Episode #261 Mark Grenon, The Chlorine Dioxide Debate After Prison
Hello Health Heroes!
This week I interviewed Mark Grenon, a man who healed his entire family with Chlorine dioxide years ago when they all suffered from a devastating bacterium. Mark, being a missionary abroad, started helping as many people as he could with his discovery. He and his three sons ended up in jail after years of successfully helping others to learn how to use chlorine dioxide. Mark and one of his son’s just got out of jail but two of his sons are still in jail and they need our support to be free. Mark has written a few books and they also have a donation page that we have linked below. In this episode we will cover the amazing benefits Mark has witnessed over the years with Chlorine Dioxide and as well as he and his sons' plight to be free.
Enjoy the show!
Love & Light
Coach Tim
p.s. Please like & subscribe to my show for more great inspiration and education so that you can become your own doctor and learn to self heal!
p.p.s. To Donate to Mark and his family go to: GIVE SEND GO FOR MARK GRENON To watch the documentary The Universal Antidote about chlorine dioxide CLICK HERE:
p.p.p.s. Learn the reason why the Grenon's,Mark and his 3 sons, were attacked and still are being attacked so viciously in these three volumes written by Mark Grenon.
VOLUME ONE: https://www.printshopcentral.com/bookstore/book/-imagine-a-world-without-dis-ease-is-it-possible-volume-one
VOLUME TWO: https://www.printshopcentral.com/bookstore/book/-imagine-a-world-without-dis-ease-the-genesis-of-the-g2church-volume-two
VOLUME THREE: https://www.printshopcentral.com/bookstore/book/a-world-without-dis-ease-the-persecution-is-increasing-but-so-are-the-blessings-
SPANISH VOLUME ONE: https://www.printshopcentral.com/bookstore/book/-imagina-un-mundo-sin-mal-estar-es-posible-
Volume One: https://5187260268767.gumroad.com/l/tsaqy
Volume Two: https://5187260268767.gumroad.com/l/gkwoh
Volume Three: https://5187260268767.gumroad.com/l/dlzpc
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- Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: CLICK HERE
- Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE
- Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE
- Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE
- Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE
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