
  • Gen Z’s Problems With Money and the True Secret to Financial Peace With Shane Enete
    Mar 10 2025

    Is debt that bad? What do you NEED to know about finances? When almost everything we use (streaming, listening, renting) is intangible, how do we realize the value of our money? And most importantly, what does it mean to look at our finances in a liturgical way?

    We explore these questions and more with Professor Shane. Shane is an associate professor of finance at Biola University and is passionate about empowering others to worship Jesus through their financial lives. Listen in as Shane and Dr. Jeff offer invaluable insights on how to glorify God and follow Jesus more faithfully as we steward our resources well.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square — Natasha Crain
    Mar 5 2025

    As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good—a good defined by God alone—is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

    Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Natasha Crain and the call for Christians to unashamedly pursue righteousness in society out of our love for others. They discuss what it looks like to imitate Jesus as he models speaking the truth in love to those around him and embodies sacrificial love towards even his enemies.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Mormonism vs Christianity: Engaging Latter-Day Saints With the Truth — Robby Lashua
    Feb 24 2025

    If a Latter-Day Saint comes knocking on your door, are you prepared to engage them in a winsome, compelling way and to speak the truth in love? While it might be easier to ignore the knock or say you’re not interested, there may be opportunities we miss if we fail to interact with those who are confused about the good news of Jesus.

    Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Robby Lashua, formally with Stand to Reason, now Lead Pastor at Palmcroft Church. Robby shares how we can be confident in speaking to Mormons about our faith in a knowledgeable. As 1 Peter 3:15 says, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Forging Godly Men in a Culture of Compromise — Vince Miller
    Feb 18 2025

    Defining true manhood has never been more challenging. Vince Miller offers a clear, compelling look at what it means to be a man of God. Authentic manhood brings purpose and joy, shown most clearly in the life of the God-man, Jesus.

    Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Vince Miller. Vince is the author of over twenty books, a popular speaker nationwide, and the founder of the men’s ministry platform Resolute, which provides the largest online library of men’s Bible study resources. Vince also reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers through his YouTube channel.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Demystifying Evil: Turning Ashes Into Beauty — Ingrid Faro
    Feb 10 2025

    The evil and suffering that afflicts our lives often leave us confused and directionless, wounded and powerless. How should we respond to evil's power to assault us? How can we understand God's work in a world that seems all too often to be permeated with evil?

    Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Dr. Ingrid Faro about her biblical and personal exploration of evil, pain, and darkness. Ingrid explains her own journey and how evil does not have the last word. As images of God and co-heirs with Jesus, we are agents of reconciliation who can bring light and healing to the dark and broken world around us.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Behind-The-Scenes of Building a Worldview: Gen Z, Finding Purpose, & Filmmaking — Jack Murphy
    Feb 4 2025

    Join us for a fun episode with real talk about the need for apologetics—even for Christian kids!—interning at Summit, filmmaking, and so much more! Jack Murphy is an integral part of the Colson Center for Worldview Team but he started as a Summit student, staff, and intern. (And met his wife there!) Come listen in to his insights and be encouraged to see how God can show his purpose for you!

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Beyond Biblical Integration: What Can Go WRONG About Teaching Faith — Roger Erdvig (Rebroadcast)
    Jan 29 2025

    Audience-favorite rebroadcast with Dr. Roger Erdvig! Slapping a Bible verse onto a math sheet is NOT sufficient to build a holistic biblical worldview. Come listen in on how Christian schools can truly educate our students, and learn some tips and tricks to help train your brain even in college, the workplace, and beyond. Check out Dr. Roger Erdvig's curriculum, Beyond Biblical Integration.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Equipping Christians to Stand With Israel & the Jewish People — Robert Nicholson (Rebroadcast)
    Jan 22 2025

    Are you confused and overwhelmed about the wars and conflicts in Palestine, Israel, and the Near East? Robert Nicholson is the President and Executive Director of The Philos Project and shares some needed context and history of the pivotal area. This is a land rich in biblical history and Christians would do well to have some awareness of what is happening in this significant region.

    Find out more from Robert at the Philos Project: https://philosproject.org/.

    Listen to every episode of the Dr. Jeff Show wherever you listen to podcasts.

    For more from Dr. Jeff on YouTube visit http://bit.ly/3flbj2j

    For more resources from Summit Ministries visit their Resource Library at www.summit.org/resources/

    Más Menos
    41 m