
    Feb 18 2025
    Never Give Up On the Race

    "These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee" (John 17:1; KJV).Even at the point of His death, Jesus never gave up. When even the religious leaders asked Him to save Himself if He was the Christ, that did not prevent Him from going forward with His mission of dying for the race of Adam. Our Saviour never gave up despite all that He had to go through for you and I. Because of His death for us, we have assurance of eternal life in a world made new.

    Matthew 5:12), the Lord wants us to also press on in Him without giving up. Like Zaccheaus who left nothing undone to see the Saviour (Luke 19:1-10), the Lord wants to pursue Him with all our hearts.

    It doesn't matter your past life or current situation, the Lord wants you to approach Him. Even as Christ gave us an example in perseverance even up to the cross, He expects us not to lose hope, but continue to trust in Him. If we cling to Him with an open heart like the woman with the issue of blood or express a desire to see Him just as He is like Zaccheaus, He will abundantly receive us and bless us.
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    Feb 18 2025
    Having Faith in God.

    The first chapter of the book of Job tells us how Job was a faithful man of God. God blessed him with seven sons, servants and much wealth. Satan challenged God that the protection and riches He has given Job was the reason for his unswerving commitment to Him. And so God gave the devil the chance to test Job to the highest point. Despite all the negative things the devil brought in the life of Job, Job remained steadfast and victorious in the end (Job 1 -2)

    As followers of Christ, the devil will bring a lot of misfortune in our lives just to test our faith in God. And this is where we have to stand strong and prove to Satan and the entire world that we are true children of God. In times of our extreme troubles, people may suggest various solutions to our problems, even including possible solutions that contradict the clear words of Scripture.

    It is important for us to learn that as Christians, we need to be firm in our principles no matter our situation in life. The Lord has promised never to forsake or leave us (1 Samuel 12:22; Matthew 28:20). He has promised that He will hear us when we pray unto Him (John 14:13-14).

    Beloved, whatever the problem or difficulty we encounter, our God knows, He sees and has a better solution for us if only we can trust in Him and wait for His own timing. Even as God finally answered the prayers of Job, He continues to answer the prayers of His faithful children who trust in Him and wait for Him. It is in our waiting on Him through prayers and a reflection of the Scriptures that He perfects our characters.
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    Feb 18 2025

    "Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16).The story of Esther is an example of selflessness. Esther was a Jew who became the queen of Persia through God's providence. Because Mordecai who was a Jew refused to bow down to Haman, an official of the king, Haman was able to convince Ahasuerus, the king of the Persian Empire to write and seal a law that was to annihilate all the Jews in the empire by a certain date. Mordecai ensured that this perplexing news was brought before queen Esther, who was also a Jew (Esther 3 and 4)

    When Esther heard the troubling news, she did not think only about herself. She thought about the welfare of the people. Esther bid Mordecai to do the following:"Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16).Esther's act of selflessness is just a miniature of the selfless nature of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Concerning Christ, we read the following:"5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:5-8)Friends, in this text is found the greatest example of selflessness. As God's children, the Lord expects us to follow the supreme example of Christ's selfless nature. Just like queen Esther, there will come periods in our life where we must be totally selfless to be able to carry forward the gospel mandate that Christ has given to us. There will come periods in our Christian walk where we will have to forgo our food to feed the hungry, forgo our clothes to clothe the naked, forgo our schedules to spend time with the sorrowing and troubled, and forgo our money so the gospel can reach the world. It is my prayer that the Lord will give us the strength to imitate the selfless nature of Christ.
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  • WHAT IF? (Life Is s Too Short)
    Feb 18 2025
    WHAT IF?

    (Life Is Too Short)

    What if the sun never rises on you again, will you and the world be proud of the footprints you left behind? What if the one you’re fighting with dies today, won’t it be too late to reconcile? What if this time of isolation is given for you to spend quality time with your family, will you show your love? What if you’re the only survivor on earth, won’t it be too lonely? What if all media is shutdown, what will become of your life? What if the Bible is the only book on earth, would you care to read? What if church houses are shut forever, will you be God’s church? What if Christ comes tonight, where would you go?

    People run to and fro to stock and restock their homes just to safeguard their life. What if there’s something more important to safeguard—eternal life? People try to stay in touch with the media and government just to discern signs of hope. What if there’s someone more important to stay in touch with—God, to discern the signs of the times. There are two days in every man’s calendar; this day (your present moments) and that day (the second advent of Christ).

    Life is too short—leave your footprints in the sands of time. Life is too short—to fight over trivial matters. Life is too short—be a loving dad, mom, or child to your family. Life is too short—be kind even to strangers. Life is too short—spend more time on your Lifeline (God) than on your timeline (social media). Life is too short—use your body as a living sacrifice for God. Life is too short—prepare to meet your Saviour (Jesus Christ). God cares. God loves you! (Revelation 22:11).
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    Feb 17 2025

    Living below this old sinful world is like journeying through a land where there is no water. Sin has ruined this world to the state that its subjects do not enjoy the very purpose of their existence. Sin has put our world in scarcity and chaos. We face the turmoil and the great consequences of sin which do not give us comfort in this world. Many are wounded daily with grief, disappointment, failure, broken heart, broken home, job struggle, sickness, death to mention but a few.

    When it happens like that, the pains and grief diminish our standards to the extent that we cannot decipher between good and bad. Being in the dry land (afflictions), our souls taste for everything and anything in resemblance of water. The standards of our lives are mellowed because we see no importance of greetings to a dying person. Our moral compasses come to a standstill, and any wave of religion grabs our attention. That is when people move away from "the Power of the Gospel" to "the Gospel of Power".

    Satan knowing the very nature of our world and how it has deteriorated, has set for himself many priests. Altars are being raised superficially for God but in actual sense a cathedral for the devil. Streets, churches and auditoriums are always full of professed Christians who are hooked by prosperity preaching and bizarre gimmicks. Signs and wonders and trick miracles are substituted for the presence of God’s Spirit. Unknown to many, this is Satan himself masquerading as an angel of light to sway many people to error.

    But what do we see, when we are tempted and tried, afflicted and ruined, in debt or sickness, disappointed or oppressed, we turn to these so called men of God whose scheme is to lead many to the devil. Their appeals on television screens and radio waves are triggered by demonic powers and their miracles are just a showcase of their folly but yet, people turn to them because of pain and bewilderment.

    Forsaking God in time of trials is the first sin and the additional one is turning to seek help from where there is no help. We are warned not to put our trust in princes (false powers), nor in the son of man (pastors, prophets, imams, psychics, occultists etc.), in whom there is no help; for we have an able God to supply all our needs. Turning to human powers instead of God is a total denial of faith. God bids us to cast all our care upon him; for He cares for us. If you are heavy laden or perplexed, Jesus offers a solemn appeal, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Where could we go in our difficult times? There is still a balm in Gilead? Just turn your eyes upon Jesus and all shall be well. (Psalm 146:3; 1 Peter 5:7; Matthew 11:28)
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    Feb 17 2025

    "Howbeit IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:7; Emphasis Supplied).

    ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). My dear Brother or Sister in Christ, three times we find this charge brought forward by our Lord against the Pharisees. "Laying aside the commandments of God, you hold the traditions of men" [Mark 7:8). "Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own traditions" (Mark 7:9). "Making the Word of God of none effect through your traditions" (Mark 7:13). The first step of the Pharisees, was to add their traditions to the Scriptures, as useful supplements. The second was to give them equal authority with the Word of God. The last was to honour them above the Scripture, and to degrade Scripture from its lawful position. This was the state of things which our Lord found when he was upon earth. Practically, the traditions of man were everything, and the Word of God was nothing at all. Obedience to the traditions was highly regarded. Obedience to the Scriptures was lightly regarded.

    The very same process has taken place over and over again at this end of the world. The very same consequences have continually resulted. Religious observances of man's invention have been pressed on the Christian at this end of the world; observances which to all appearances are useful, and at all events well-meant, but OBSERVANCES NOWHERE COMMANDED IN THE WORD OF GOD! These very observances have by and by been obeyed with more vigour than God's own commandments, and defended with more zeal than the authority of God's own Word. Don’t look far for examples. Extra biblical festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween are some of the man-made traditions that has been brought into the church of Christ.

    Beware of adding anything to the Word of God, as necessary for salvation at this end of the world. It is as good as saying that THE BIBLE is not perfect, and that you know better than God does, what is necessary for man's salvation. It is just as easy to destroy the authority of God's Word by addition as by subtraction. It is just as easy to destroy the authority of God's Word by burying it under man's inventions as by denying its truth. THE WHOLE BIBLE, and nothing but the Bible, must be your rule of faith at this end of the world. ADD NOTHING. SUBTRACT NOTHING! He that hath ears to hear, let him hear (Matthew 11:15).
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    Feb 17 2025

    Times change, seasons come and go, the weather varies each day, but the Bible remains the same. The Bible is the only book that never needs to be updated, or revised. It is never obsolete or out-of-date. It speaks to every person, in every century, and in every culture. Like it's ultimate Author—Jesus Christ—the Bible "is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" (Hebrews 13:8; cf. John 1:1-2).

    The Bible never changes, yet it is the only Book that can change our lives. "Many books can inform you, but only one Book can transform you" (Samuel Koranteng Pipim). "Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word..., half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible" (Charles H. Spurgeon). "The Bible is God's voice speaking to us" (Ellen G. White).

    "It is not only your body that gets hungry. Your mind gets hungry too, as does your spirit. Your body eats food. Your mind eats books while your spirit eats the Word of God. A balanced diet is not protein, carbs, and fruit and vegetables. It is food, books and Scripture" (R. Omokri). "Let us study the Bible, for if we do so, we shall find rest for our souls" (Samuel Koranteng Pipim). God loves you! (2 Timothy 2:15; cf. John 5:39; John 17:17).
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    Feb 17 2025
    To believe is to feel sure of the truth or to accept the statement of (someone) as true. In the worldly sense; to believe in something or someone does not come automatically or by chance. It is triggered by a past incident or a previous happening. The strength, zeal, commitment, courage etc. exhibited by someone may cause the other to believe or disbelieve in him/her. In the religious sense, believe is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. This idea of ‘believe’ is synonymous to ‘to trust’ or ‘to have faith’. We should believe in God with or without cause.

    We are called to believe in the Lord and never put our trust in human beings. The most important aspect in our walk with God is the faith we possess. It is the bedrock of our relationship with our Creator because without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Unfortunately, many of us are accustomed to succumbing to the crushing pressures of this world and for that yield to human help. When tried, tempted or afflicted, many of us being acclimatized to human support, visit the psychic, enchanters, diviners and the so called prophets, and dancing to the tune of spiritualism we lose hand of the Saviour. Many also at the beginning of our trials, instead of turning our eyes upon Jesus, we fully depend on ourselves and cling to our dogmatic nature, and when later we realize our incapabilities, there we think of the Omnipotent. These attitudes show our unbelief and lack of faith.

    Things that trigger our unbelief include fear, doubt and self - reliance. But the Christian should believe that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When we are tempted to doubt God, we should look at nature itself and that will prove the existence of our God. His providence in our lives will be a testimony to cause us to believe in Him. God’s mercies, grace and love shown unto us will also be an outstanding rebuke to us if we still want to compare Him (God) with any other helper.

    We need no other evidence before we show our total dependence and trust in God. The giving of Himself for our sins and the providence He shows us each moment should fill the vacuum of disbelief we have created in our hearts. Do you sometimes doubt the existence of God or your faith is somehow affected by your fears and challenges? Just remember what God can do; He healed all manner of diseases, cast demons out from several people, fed the five thousand with that little bread, raised the dead and comforted the broken hearted. In your own life, He has offered life for free, and air without fee. What else can’t he do for you? Just believe in Him, and you shall see the glory of God in your life. (Hebrews 11:1, 6; Matthew 14:27-31; Matthew 15:28; 1 Timothy 1:7; John 11:40)
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