
  • The Seasons of Our Lives: Creation, Dissolution, Transformation.
    Jan 10 2023

    Podcast for January: Season 3 #101 The Seasons of Our Lives: Creation, Dissolution, Transformation.

    Happiest of New Years to all my readers, clients and students! As I reflect on 2022 and look forward to the new year of 2023 I realize that the many challenges of the past year for me personally and us collectively, though difficult and painful at times, have been the seeds of transformation in my life. Each unexpected event, be it my health challenges, the mold in our home and need to demolish our house of 40 years, and all the financial implications of these events have led to change, transformation and unexpected blessings. My wife Michael’s poem “Creation, Dissolution, Transformation” says beautifully what this year has been for us:

    “CREATION, DISSOLUTION, TRANSFORMATION” published September 2020 by Kind Over Matter
    We laugh, we cry,
    Our tears turn to jewels
    And decorate the sky,
    Displaying a creation of wonder.

    We breathe in Life
    And transform the strife
    Of a nightmare
    To beauty and thunder.

    Evolution is the game,
    All is the same
    As it twists into reality,

    How fortunate to see
    What it is to be free
    And wander without judgment or blame,

    To welcome change
    And appreciate the range
    Of experience the mystery holds,

    As we reach the summits
    And plummet to the depths,
    While unwrapping our Divine nature.

    The atom so profound
    Changes all around,
    Wearing many masks of reality,

    Underneath we are the same
    And that’s the whole game
    in the phases of coming and going.

    No need to be afraid
    To release what we’ve made
    in order to fulfill our potential

    Break the old mold,
    Transform lead to gold,
    We are alchemists
    In the dance of creation.

    —Michael Bailey

    As in nature, when things die, they decompose through mold and other fungi to break down the current form and transform it into nutrients for new life forms. This is the process of transformation we see in nature when leaves lose their green color and turn into the colors of Fall; they fall, decompose and become the nutritious dirt that feeds the trees and all of nature—creation, dissolution, transformation.

    The new book was a surprise to me. I thought I was done writing after “Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane” was published a year ago. But to my surprise, in a dream, I got a “download” of a new book: “My Magic Carpet Ride” which is part autobiographical and part teaching the Principles behind following our dreams and inspirational insight that has guided each phase of my life, whether I knew it at the time or not. In hindsight, I see the perfection of all the challenges and opportunities that have taken me into worlds I never imagined and creating programs, books, and travels I never thought I was capable of. It has felt like the “carpet,” knew where it was going and I just had to let it take me into the unknown to all the blessings of my amazing life experience.

    I will keep you posted with short video blogs as I go forward and give you glimpses of the book as it unfolds. Feel free to write me if you have comments or questions.

    My book "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane" is currently on sale for 30% off on Mango.bz @mangopulishinggroup until January 31st. Grab a copy for yourself or as a gift for the New Year!
    All the best to you in the New Year,

    With love, Joe

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  • Message from Joe Bailey: Suspending Podcast "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane"
    Sep 12 2022

    “Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast.” Season 2 Suspended https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/season-2-suspended/ be sure to enjoy all of season 1 for fun, insight, wisdom, and because it's all totally FREE! https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast-season-two/

    Dear Podcast Listener,

    Who would have thought “Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane” would become autobiographical?

    Circumstances have come up in my life that have led to a decision to temporarily go on sabbatical from my podcasts and trainings till the end of this year when I will reevaluate my decision. There are immediate and practical items that need a lot of my time and attention. I will postpone this podcast series until the appropriate time to begin them again.

    Through a series of coincidences and insights, Michael and I have decided to demolish our house of 40 years and rebuild on the same site. Our doctor had us do some tests and through the results we realized that we have a high level of mold in our bodies and our house is the cause. It has been an amazing series of insights and much help from others to bring this to our awareness. Once I was able to accept the changes, I began to see so many possibilities and so much great help from others. Having said that and accepting what this all entails, I realized that it will take all of my energy and attention for the near future. I will continue to see my current clients but put trainings, new clients, and podcasts on hold. I hope to resume the podcasts as soon as this “hurricane” has passed.

    In the meantime, my website will still have all my previous recordings of the podcasts and other trainings available for free to all my subscribers and the public. I look forward to seeing how all this plays out. When I look back I see how magical life has been to solve problems that seemed impossible at the time. I see more deeply how this is always true, present circumstances are not an exception.

    With gratitude, Joe

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  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane | Marina Galan: “Sharing the 3P's understanding worldwide”
    Jul 2 2022

    Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Episode #17 with Marina Galan Airdate: June, 28th 2022

    Read more:

    “Sharing the 3 Principles understanding with the Spanish-speaking community worldwide”

    “Marina has been instrumental in bringing the 3 Principles to a worldwide audience. She has created 3 Principles Spanish language forums and podcasts all over Latin America and Spain. She is an inspiring speaker, leader and coach.”

    Marina Galan: mother, coach, teacher, trainer, and speaker living in Querétaro, Mexico
    I am also the founder of 3PESP, a multi-platform program that shares the 3 Principles understanding with the Spanish-speaking community worldwide, and is part of the 3PGC board.

    The understanding of the 3 Principles has allowed me to find peace of mind and well-being in my life, that is why I am utterly passionate about sharing it with others.

    The main reason why we struggle is that we do not fully understand how our experience of life is created, and therefore have no clear idea of how to improve it.

    Few people realize that our mind is naturally oriented towards wellbeing, creativity and success, even fewer have come to develop a close, fruitful relationship with it. The majority, being caught in a misunderstanding about how it works, find themselves unable to fully take advantage of this truth, causing unnecessary suffering and strain.

    Understanding our mind, knowing how to align with it and its infinite resources, allows us to explore the very depths of our true potential and consequently experience a more vibrant, engaged, fulfilling life.

    When we understand how our experience of life is being created in real time via our mind, we suddenly become aware of a completely new reality going on behind the scenes of that experience. The same way a magician’s experience of a magic show cannot remain untouched by his deeper comprehension of what is actually going on, we suddenly gain that depth of appreciation and become aware of new possibilities around that same reality and our experience of it.​​

    Because it happens at such an intimate level, there is no aspect of life that is not touched by this understanding. For me, it has opened up the world in the most awe-inspiring, unexpected ways in every arena, from parenting to health, to what I have now dedicated my life to.

    Join us each month on the 3rd Tuesday for "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane," at 1 pm (CDT) for a dialogue on the 3-Principles with Author Joe Bailey, and guests!
    Details for joining below:

    Join us each month on the 3rd Tuesday for "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane," at 1 pm (CDT) for a dialogue on the 3-Principles with Author Joe Bailey, and guests! Details for joining below:

    Meeting ID: 819 693 3475
    Passcode: Thrive
    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 819 693 3475
    Passcode: Thrive

    For more episodes: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast/

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane | Joseph Nguyen: “Helping others realize their divine purpose”
    May 17 2022

    In this episode with Joseph Nguyen, live on Zoom: (Airdate: May, 17th) "Helping others realize their divine purpose
    Podcast Page: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast/
    Post: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/may-17th-with-joseph-nguyen/
    In episode #16 of “Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane, we welcome Joseph Nguyen.
    Joseph Nguyen is a spiritual thought leader who has a mission of helping others realize their divine purpose, unlock the infinite potential of their own mind, and live an abundant life free from psychological suffering. He spends most of his time writing, coaching, teaching, speaking, and sharing timeless wisdom to help people discover their own divinity from within and how they are the answer they’ve been looking for their entire lives.
    With Joe’s usual style, topics could possibly range from any of the following, so get ready to discuss:
    The root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to end it
    How to become unaffected by negative thoughts and feelings
    How to experience unconditional love, peace, and joy in the present, no matter what our external circumstances look like
    How to instantly create a new experience of life if you don’t like the one you’re in right now
    How to break free from a negative thought loop when we inevitably get caught in one
    How to let go of anxiety, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and any self-destructive habits
    How to effortlessly create from a state of abundance, flow, and ease
    How to develop the superpower of being okay with not knowing and uncertainty
    How to access your intuition and inner wisdom that goes beyond the limitations of thinking
    Joe’s bestselling book on Amazon: https://book.josephnguyen.org/launch
    Join us each month on the 3rd Tuesday for "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane," at 1 pm (CDT) for a dialogue on the 3-Principles with Author Joe Baily, and guests!
    Details for joining below:
    Meeting ID: 819 693 3475
    Passcode: Thrive
    Join Zoom Meeting

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    819 693 3475
    Passcode: Thrive
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    1 h y 3 m
  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Ep-15 with Debbie Milam “Resilience: Life, Love, Death, and Everything in Between”
    Apr 20 2022

    In this episode: Debbie Milam on “Resilience: Life, Love, Death, and Everything in Between” on Joe Bailey's "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane" Podcast on April 19th at 1 p.m. (CDT)

    Podcast Page:

    Episode Page:

    As an occupational therapist and resiliency coach Debbie Milam loves to share her experience to give others hope.

    As a fellow traveler, she has lived through a catastrophic accident, loved people with addictions and emotional challenges, grieved the death of more than 40 loved ones, and faced her mortality numerous times due to primary immune deficiency.

    During all of those traumas and tragedies, she learned to have a really blessed life right in the middle of all of it. A life of meaning, peace, joy and purpose in the middle of circumstances she did not want. Professionally and personally she understands what others are struggling with and she has wisdom and insights that can help others live a blessed life.

    More about Debbie Milam

    Debbie Milam is an award-winning author, occupational therapist, resilience coach, and past syndicated columnist for United Press International’s Religion and Spirituality Division. Her work has been showcased on the Hallmark Channel, PBS, and WebMD. Debbie is the author of Miracles in the Middle, Overtaken by Grace, and And God Said. She is also the creator of the Wise Mind Project middle school social-emotional learning videos and curriculum. For more information on her faith work please visit her online at Gracelovewell.org and her school-based programs at wisemindproject.org

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  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Ep-14 with Omar Ben Moussa "Seeing Beyond our Differences"
    Mar 24 2022

    In this episode with Omar Ben Moussa we explore "Seeing Beyond our Differences" on Joe Bailey's "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane" Podcast airdate: March 22nd at 1 p.m. (CDT)

    Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Ep-14 with Omar Ben Moussa "Seeing Beyond our Differences"

    Podcast Post https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/seeing-beyond-our-differences/

    Podcast Page: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast/

    Episode #14 (Date: March, 22nd)

    “Seeing Beyond our Differences”

    How do we learn to see beyond our differences during these turbulent times?

    In the hurricane of our modern lives many people are feeling fear, ungrounded, and vulnerable. In this state of insecurity we often look outside to experts, leaders, influencers, the media, to find something we can believe in, something to make us feel safe. When we look outside from fear and insecurity we are vulnerable to being manipulated by others to believe what they are saying, selling, promoting to the detriment of our own inner guidance and wisdom that lies within each of us.

    When we realize that we each have an innate guidance system of insight and wisdom, we tend to listen better to others and to our own inner compass to discern what is true for us and what is our clear direction forward. In historical times like we are now in, people have often been led like sheep to follow dictators, false prophets, cults, and conspiracy theories based not on fact but on made-up information.

    When we encounter people who think differently than we do, if we listen deeply we will hear the grain of truth in what they are saying and also hear what is off balance. When we listen with respect and compassion, we see their innocence and judge them less. When we hear the truth in what they are saying, it broadens our perspective and we become wiser. We also see our common humanity and, that in the final analysis we all want the same things—peace of mind, love, understanding, a sense of purpose, and feeling of connection to something greater than our differences—our common humanity, our mutual connection, and a sense of oneness.

    In our next podcast with Omar Ben Moussa, we will explore this theme. Omar is a coach who lives in Morocco and has worked with leaders of many religions who through the Three Principles have found a way to see the common denominators of all religions instead of being separated by their differences. It should be a very interesting conversation to see beyond our differences and find more peace in our world.

    More… https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/seeing-beyond-our-differences/

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Ep 13 "A Conversation with Joe Bailey and Friends about the 3-Principles"
    Feb 16 2022

    Episode #13 Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast "A Conversation with Joe Bailey and Friends about the 3-Principles" (Airdate: February 15)

    Joe's Podcast Page: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast/

    “Welcome Readers! To a Conversation with Joe Bailey, on Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane”

    How do we learn to thrive and find our inner resilience during these turbulent times?

    The timing for the recent publication of Joe Bailey’s new book, Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane, has been extremely auspicious given the events of the past two years.

    In his book, Joe combines his insights as a 3-Principles lecturer, speaker, author, and teacher, after being mentored and inspired by Sydney Banks over 30 years ago, with the contemporary experience of others who have successfully used the principles of mind, thought, and consciousness to create transformation in turbulent areas of the human experience.

    Wherever dysfunction and breakdown occur within human affairs, whether it be within the family dynamic, relationships, education, community, and wherever else we show up and experience life, the ongoing buildup of frustration over unresolved issues seems to be reaching a point of critical in-sustainability. Our families suffer addiction and new levels of stress than ever before, while our health and education systems are failing to meet the needs they are supposed to serve the prisons and distressed communities continue to grow instead of shrink, becoming systemic failures as well.

    What is anyone supposed to do and where does a person even begin to unravel the complex problems we seem to be faced with daily? To further address these questions and go deeper into their answers I have launched this podcast to interview the people I wrote about and invite my readers and guests to ask questions. It has become a valuable tool extending the power of the book through conversation.

    Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane is not a podcast about these problems, but about their solutions.

    Joe’s podcast “Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane” is about taking the experiences of the people interviewed in the book, and the understanding of these principles that he has dedicated his books and life’s work to teaching, and making it available to the readers in a live setting where the readers, authors, and practitioners can dialogue with the rest of us who need this understanding in our own lives, work, and relationships.

    How do we be the change we wish to see?

    This is Joe’s way of helping bring this transformational understanding to those who need it, and more image of Beverley Wilson Hayesimportantly, those who want it enough to invest their energy and attention into practicing the 3-Principles of Psychology in their daily lives. So, join folks like Beverley Wilson Hayes, Debbie Milam, Louise O’Daliagh, Teresa Walding, Chana Studley, John El-Mokadem, Jacqueline Hollows (aka MamaJ), Omar Wilson, Derrick Mason, Pete Mears, Cynthia Stennis, Lloyd Fields, Joyce Davis, Michael Neill, Barb Aust, Christa Campsail, Brooke, Gary Johnson, Danielle Guinaugh, Lisa Portinga, Jacqueline Hollows, Bryan Johnson, Mavis Karn, Judy Sedgeman, Officer Jerry Williams, Amy Johnson, Ph.D., and Mahima Shrestha, Robin Charbit, Sandra Krot, Ken Manning, Denise Holland, Matt Roberts, and more, as you join the dialogue in upcoming episodes.

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    1 h y 6 m
  • Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Ep 12 “Insight and Athletic Performance”
    Jan 19 2022

    Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane Podcast Airdate: December 14,
    Reimagining the Workplace: Working Smarter, Not Harder
    Post: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/insight-athletic-performance/
    Website: https://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/podcast/

    In our first episode of the new year, January 18, @ 1 PM (CDT) we speak with Denise Holland and Matt Roberts about athletic performance and insight.

    Denise Holland, Transformative Coaching Conversations
    . Denise spent over 30 years in elite sport, competing internationally as an athlete and more recently as the Scotland National Coach in netball. Since awakening to the Three Principles understanding behind the human experience, Denise feels she has found the jewel to athletic performance; it has transformed how she now approaches sports coaching, being more of a catalyst for insight rather than an expert in her field. However, Denise works with people in all areas and ages, ready for sustainable change and enhanced performances in life and work.

    Matt Roberts is a trained artist and ex International High Jumper, his career started slowly – at 19 he had a pb of a mere 1.95m. Recognizing the need to exploit every potential margin of gain he searched for the perfect mindset over his 15 year career. His career best was 2.26m, making the top 20 UK All time list and just 3cm short of what won the Olympic Silver 2 years later. However in the year that followed his best Matt ruptured a disc in his neck, leading to surgery and its replacement. An injury that would end many careers, Matt started from scratch – eventually clearing 2.25m before retirement. His persistence and resilience were realized through the discovery of the Three Principles. It was during a conversation with Denise that an insight changed his life. Matt now shares this understanding with athletes and business people to guide them to their own source of flow and peak performance.

    "Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane," a podcast on resilience with Joe Bailey, now monthly, at 1 PM (CST) Zoom Meeting ID: 819 693 3475 Passcode: Thrive

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