
  • Global Unity Defeats New World Order
    Mar 7 2025

    Global Unity defeats New World Order

    Relaxing after an intense day, Mark and I would often get into deep discussions on how the New World Order could be effectively unraveled.

    We each had different perspectives, priorities, and ideas on how that could possibly be accomplished which added dimension to a vast array of potential SOULutions.

    Mark and I agreed that the first step would be to identify the problem that defines the New World Order. The New World Order is a slave society agenda that uses trauma based mind control as the means of ushering it in. Knowledge is our defense against mind control, and ultimately the New World Order.

    As humanity wakes up to reality and reclaims free thought, the world naturally unites in light of truth.

    Mark determined that people would be slow to recognize the difference between New World Order and world unity until they understood mind control. This dichotomy seemed oxymoronic. What would break the spell of New World Order mind control over the masses long enough for them to wake up, reclaim free thought, and unite against their oppressors?

    To compound the felony, mind control is designed to keep people looking outside themselves to Big Government to fix our problems for us. Deep State Big Government is not going to stop the New World Order – they are the New World Order!

    The New World Order is a 100 year plan that began in Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Nazi and Fascist scientists were imported into the US in the wake of WWII through Project Paperclip. With them came the formula for MK Ultra mind control to implement what Hitler, Bush, Biden, and self appointed self anointed global leaders term New World Order.

    Knowledge is our defense against mind control, so secrecy and censorship are crucial to their success. Hence the reason for secret societies, secret meetings, and the need for blackmail to ensure secrecy. The 1947 National Security Act was designed to keep their secrets and cover their crimes while the CIA was formed at the same time for enforcement.

    Now that these dark secrets are finally coming to light, mind control’s spell is breaking. People are waking up to embrace free thought.

    With free thought comes free will soul expression and the capacity for wisdom. Wisdom outthinks their criminal minds every time. With wisdom comes the ability to gather the strength of the human spirit and infinite power of love. It is on this level that humanity naturally unites. United in purpose with knowledge that is our defense against mind control, humanity’s victory in unraveling the New WORLD Order worldwide is inevitable.

    It is time to remember who we are and why we are here. Ultimately mind control is a spiritual battle, whereby the difference between the New World Order and global unity is dark and light, evil vs good, hate vs. love, slavery vs freedom.

    PerpeTraitors hellbent on this slave society agenda fear the strength of the human spirit. It’s where we win and where they lose. Strength of the human spirit’s infinite source of love is the most powerful force in the universe. They cannot possess nor eradicate our innate energy source, they can only inhibit our ability to think to express it through mind control.

    The formula for mind control is the same whether it is of an individual, a classroom, military, nation, or the world. Trauma is the basis of it, and it was found through Hitler/Himmler research there is no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming. Trauma shuts down neuron pathways in the brain necessary for free thought critical analysis, which heightens suggestibility for a complaint society.

    Read full article on Cathy's website Here!

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    10 m
  • Blackmail Videos
    Feb 26 2025

    “He who holds the gold makes the rules,” Mark would quip, adding “and the ultimate gold is black. Black mail videos.”

    My whole life those ruling our world by Blackmail termed themselves New World Order of the Rose. The Order of the Rose was a secret society of self-appointed, self-anointed leaders comprised of Jesuits and CIA.

    These power mongers did not trust each other either, so they kept compromisingly perverse Blackmail videos of each other filmed during secret meetings. As a young child, I was sex trafficked to various politicians and global leaders who met at what was the Epstein Island of its time Mackinac Island Michigan.

    Most perpeTraitors I was exposed to were aware that they were being covertly filmed since it was the ultimate rule of being a secret society Order of the Rose member. It was also understood that these Blackmail videos were held in vaults at the Vatican, through the infiltrated Mafia network, and by various individuals.

    One such individual that held Blackmail videos in the 1980s was Hollywood actor Michael Dante’. I had cause to see Dante’s wall of vaults when I was in his Hollywood home in 1986 as detailed in my testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America.

    How does a B grade actor come into such a high position as keeper of the Blackmail? Dante’ was closely associated with Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture Association of America and godfather over Hollywood and politics due to his friendships with Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Vatican and more. Jack Valenti’s power grew when the New World Order gained control through the Kennedy Assassination. Valenti fed us the media cover-up for Ford’s Warren Commission, first coining the term “conspiracy theorist” for anyone questioning the narrative.

    Black mail and infiltration had blurred the line between Vatican Jesuits, the Mafia, and CIA which Michael Dante’ epitomized by wearing all hats. Seemingly tied to everyone, Dante’s position put him in charge of covert filming at the Bohemian Grove, Clintons’ Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri, and spontaneous meeting places such as the one where I was trafficked in Malibu where Bush, Reagan, Salinas, De la Madrid, and more had met to finalize criminal groundwork for NAFTA. Dante’ had seen it all, done it all, and held the evidence much like the Diddy or Epstein of his day.

    I was about to turn 30 and was scheduled to be sacrificed at Bohemian Grove for what I knew about inner operations of the New World Order, specifically Order of the Rose. Dante’s vault also held Snuff films proving the execution of those like me who ‘knew too much’. This word had reached intelligence insider Mark Phillips, who ultimately intercepted me enroute to my executioner Michael Dante. Mark saved me from certain death, and my daughter Kelly from a fate worse than death.

    Because I had been programmed heavily under MK Ultra mind control to go to Michael Dante’, I was obsessed with the need to fulfill my mission. Mark’s initial efforts to keep my daughter and me safe were strenuous under the circumstances, especially considering we were literally dodging bullets that I was straining to run back into as programmed.

    Mark asked me who was shooting at us, insisting I write it out by hand and not vocalize. Writing it out defused my programming and showed me my truth. As quickly as I wrote out memory, it was validated by clean members of intelligence and law enforcement. William Von Raab of US Customs validated my testimony detailing groundwork for NAFTA that was rooted in drug and human trafficking across open borders, which in turn funded the New World Order.

    Read the full transcript on Cathy's website here!

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  • We Are Empowered
    Dec 31 2024

    Did Trump lie? Or did we fail to listen?

    Is it possible we could not hear “Power is returned to the People” over programming screaming in our ears for generations to give our power away to Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Cult/Occult religion?

    Is it true everything we have been told is a lie? Or does truth lie somewhere in between?

    As a little child losing free thought to MK Ultra mind control, I bought into the media narrative that Nixon phoned astronauts on the moon. Wanting to escape this cruel planet, it seemed I could shinny up that phone cord into outer space. Illogical? Of course. Logic is the first thing to go when conscious free thought is lost.

    So is space travel a lie? Or were media images the lie?

    It is easy to emotionally react to repetitive media narrative rather than critically analyze information and take response-ability to respond true-to-soul with purpose.

    We are now empowered to stop snap judging and think things through.

    Before you dismiss that statement, consider that our brains flow like rivers. Those rivers become entrenched when we continuously take the easy ride floating down the same path. Its easy to snap judge from that position rather than get off our innertube and swim upstream to discover new directions of thought. It is easier to snap judge someone else than it is to take action your self.

    We have been empowered. Embrace it. Think further.

    If I had shinnied up that phone cord into outer space, would I have found intelligent life? Would aliens be happy with us invading their space with phone cords, space junk, space trash, and space wars?

    What if what George Bush said at Bohemian Grove in the 80s is true and aliens are us in the future? That we are all various species of aliens and space travel is really time travel? Should we believe repetitive media narratives trying to scare us into complying with self appointed, self anointed global leaders hellbent on using alien theme MK Ultra mind control to usher in their slave society agenda? What if they are following DARPA generated Artificial Intelligence back to their own future while trying to limit our soul wisdom so we go along with their shallow, linear trip?

    We have been empowered. Think further.

    Perhaps all those drones we are seeing are weapon systems of puppetmasters moving into their next level of Psychological Warfare. We can’t wait on Big Government to save us when Big Global Government is doing it to us.

    So many of us are awake and aware of this reality that sheer numbers of us overrode the rigged electronic algorithms in voting machines to elect a President that would return power to the people.

    We are empowered. Embrace responsibility. Think further than what you think you know.

    I live in an area of the country where Global education/Common Core has failed to indoctrinate children who think free instead. As a result, children are capable of creating drones while still in kindergarten. With drones everywhere, invasiveness is not tolerated and drones are affectionately referred to as skeet around here. People take responsibility for their lives and freedom.

    We are empowered.

    Read full article here!

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  • Lee Greenwood
    Dec 11 2024

    I am often asked what I think of Lee Greenwood’s song “God Bless the USA” since he is mentioned in TRANCE Formation of America pgs.151-152 and again on p.170.

    Despite all that I experienced with Lee Greenwood, I still like aspects of “God Bless the USA” because I do love our country, its natural beauty, and the resiliency of We the People. Besides, I know a lot more about the origin of that song that I will share in a moment.

    When I see Lee Greenwood’s presence at Trump rallies, I do wonder if he knows anything about Greenwood’s past. Or if he simply enjoys the song like I do. I appreciate President Trump for all he has done to wake people up to the reality of the Wash DC swamp and its funding mechanism of drug and human trafficking across open borders, yet I do not agree with him on all things. Why should I? Human beings are all on their own learning path.

    Did Lee Greenwood learn something that restored his moral compass? Anyone with a soul has the capacity to grow and change, and therefore I focus my personal judgments on information rather than on people.

    President Ronald Reagan is a profound example. Reagan was deeply traumatized from the assassination attempt on him, and never regained control over himself or his Administration from that point on. George Bush and Dick Cheney ran his Administration and treated him horribly that I witnessed.

    In my 1995 testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America, National Security demands forbid me from asserting my perception of what went on behind the seen. Instead, I could only tell exactly what happened that had been validated. Details in TRANCE are what happened to me, Reagan, and others. What happens to us is not who we are.

    I was at Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri when Lee Greenwood was there due to his involvement in Bill Clinton’s CIA cocaine ops running through the country music industry. In 1983-84 Nashville’s country music industry was extending to Branson to be in closer proximity to Bill Clinton’s Mena cocaine operation and the Swiss Villa Amphitheater compound.

    Greenwood was friends with both Bush and Clinton back then, and also sang at Bohemian Grove’s UNderground. (p.170 TRANCE)

    It was my experience that Greenwood was so heavily involved in the cocaine industry that he was granted a boost to his country music career cover. Greenwood already had been given access to sophisticated NASA/DARPA harmonics, which Bush wanted used at the1984 Republican National Convention.

    President Ronald Reagan had been outspoken in his desire to change our National Anthem from the Star Spangled Banner to the old 1911 version of America the Beautiful. He had asserted that the majestic beauty of our nation would be more patriotically inspiring than war, which was a point of view we shared.

    Lee Greenwood’s song “God Bless the USA” was originally written in accordance with Reagan’s patriotic preference and was released in 1984 to be used in the Republican National Convention for the re-election of Reagan-Bush. The rest is history, and history in the making today.

    I’ve often wondered what Reagan would have done for our country had he been in control of his Administration. What free will choices would he have made? Having lost my free thought/free will to CIA MK Ultra mind control the first 30 years of my life, I have deep appreciation and gratitude for my freedom today. Depth of insight compound the meaning of “God Bless the USA” when I hear it at a Trump rally, especially knowing what it meant to Reagan.

    Perhaps President Trump is aware of that, too.

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  • Intelligence
    Dec 2 2024

    Intelligence? Agencies

    “Intelligence is lost to mind control,” Mark would say. “And I’m talking about Intelligence Agencies.”

    MK Ultra mind control inhibits critical analysis, creative application of information, discernment of truth, and a moral compass. Nevertheless, it had been determined that the need for compartmentalized secrecy was more important than agents thinking beyond their Need-to- Know, so MK Ultra became as common in Intelligence as it is in the military.

    “Wisdom outthinks their programmed minds every time,” Mark would forewarn. Wisdom comes with free thought, while programmed minds are also vulnerable to mind hacks who can easily access codes, keys, and triggers to turn an agent faster than they can blink.

    Mark Phillips worked the highest levels of Intelligence mind sciences to preserve the sanctity of free thought and was deeply discouraged to witness some of our nation’s greatest minds being lost to MK Ultra. He was not the only one in Intelligence with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know this truth.

    Many aware individuals in Intelligence were not affected by MK Ultra since knowledge is our defense against mind control. Spy masters, including Col. Fletcher Prouty, shared Mark’s concern that an ongoing infiltration, destruction, and control of US Intelligence agencies by a shadow Deep State globalist government was underMinding US sovereignty.

    Mind control is their tool being used to usher in a global slave society agenda- beginning with infiltration of all Intelligence agencies through MK Ultra.

    The formula for mind control is the same whether it is of an individual, classroom, Intelligence agencies, nations, or the world. Trauma is the basis of it, with no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming.

    Pedophilia is a mind control agenda. Transgenderism is a depopulation mind control agenda. Both are used in black mail ops to compromise agents, politicians, and people of influence which is what Epstein Islands and Diddy Parties are all about. Who are the puppetmasters holding those videos?

    Sexually abused children are often groomed to be recruited into ‘Intelligence’ Agencies. I was targeted for MK Ultra mind control since I had been born into a multigenerational incest based family. It had been found through Hitler/Himmler research that was brought into the US through Project Paperclip in the wake of WWII that after 3 generations any knowledge base, belief system, or abuse base becomes autogenic in the brain. It becomes genetically inherent.

    Equally, suppression of birthright information such as how the human brain responds to trauma and our innate knowledge base defense against mind control becomes lost after 3 generations. It is still there deep in the subconscious, where humanity needs to be reminded to access it.

    Consider that Intelligence agencies are structured akin to our brain’s natural response to trauma too horrible to comprehend. In the brain of an MK Ultra victim, there is no inner-communication between compartmentalized memory. Agents operating on a Need to Know have no inner-agency communication due to compartmentalized information. Compound secrecy erodes truth that makes us free.

    My sexual abuse began at infancy before I could think to know what my father was doing was wrong. My brain knew, though, and responded to pain and suffocation by repressing memory of the abuse deep into my subconscious mind.

    Read full transcript on Cathy's website here!

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    12 m
  • YOUnite
    Nov 21 2024

    Every single one of us has been lied to, manipulated, indoctrinated, and propagandized. We have been conditioned for generations to look outside ourselves to Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Cult/Occult religion to tell us how to live our lives.

    They told us wrong- creating division, hatred, fear, ignorance, intolerance, and judgeMentalism.

    Time for us all to heal and unite in light of truth, love, and understanding. Healing is a personal journey, and it within us all to heal… ourselves.

    Healing has no left, right, color, gender or belief system. Healing is abSOULute and it is within us all to heal and reclaim our birthright to freely live our lives in light of love and purpose. Its time we all remember who we are and why we are here.

    Rather than judge those around you, look within your self. Self control is challenging enough without trying to tell others how to live their lives, too.

    We cannot live someone else’s life for them. Nor can we heal for them. Heal your self to light the path forward for others. Healing is an individual journey by design. We have all been blessed with resiliency of body, mind, and spirit. It all begins with free thought.

    Understanding mind control gives us knowledge that is our defense against it. Without free thought there is no free will. Without free will there is no soul expression. Without soul expression there is no moral compass, discernment of truth, or ability to align with our innate strength of spirit and infinite power of love.

    Ultimately mind control is a spiritual battle. When we claim our victory by realizing our own power, remembering who we are and why we are here, and living the love we are, humanity naturally unites.

    Our strength of spirit is what dark force puppet masters fear the most, which is why they impose trauma, fear, hatred and division. United we stand against their assault on free thought to align with the divine.

    It is on this level of oneness that humanity unites. It becomes easy to see how mind control disrupts our ability to live our life’s purpose. To live the love we are.

    As we move forward in light of the Global Great Awakening, it is imperative to downsize governmental influence and take responsibility for our own lives. Regardless of propaganda’s engineered political perceptions, we all real-eyes the need for freedom, inner peace and global peace. Awareness is the first step toward positive, necessary change.

    Unite within your self free of mind control. Expand your thought to embrace the reality that there is more to life than what you think you know.

    LISTEN to others. Dare to learn from differences. If we all bring the same piece of the puzzle to the table, the big picture cannot come into focus. We need the big picture to understand what in the world has been going on so we can avoid the same mistakes, evolve with knowledge that is our defense against mind control, and freely unite in light of love and truth.


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  • Understanding Forgiveness
    Nov 13 2024

    “You have to forgive your abusers in order to heal,” mental hellth therapists are taught to assert to trauma survivors.

    Most survivors of abuse need to forgive themselves!

    Abusers notoriously threaten to kill pets or family members if the victim tells, which to the child and subconscious mind makes it the victim’s “choice” to silently permit it. It is also common that the victim is repeatedly told they are innately evil and therefore “possessed”, or are accused of dressing provocatively, or are “an old soul who wants it”, and the list goes on and on.

    When trauma occurs, the conscious mind freezes in fright leaving the subconscious wide open to programming. Without a conscious mind filter and critical analysis of repetitive narrative, information is taken in without question or reason… including shame and blame. Rooted in the subconscious, this programming drives self perception, thoughts, and ultimately actions. Especially when triggered.

    Mind control is a sliding scale and is as individualistic as abusive programmers and life’s traumatic experiences. The formula for mind control is the same, whether it is of an individual, classroom, nation, or the world; trauma is the basis of it. When trauma occurs, whether it is witnessed through media’s repetitive narrative, is experienced in pedophilic or occult abuse, or is DARPA level MK Ultra, the brain responds the same with heightened suggestibility. Abusers understand this and assert their agenda, always shifting blame to the victim in the course of programming.

    Many survivors who have yet to heal through writing out trauma are often triggered back under control by abusers they confront to ‘forgive’ as suggested. Since they were programmed with blame, to ‘forgive’ an abuser reinforces and compounds the felony. Healing must occur first, which includes forgiving self and understanding mind control in order to have defense against it.

    When I was healing from 30 years of torturous MK Ultra White House/Pentagon level mind control, I told Mark I could not live with myself after what I had been forced to do. Mark replied, “You are not responsible for what you are programmed to do under mind control- your abusers are responsible. They need to be held accountable for their actions. Now that you are aware, however, you are responsible for all your actions going forward.”

    Mark’s understanding helped me to understand mind control and my abusers. Understanding allowed me to forgive myself, and realize it is up to my abusers to forgive themselves IF they choose to heal.

    Catholic Confession further distorted my perception of ‘forgiveness.’ Catholics are taught to enter the Confessional booth with a priest and recite, “Forgive me father for I have sinned.” To a suggestible child raped by their father being told to refer to the pedophile priest as ‘father’ so he can intercede to ‘God the father’ is confusing, especially when sexually assaulted in the Confessional and then instructed to ask forgiveness???

    I real-eyes not all Catholics are complicit in the Jesuit/CIA alliance. Yet Catholics are engrained to believe Confessed secrets are secured through the priest, with the whole Catholic Confessional thing being about secrecy. Think Mafia and the blackmail leverage trance-spiring through this ritual. Consider how this secrecy compounds control over the sexual abuse of a child instructed to ‘forgive’.

    Reading full transcript on Cathy's website here!

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  • Hourglass Flip
    Nov 13 2024

    November 5th, 2024 the proverbial hourglass flipped, as did my iconic plexiglass US Capital hourglass in a monuMental display of freedom being restored to We the People.

    Under MK Ultra mind control Wizard of Oz programming, I had been conditioned that when the hourglass flipped, such as the one Dick Cheney kept on his Pentagon office desk, that my life was on the line and my time was about to run out- just as it meant to Dorthy when the wicked witch flipped the hourglass. This do or die programming was frequently accessed during the years I was forced to work during the Bush/Reagan Administration.

    In keeping with Oz theme program, perpeTraitors of my abuse claimed they were UNreachable- over the Rainbow in another dimension.

    When Mark rescued my daughter and me from the Wash DC human trafficking swamp in 1988, a supportive spook friend gave him the iconic US Capital hourglass complete with rainbow. “Keep this displayed upside down as a symbol of time running out on the New World Order until we all achieve victory in restoring Constitutional values of freedom and justice for all,” she said. “I know what this means to Cathy and her daughter. We’ll flip the hourglass on their abusers instead. When we win- and we will- flip it right side up once and for all!”

    Mark nor I are affiliated with any political party knowing the true difference is between those who support the New World Order slave society agenda and those who support freedom. This particular spook was of Kennedy lineage.

    Like in all families, there were different points of view. Mark often spoke with high regard for RFK Jr. in particular. Mark agreed with his environmental views back in the mid-80s Riverkeeper/Waterkeeper days. When I voiced outrage over Byrd’s so-called Clean Air and Water Act that only lined his pockets, Mark assured me good people were looking out for the environment… like RFK Jr.

    When Mark first rescued Kelly and me I did not know good people even existed in the world. Mark assured me they are by far the majority, often bringing them to my attention so I could gain eyes to see.

    From 1988 until his passing in 2017, Mark and I spoke out together on mind control and healing from it. We witnessed people waking up on a global scale to face the reality that we share this planet with a dark cabal who are not like us and do not like us.

    Mark and I were elated in 2016 when so many of us were awake and aware that we overrode the rigged electronic algorithm in voting machines to elect a President that was not Hillary Clinton and her New World Order. We each had individual cause to find encouragement in President Trump due to his long history of open opposition to drug and human trafficking and support of Constitutional values.

    When President Trump was elected in 2016, Mark proudly flipped our iconic US Capital hourglass. As he dusted it off and flipped it right side up, tears of long awaited relief slid down his face.

    Mark passed away in 2017, not knowing I had to flip our US Capital hourglass upside down again 2020 when elections and freedom were stolen from We the People. With tears sliding down my face, I held the vision that humanity would wake up from mind control masked as a virus to reclaim their freedom stronger than ever before.

    Knowledge is our defense against mind control and I was more determined than ever to carry Mark’s and my shared life’s purpose forward to raise awareness. As the US Capital hourglass gathered dust over the next four long years, I continued to speak out knowing abSOULutely that humanity’s strength of spirit and infinite power of love would eventually win.

    For the full transcript, visit Cathy's website here!

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