• Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5, Valor Point Mythic Plus Dungeon Grind, WoW Friend Drama, Secret Torghast Room, Blizzard Layodds, Free Mount, more World of Warcraft News, Tips
    Mar 18 2021

    Patch 9.0.5 and the valor point gear mythic plus dungeon grind, playing WoW for your friend's sake, Torghast secret room, Activision Blizzard layoffs, Covenant renown 40, free tree mount Wandering Ancient changes with the seasons, Warcraft single player game, 3D Thunderbluff, World of Workcraft, iLvLs, buying gear on the AH, Shadowlands cookbook, and more on crafting legendaries and PvP battlegrounds. Plus the worst tank and healing tips we have ever read! Head to VideoGameOutsiders.com for our main, general gaming show, VGO!

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  • Blizzcon 2021 Recap, Upcoming World of Warcraft Patches, Burning Crusade for Classic WoW, and more Shadowlands News, Lore, and Tips!
    Mar 5 2021

    Making gold, running a guild, SuperData WoW data report, Patch 9.1 redoing the maw and valor points, Burning Crusade for Classic, the faction problem, Blizzcon recap, guilds should be better, Final Fantasy Online lets you dye armor, and more from our Warcraft week. Head to VideoGameOutsiders.com for our main general gaming podcast VGO!

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  • Blizzconline Predictions, WoW Mobile Games, Mythic Plus Changes, Torghast Event: Chorus of The Dead, Call of Duty Model, Command Table, more Shadowlands World of Warcraft News
    Feb 11 2021

    Blizzcon predictions and schedule, Mythic Plus mount and title, Torghast Chorus of the Dead, Call of Duty mobile model for WoW, Crash Bandicoot in the launcher, why play a healer, command table campaign tips and venture plan addon, and more World of Warcraft news. Head to videogameoutsiders.com for our main show - VGO!

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  • Creepy Listener Questions, WoW Nude Mod, Warcraft UI, Arena Carries, How PvP RBG Rating Works, Mythic Comps, Shadowlands Alts, and more World of Warcraft News
    Jan 28 2021

    Nude mod question, redoing UIs, how to meet people in WoW, dungeon spam leveling, arena carries, how RBG and PvP ratings work, Mythic comps with balance druids, free to play battlegrounds, missing soul ash from Torghast, juggling quests, maw souls, laying in a bed waiting, more crappy top 10 Warcraft lists, WoWhead 15 year postcard, and more World of Warcraft with John and Michelle. Head to VideoGameOutsiders.com for our main general gaming show Video Game Outsiders or to go premium to listen ad free, earlier, and with better sound quality - and to support us!

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  • The Jailer is Santa Claus, When to Quit WoW, Shadowlands End Game, Helping a Returning World of Warcraft Player, Single Player Games for MMO Fans, and more News, Lore, and Tips!
    Jan 21 2021

    Burning Crusade for Classic, Torghast events, New Battle.net Launcher 2.0, helping a returning player, single player games for WoW lovers, gearing up a soloer, Warcraft Voice chat vs. Discord, 10 stupid things you didn't know about the Alliance, The Jailer sees you when you're sleeping, the state of Shadowlands end game, the five random MMO personalities you run into, legendary crafting, soundbinds, Mythic gearing system, and how to know when to stop playing World of Warcraft. Head to VideoGameOutsiders.com or look up Video Game Outsiders anywhere podcasts are for our main show - VGO, it is free but you can support us for 1.99 a month by getting our app and going premium for weekly bonus content!

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  • DPS Simming, Filling Circles, Torghast Bonus Event: Beasts of Prodigum, Shadowlands Tanking, WoW Names, Secondary Stats, more World of Warcraft News!
    Jan 14 2021

    The mythic key system, Torghast Bonus Events: Beasts of Prodigum, simming DPS with bloodmallet, PvP gear for PvE, the best tanks don't tank, filling circles, alt friendliness in Shadowlands, finishing the covenant campaign, conduit cooldown system, pet battles, WoW helps Twitch break viewing records in 2020, versatility, kiting in dungeons, picking a name, secondary stats, and more Warcraft news. Head to VideoGameOutsiders.com for our main general gaming show VGO, to support us, or to sub and listen earlier!

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  • The Shadowlands Weekly Checklist, Torghast Twisting Corridors, Murloc Hate, Roleplaying Character Creation, new WoW Book, and more World of Warcraft News and Lore
    Jan 7 2021

    Michelle and John catch up with what they have been doing in WoW, make fun of Blizzcon Online (and murloc cosplay), a very naughty lab makes noises during the show, character creation roleplaying, PvP tips, Torghast Twisting Corridors, getting hit on in game, Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor boom, weekly activities, Sylvanas redemption storyline, and more World of Warcraft news! Head to videogameoutsiders.com for our main show VGO, to support us and listen early, or for more info.

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  • How To Impress Someone in WoW, Holiday Sale, League of Legends MMO with WoW Dev, John hits 60, Michelle heads to Castle Nathria, Blizzard Stock, and more World of Warcraft News!
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    The legendary system, the sexist WoW character, Holiday sale, creepiest WoW dungeon, Castle Nathria raid, Prideful Mythic 10 affix, hitting 60, picking a covenant, Revendreth has rubble, Blizzard stock, League of Legends MMO with Ghostcrawler, how to get to Torghast, daily quests, navigation in Shadowlands zones, upgrading honor gear, and more WoW news!

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