
  • Hit Me With Ya Best Shot: The Wacky World of Martial Arts Frauds
    Mar 14 2025
    In this week’s episode, we are going to be looking at “Bullshido,” a catch-all term for martial arts practices that are either fake, delusional, or just plain useless. This is the land of no-touch knockouts, touches of death, and mystical masters who can’t manage their own lives. We’ll be asking the question—should you learn self-defense from summon who struggles with basic reality? Spoiler, the answer is no, no you shouldn’t. This is a fun one, y'all. Nobody dies, and everybody is an absolute goober. Sources:Interesting Stuff From Around the World YouTube channel (videos on Ashida Kim, George Dillman and Steven Seagal, plus much more): https://youtube.com/@interestingstufffromaround8014?si=E9-UiKKcTZQ4ng-Jhttps://ashidakim.com/The Dance of the Deadly Hands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xw5wjwVkFc&t=36sNinja “levitation” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl3QF3t58RkNinja curtains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCaZmajZ_g4&t=258sKim catches a bullet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PJZjwWwFc4Kim dodges bullets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc1sN7eeyvM&t=78s https://www.dillman.com/George Dillman on tongues and toes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIL5nD2PQ0Y&t=326s George’s chi bullet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYez2RKQn8c&t=748sGeorge mostly resurrects a pet https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w7hgVWbPxG8Seagal’s Lightning Bolt ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IId64OJdCKM Seagal running weird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXE-T4HPI Seagal’s very real Russian aikido demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmEx8Moy7ro Seagal essential oils https://members.tripod.com/life_scents/oldfiles/seagal.html Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Pay up front or set up a payment plan. Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE Follow us, campers!Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfirehttps://www.truecrimecampfirepod.com/Facebook: True Crime CampfireInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrimecampfire/?hl=enTwitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfireEmail: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.comMERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    48 m
  • Faking It: Art's Greatest Forger
    Feb 28 2025
    Art is a mysterious thing. It’s hard to pin down why one thing moves us and another does not. Similarly, it can be hard to identify that special spark, that unique creativity that an artist can have that lifts their work into something magical. If you don’t have that, all the technical skill and carefully won knowledge in the world won’t get you to that special place. Unless, of course, you just steal it from someone else. This is “Faking It: Art’s Greatest Forger.”

    This is a fun one, y'all. Opulent settings. Drama even a fan of telenovelas might find over the top. International intrigue...and salmon throwing?

    Fake! by Clifford Irving
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/1983/04/08/obituaries/fernand-legros-dealer-in-art.html

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets on sale now, and payment plans are available: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE Follow us, campers!

    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrimecampfire/?hl=en
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    58 m
  • A "Special Place in Hell" Grab Bag
    Feb 21 2025
    We’ve covered some real nasty pieces of work on our show over the years. Dive into true crime for any length of time, and you’re bound to come across plenty of people you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Or a lit one, even. But even among the rogue’s gallery of devil’s rejects out there, there are some in a league of their own. People so devoid of morals and human empathy that they should really just be shoved in some dank little spider-infested oubliette somewhere and forgotten about, just to protect the rest of us. Today, we’re gonna tell you about two of them.

    Case 1: Hell's Belle - The Crimes of Melissa Patterson
    Case 2: Making a Killing - The Story of Mark Barton, the Day Trader Killer

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Appeals court filings, Patterson v State: https://casetext.com/case/patterson-v-state-2099
    Investigation Discovery's "Diabolical," episode "The Rich Get Richer"
    Oxygen's "Snapped," episode "Melissa Patterson"
    Martin Knell's Obituary
    KRGV: https://www.krgv.com/videos/murder-victim-s-only-son-speaks-out-following-conviction/
    My RGV: https://myrgv.com/local-news/2023/09/23/five-years-later-monica-melissa-patterson-still-claims-innocence-despite-the-evidence/
    Time magazine: https://time.com/archive/6736072/a-portrait-of-the-killer/
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/1999/07/31/us/shootings-in-atlanta-the-overview-killer-confessed-in-a-letter-spiked-with-rage.html
    Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1999/07/31/killer-wrote-of-fear-hopelessness/af33786a-de37-45cd-9d5f-1098379892dd/
    South Coast Today: https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/nation-world/1999/07/31/atlanta-shooter-had-been-disgruntled/50508538007/

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    47 m
  • Bound By Hate: The Murder of Rozanne Gailiunas, Finale
    Feb 14 2025
    Last week, we learned the identity of the man hired to kill Rozanne Gailiunas—Andy Hopper, an insurance adjustor turned weed dealer who had apparently added “hitman” to his list of careers. But investigators were still uncertain whether Andy was who they were after, or just a middleman who could lead them to the real killer. So they let him remain free—and then, tipped off by his girlfriend, he vanished. Join us for the conclusion of “Bound by Hate: The Murder of Rozanne Gailiunas.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrimecampfire/?hl=en
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    48 m
  • Bound By Hate: The Murder of Rozanne Gailiunas, Pt 2
    Feb 7 2025
    In last week’s episode, young nurse Rozanne Gailiunas was brutally murdered while her young son slept in the room next door. Suspicion initially fell on both her estranged husband, Peter, and her new boyfriend, Larry Aylor. But evidence was thin on the ground, and the case went cold. Three years later, Larry was the target of a botched assassination attempt, but had trouble getting the police to take it seriously. No one connected this shooting to Rozanne’s death. Then, out of the blue, a mysterious woman called investigators and laid the blame for Rozanne’s murder at the feet of her menacing husband, Bill Garland. This mysterious caller turned out to be Carol, the elder sister of Larry Aylor’s wife Joy. And she said Joy was behind the whole thing. Join us for part 2 (of 3) of this twisty tale.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    51 m
  • Bound By Hate: The Murder of Rozanne Gailiunas, Pt 1
    Jan 31 2025
    The late, great Bo Diddley asked one of life’s big questions in one of the 20th century’s greatest songs—“Who Do You Love?” That’s a simple question, but in some relationships, the answer isn’t simple at all. Love, money, revenge—people kill for all kinds of reasons. And in this week’s case, those motives tangle together in a way that will tear lives to pieces. A woman torn between two men, a crime scene straight out of a nightmare, and an investigation that twisted and turned for years.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    44 m
  • Schemer: The Crimes of Sheila Davalloo
    Jan 24 2025
    We’ve covered our share of scary ladies on this show. In fact, bad bitches are one of our special interests. There was Tracey Richter, who murdered an innocent neighbor to frame him for a crime he didn’t commit. Marie Hilley, the serial poisoner who eluded police for years and once passed herself off as her own (fictional) twin sister. Marjorie Orbin, the Vegas showgirl who murdered her husband for his life insurance and left his dismembered body in the desert. I could keep going—there are a lot of ‘em. But this week, I think we may have found the scariest one yet. You can tell us if you think I’m wrong, but I think the woman we’re about to tell you about may be the worst of all the women we’ve covered so far…a woman whose heart is a swirling black hole of need and darkness. This is Schemer: The Crimes of Sheila Davalloo.

    Obsessed by M. William Phelps
    Oxygen's "Snapped," episode "Sheila Davalloo"
    Killer Women with Piers Morgan
    Murderpedia (various articles): https://murderpedia.org/female.D/d/davalloo-sheila.htm

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    39 m
  • Explosive: The Benson Family Murders
    Jan 17 2025
    Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Money has never made a man happy yet, nor will it.” To which I think a lot of people would say, yeah, try being poor, Benny. A couple thousand dollars would make me plenty happy right now. But, once you’re beyond the stage of having enough wealth to be comfortable and free from fear of destitution, I think his point mostly stands. We’ve seen a lot of cases involving very wealthy people, and I don’t think you could say they were any happier than the average Joe. If anything, just the opposite. That’s definitely true in this week’s case, which involves a staggeringly wealthy family with a whole collection of messy, grasping lives that culminate in tragedy.

    Serpent’s Tooth Christopher Andersen https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1986/08/07/in-florida-murder-most-malevolent/3c1c9fb0-560b-4b40-8185-fc701724d936/ https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2016/04/01/medical-examiner-says-benson-was-stabbed-to-death-in-prison/85873180/

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
    Instagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079
    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: truecrimecampfirepod@gmail.com
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.
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    57 m