
  • Who's Asking?
    Mar 12 2025

    I need to develop this further because it’s not always logical to argue that we should do something merely because others do. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln realized something that many of us have forgotten. “Well, I will tell you how it was. In the pinch of your campaign up there, when everybody seemed panic-stricken and nobody could tell what was going to happen, oppressed by the gravity of our affairs, I went to my room one day and locked the door and got down on my knees before Almighty God and prayed to him mightily for victory at Gettysburg. I told Him that this war was His, and our cause His cause, but we could not stand another Fredericksburg or Chancellorsville. … And after that, I don’t know how it was, and I cannot explain it, soon a sweet comfort crept into my soul. The feeling came that God had taken the whole business into His own hands, and that things would go right at Gettysburg, and that is why I had no fears about you.” Yes, we should all remember to ask in faith.


    #prayer #ask #answer

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Try It!
    Mar 5 2025

    There are several reasons to consider trying it. How can one ascertain the appropriate course of action? Engaging in the right actions is crucial. Identifying the correct path can often prove to be difficult. Ultimately, acting rightly transcends personal fulfillment; it also plays a significant role in fostering a better world.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Beyond Words—Speaking in Tongues
    Feb 26 2025

    While speaking in tongues is highly valued in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian traditions, it's important to note that not all Christian denominations share this belief or practice? Why is this—when in Mark 16:15-20 Jesus said for the believer to speak in tongues. It was his last command, “So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God” (Mark 16:19, NKJV). Who do you believe and follow—Jesus or religious tradition?


    #speaking in tongues, #prayer, #holy spirit, #Jesus

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Right or Wrong?
    Feb 19 2025

    Deciding right from wrong is a complex question that has been debated for centuries. Emotions play a significant role in deciding right from wrong, but should they? While emotions undoubtedly play a crucial role in our understanding of right and wrong, their exact influence on moral decision-making is complex and continues to be a subject of ongoing research and debate. Who has the correct answer?



    #right, #wrong, #words, #emotions

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • What should I Do?
    Feb 12 2025

    Being accountable for achieving goals is the first step towards success. When you hold yourself accountable you take ownership for how your life is going. Clarity of vision will allow you to focus your efforts and avoid getting sidetrack like Lovie, the Frenchie Pup.



    #faith, #love, #answered prayer, #Valentines Day

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Let the Spirit Guide You
    Feb 5 2025

    Just as the human mind can be trained intellectually so the human spirit can be trained spiritually. It can be built up in strength just as the body can be built up.



    #prayer #worry #faith #lamp

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Who's Phillip?
    Jan 22 2025

    Philip is portrayed as somewhat naive and shy, yet sober-minded and quick to be practical. Philip was attributed with several key miracles: Philip reportedly restored life to a dead infant in the arms of its mother, he used the power of prayer to kill a large serpent that was being worshipped as a god and he cast out unclean spirits and demons from possessed individuals. But he did one more thing that is truly quantum physics.



    #quantum physics, #translate, #Phillip, #disciple

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Job Lasciviousness
    Jan 29 2025

    Just tell me how to get out of this situation! That is the cry of desperate people. Why are so many people locked in some sort of dilemma – a circumstance or habit to which they feel trapped. What are they to do?

    Más Menos
    27 m