
  • Was Deborah the Judge because the men were cowards? (Judges 4-5)
    Nov 4 2024

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    There is a narrative in certain church circles that teaches that Deborah was only the judge because the men weren't stepping up. Some will go as far as to say that Deborah (a woman) being the judge over Israel was God placing judgement on Israel because the men refused to lead. They will even use Isaiah 3:12 out of context to support their view. Also adding that some would suggest that Barak was actually supposed to be the judge and not Deborah but Barak was a coward for not stepping up and being the judge. Is this what the scriptures are communicating? Do we see anywhere in scripture that God picks people based on these conditions"? The answer is a flat out NO. I will be discussing my reasons from the scriptures (contextually and culturally) for why these interpretations of Deborah the Judge are ridiculous. For some Christians, women leading men should never happen. According to churches who believe that the Bible teaches gender hierarchy has a view that men are the only ones who are to be in charge. But according to scripture God never had an issue with calling women to lead people (men and women).

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Should Women Be In Ministry?
    Feb 5 2024

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    This topic is one of the most controversial in many church circles. There are whole denominations that say that women shouldn’t be in any ministry role. Some say that women can be in ministry but can’t be deacons, preachers, or pastors. These arguments are based on a literal interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 1 Corinthians 14:34. The problem is these verses they use are taken out of its original cultural and historical context. But when we take the time to put these verses back into its original context we don’t get an anti-women in ministry. Apostle Paul actually commissioned women to do ministry (Priscilla, Junia, Phoebe, Lydia, etc. Paul who is an Apostle followed Christ’ example. Jesus is the only Rabbi in Jewish history that allowed women to be His disciples and commissioned them to spread the Gospel of the risen Messiah (Matt 28:10; John 20:17-18). I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Jesus Understood The Assignment
    Oct 10 2023

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    This is the last episode of the season. We will end it with discussing the commands of Jesus; to be salt & light and to make disciples of all nations. When we study Jesus' words we see that these were not new commands, but were old commands from God through the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament.

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • When Christians Say "It Don't Take All That"
    Oct 2 2023

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    Walking with Christ should not be taken lightly. What Christ went through to provide us eternal life should be a sign to us that sin is really that egregious. As disciples of Jesus, we have to take up our cross and deny ourselves daily. We will discuss the importance of the apostles' written eyewitness accounts about Jesus, and one of the Second Temple Period Jewish groups called the Essenes. The Essenes played an important role in the reliability of the Old Testament.

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • To Understand Jesus, Understand The Old Testament
    Sep 25 2023

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    As we continue from the last episode, it's very important to understand the Old Testament. Failure to do so can lead to misinterpreting Jesus' words. Jesus was a monotheistic Jew who taught the Old Testament in its correct form without filtering the scriptures with rabbinic or pharisaic interpretations. We'll be dealing with three examples of that: keep holy the Sabbath, what defiles a person, and the woman caught in the act of adultery. Let's go deep in the word.

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • "You've Heard It Said, But I Say To You" // Was Jesus Teaching Against The Scriptures?
    Sep 18 2023

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    In this episode we will discuss the false claim that Jesus taught against the scriptures. One of Jesus' famous lines from the Sermon on the Mount, "You've heard it said, but I say to you", has been often misinterpreted. It's important to know the historical, cultural, and literary context of Jesus' day to better understand what Jesus meant when He said "You've heard it said, but I say to you". Jesus makes it clear that He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17-20).

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Introduction // 5 Lessons I've Learned While Walking With Jesus
    Sep 11 2023

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    Welcome to Theologetics. My name is Greg Williams Jr. and this is the first episode of the podcast. In this episode you will learn a little bit about me and my journey of becoming biblically literate. That's my desire for every believer in Jesus. I also will be discussing five lessons I've learned while walking with Christ. I hope you enjoy.

    Instagram: @theologeticswithgreg
    Email: theologeticswithgreg@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    55 m