
  • Episode 76 - Separating the Nerdy from the Mundane
    Mar 12 2025

    March 12, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 76 - Separating the Nerdy from the Mundane

    After last episode’s connection to Shabbat, there was only one logical topic for the next conversation: havdalah! We learn about the ritual objects of havdalah and the meaning behind this short, weekly celebration. We discuss when we keep our nerdy parts of our lives separate, we find some sweetness in nerd culture, and we also talk about the bad body odor of gamers, for some reason. Once we’ve gotten to that point, how can we separate ourselves from that space?

    00:00:41 Torah Smash Live!
    00:01:32 Part II: Havdalah (Separation)
    00:08:46 What are the nerdy things we do that we want to keep separate?
    00:13:56 What are the spaces you wish were ceremoniously separated?
    00:17:17 Sacred symbols of separation that bring us joy
    00:21:51 Taking in the sweetness of nerd culture
    00:28:13 Symbols of light in nerd culture
    00:32:45 Ritual moments

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    40 m
  • Episode 75 - Shabbat: There's A Nap For That
    Feb 26 2025

    February 26, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 75 - Shabbat: There’s A Nap For That

    Shabbat is a way for us to reflect on the week and reset ourselves. We power ourselves down and find ways of interacting with our loved ones and our community in ways that can really nourish our soul. So, this is a reminder to download that special app on your smartphone that will help you appreciate and recognize shabbat. And, while you’re at it, don’t forget to organize your apps and delete the ones that just fill up the space without any significance. After that, go take a nice shabbat schluff.

    00:00:37 Torah Smash! Live! Coming to Austin, March 2025
    00:01:14 Let’s talk about Shabbat
    00:03:00 Observing Shabbat in our own ways
    00:10:01 What 3 apps would you keep?
    00:15:14 What you need is… more Shabbat
    00:18:12 Cutting back on Apps
    00:23:00 Categorizing
    00:25:33 Using apps unexpectedly
    00:27:55 Intentional usage and intentional feeling
    00:36:14 What changes are you going to make now?

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    42 m
  • Episode 74 - JudAIsm ...With Special Guest Rabbi Josh Fixler
    Feb 12 2025

    February 12, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 74 - JudAIsm

    Artificial intelligence is everywhere—even in the clergy world! In this episode, we welcome Rabbi Josh Fixler, who was recently featured in
    The New York Times for his insights on how religious leaders are using AI. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and technology, discuss the opportunities and challenges AI presents to clergy, and maybe even ask the big question: If a chatbot gives a sermon, does it count? Tune in for a fascinating conversation that’s more than just artificial—it's intelligent!

    00:04:14 New York Times: At the Intersection of AI and spirituality
    00:07:52 Rabbi Bot
    00:12:28 Chatgpt’s suggestions for utilizing AI in Judaism
    00:20:39 The differences between how two religions related to technology
    00:24:21 AI and Jewish Education
    00:30:58 Can you use AI with pastoral care?
    00:37:23 The turing test and the most human human
    00:43:44 Golem qualities of an AI
    00:45:47 Welcome to the podcast… Rabbi Bot!

    Rabbi Josh Fixler’s Sermon on AI with his Rabbi Bot:

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    54 m
  • Episode 73 - Kosher or Not Kosher?
    Jan 29 2025

    January 29, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 73 - Kosher or Not Kosher?

    It’s time for everyone’s favorite game show when it comes to Jewish food… Kosher! Or! Not! Kosher?! Join us as we explore some fantasy foods, science fiction foods, and some soon-to-not-be so science fiction food based questions when it comes to keeping kosher. Do we think the Klingons follow similar laws when making their ritual wines? How about Dungeons & Dragons characters? What about your video game characters? Plus, Barak shares his one unfortunate food allergy and RDY may have an alternative choice for him! But, would that also be allowed as kosher?

    00:01:05 Laws of Kashrut
    00:06:19 Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5
    00:08:50 Unreal foods we want to try
    00:09:56 Klingon Blood Wine
    00:14:03 D&D’s Create Food and Water Conjuration
    00:16:54 Meat cloned in a lab
    00:24:24 RDY asks the wrong question
    00:27:44 Are they really two generations?
    00:31:20 Star Trek’s Food Replicator
    00:35:28 Dietary Laws in the Torah
    00:40:40 Futuristic food isn’t futuristic

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    44 m
  • Episode 72 - Leviticus All Along ...With Special Guest Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
    Jan 15 2025

    January 15, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 72 – Leviticus All Along …With Special Guest Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

    We are thrilled to welcome the first character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to join us on Torah Smash, Rabbi Levin, played by real life clergy, Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner. She shares about her journey into the MCU, we discuss our thoughts of the newest Jewish character to be portrayed in this world, and we share some of our favorite parts of the series. Just like the show, you may have to relisten to this one again to make sure you caught everything. Follow us my friends, to this episode at the end.

    00:04:20 The road to Agatha All Along
    00:06:31 Finding the right MCU Rabbi
    00:07:58 Leviticus 10:1
    00:11:31 A Talmudic retelling or foreshadowing?
    00:16:08 Evaluating the Jewish depiction
    00:23:12 Finding the meaning of names
    00:25:44 Learning the Torah Portion
    00:31:07 Other Jews on set
    00:32:32 Experiencing and Appreciating
    00:36:11 Favorite foreshadowing
    00:41:11 Our hopes for next Jewish depiction in the MCU

    Share this episode with a friend: https://www.torahsmash.com/post/episode-72-leviticus-all-along

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    49 m
  • Episode 71 - The Wheel of New Years
    Jan 1 2025

    January 1, 2025
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 71 - The Wheel of New Years

    The Wheel of Time turns, and we return with another episode for you. Did you know that Judaism celebrates four different new years? So, that means that American Jews celebrate 5 different New Years! And if you’re stuck in a time loop, the number is much higher than that! Join us as we celebrate and mark this time on our calendars. We share why time was invented, how we decide to mark time, and question the idea of time altogether!

    00:01:48 Happy Four New Years!
    00:06:52 The Wheel of Time Series
    00:09:50 In
    A beginning
    00:13:29 The observer’s anniversary versus the character’s anniversary experiences
    00:14:29 Q’s Tapestry and other nerdy wheels of time
    00:19:42 Spotify Wrapped and Steam winter sale
    00:22:29 Nerd convention calendars
    00:25:00 Paying attention to the other new years’
    00:29:14 Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end
    00:34:27 Why do we need time?
    00:42:34 Remembering time and keeping time sacred

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    47 m
  • Episode 70 - Torah Smash Jr.
    Dec 18 2024

    December 18, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 70 - Torah Smash Jr.

    There are some stories in Jewish tradition and history that put the children at the center of it all. Jacob and Esau as well as Joseph teach us some valuable lessons as adults. But aren’t children just meant to be sidekicks? And how old are the children of the Torah anyway? Let’s just hope that as they grow up, they’ve learned from the mistakes of their parents.

    00:01:00 Jacob and Esau the adult children
    00:03:13 Joseph the tattletale
    00:06:35 Child character focused stories
    00:12:11 Favorite child centered stories
    00:17:43 Does having children in the story change the message?
    00:19:19 Does younger age warrant more sympathy
    00:24:05 Children are sidekicks, not heroes
    00:26:47 In the Torah, age isn’t just a number
    00:28:11 Replace an adult character with a child character
    00:31:52 Carrying the sins of our parents
    00:34:47 Closing thoughts on what we didn’t talk about

    Share this episode with a friend: https://www.torahsmash.com/post/episode-70-torah-smash-jr

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    38 m
  • Episode 69 - Die Hard Is A Chanukah Movie ...With Special Guest Arnon Shorr
    Dec 4 2024

    December 4, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 69 - Die Hard is a Chanukah Movie …With Special Guest Arnon Shorr

    Chanukah falls on Christmas Day this year, so what better way to celebrate this overlap than debating if the classic action film, Die Hard, is a Christmas movie or a Chanukkah movie? We review what makes a movie holiday specific, the subtle Chanukkah plotline, and the movie’s Jewish characters… one which may surprise you! Make sure that you cuddle on the couch with some latkes and gelt in the warm glow of your menorah, and say yippee-chai-yay to this (possibly) Chanukkah classic.

    00:02:16 Popular Debate: Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
    00:06:34 New Debate: Is Die Hard a Chanukah Movie?
    00:06:55 What’s the right way to spell Hannukkahhh?
    00:09:03 What does a film need in order to be a Chanukah movie?
    00:13:52 Tha Chanukah Plot of Die Hard
    00:17:04 The Jewish calendar of Die Hard
    00:18:24 Challenging the premise of the holiday connection
    00:28:18 Character and Actor connections
    00:30:32 Die Hard’s Jewish Dad helps us get grounded
    00:33:41 A critique of Christmas or culture?
    00:37:50 Sergeant Al Powell’s Fan Theory
    00:38:45 Final Chanukah notes
    00:39:30 Other “Chanukah” movies

    Share this episode with a friend: https://www.torahsmash.com/post/episode-69-die-hard-is-a-chanukah-movie

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    47 m