
  • March 10, 2025: “Shall I Not Drink the Cup?”
    Mar 10 2025
    In Gethsemane, Peter disobediently cut off the ear of Malchus, one of the soldiers sent to arrest Jesus. After healing him, Jesus asked Peter, “Shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?” Alistair Begg considers Jesus’ words. As the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, Jesus needs no protector; He is the protector—the only substitute who can take the cup of God’s wrath so that all who trust in Him may drink the cup of God’s blessing.
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  • March 9, 2025: What’s in a Name? — Part Two
    Mar 9 2025
    In the concluding phrase of His High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Jesus speaks of God’s love, praying that the Father’s love toward Him would also reside in His followers. As Alistair Begg examines this phrase, we see that the immense, unchangeable, and irreversible love of God is known fully only through Christ. Once this love finds a home in the believers’ hearts, it transforms us, providing peace amid the trials of this life and security in knowing that in Christ, we are kept for all eternity.
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  • March 3, 2025: What’s in a Name? — Part One
    Mar 3 2025
    When Jesus concluded His High Priestly Prayer saying that He had made the name of the Lord known to His followers, this wasn’t an insignificant detail. God jealously guards His name, by which He declares Himself to be self-existing, self-determining, and sovereign. In this message on the final verse in John 17, Alistair Begg reminds us that reverence for God’s name matters, as it is much more than a title; it is a declaration of His very character.
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  • January 27, 2025: Who Knows?
    Jan 27 2025
    What is it that keeps people from knowing God? As created beings bearing the divine imprint, we are made for a relationship with God—yet because of our sin, we choose to live without reference to Him, finding our identity and security in other things. In this message on John 17, Alistair Begg examines the prayerful words of Jesus in verse 25 and their encouragement for the believer. Although the world does not know the Father, Jesus does, and through Him, we are graciously invited to meet God as Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and King.
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  • January 20, 2025: Jesus’ Own Desire
    Jan 20 2025
    What did Jesus desire? What was it that motivated His life, ministry, and sacrifice while on earth? We get a window into the answer in John 17:24, where Jesus explicitly prays for those whom the Father has given Him. In this selfless, specific request to God, ultimately sourced in the love of the Father for the Son, we see that Christ longs for us to be with Him and to see His glory—a glory that will give us light and life for all of eternity.
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  • January 17, 2025: Truth For Life 30th Anniversary Interview
    Jan 17 2025
    2025 marks the thirtieth anniversary of Truth For Life, the fiftieth year of Alistair Begg’s ordained ministry, and his final year serving as the senior pastor at Parkside Church. In this special interview, Alistair sits down with host Bob Lepine to look back over the last three decades of radio ministry and forward to his hopes for himself and Truth For Life in the future. Listen in, celebrate God’s blessings over the years, and discover what may be in store during Truth For Life’s fourth decade!
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  • December 30, 2024: The Second Advent
    Dec 30 2024
    We are living today between two advents: We look back on the first advent, the incarnation of Christ who came in humility to seek and save the lost; and we look forward to the second advent, when, in fulfillment of God’s promises, Jesus will return in glorious triumph and majesty to execute judgment and reign forever over all. Looking to Jesus’ words in Mark 13, Alistair Begg considers what Scripture reveals about Christ’s return and how we are to trust God’s promises and prepare for that day.
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  • December 30, 2024: Wonders of His Love
    Dec 30 2024
    Jesus was born to die to save sinners. The baby in the manger is the creator of the universe and the same one who, within hours of His death, prayed for His disciples. He displayed His glory through perfect obedience to the Father—which culminated in His sacrificial death. Examining John 17:22–23, Alistair Begg considers the glory given to Christ. This same glory is extended to believers so that we may reflect in our words and actions a supernatural unity grounded in the Gospel and share in His love.
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