ms_MY

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m