
  • Ep18 - Guns N' Libtards
    Sep 28 2022

    Come with us as we explore the deep  history of the 2nd amendment, dissect the language, and tear apart the arguments presented against it. The 2nd amendment is one of the most important rights of the people. Oh we also discuss Ashley's libtard comment from the last show. You don't want to miss this!

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    2 h y 5 m
  • Ep17 - We Don't Need No Education
    Sep 14 2022

    Do you know what's happening in your kids classrooms? In this episode we explore the explosion of "Woke" teachers in the classroom and the laws that are designed to curb this. Do you know any of these teachers that we are letting indoctrinate our kids?

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    1 h y 41 m
  • Ep16 - Semi Fascists
    Aug 31 2022

    In a recent news article, the President of the United States called 74 Million people Fascist. Come with us as we explore what fascism really is, and find out if the MAGA group is actually fascist. If they aren't, who is?

    Two Recommended Reading Pieces:
    The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini
    The Origins and Doctrines of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    1 h y 43 m
  • Ep 15 - Orange Man Bad
    Aug 17 2022

    Is there any more polarizing person in existence than Trump? The media can't help themselves  but to keep this guy's name in the news. In this episode we look at the legal claims about the recent Trump raid  being made in the media and see if they hold up to scrutiny. 

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    1 h y 13 m
  • Ep14 - Baby Lives Matter
    Aug 3 2022

    In this episode we tackle the recent Roe v Wade mess and there is a lot of it. Have a listen as we break down the original case and talk about where it's going in the future.

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    2 h y 7 m
  • Ep13 - These Kids Today!
    Jul 20 2022

    Well Ashley and I are officially old! Come join us as we discuss what is wrong with kids today! From participation trophies to mind altering drugs, the younger generations experience life much differently than we did, but is it all bad? Listen and find out, and let us know your opinion! 

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    1 h y 59 m
  • Ep12 - A Brave New 1984
    Jul 7 2022

    Aldous Huxley or George Orwell? Who got it right? Come join us as we take a look at the two books: A Brave New World and 1984. Do they stand the test of time? We think you will like the conclusions we draw and just how accurate these novels are!

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    2 h y 8 m
  • Ep11 - D.I.E Hard with Inclusion
    Jun 22 2022

    We are SO inclusive with this episode. It's a diverse hodgepodge of topics, but each topic is treated with equity! In case you can't tell we are talking about Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity or as we like to call it D.I.E.. If you are tired of "the woke" culture, this is the episode for you! 

    If you get value out of our podcast, then help us improve our sound quality and keep the information flowing by donating whatever value you get out of the podcast. We don't ask for  any certain amount, but if you get a $1 in value then send a $1, if you get more then send more, its up to you! (Isn't freedom wonderful?!). You can send any donations to PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp.

    You can also visit the new donation section on our website at Passageway! In addition to the above Boost and Stream us value using any Podcasting 2.0 app.

    If you leave us a note with your donation we will read it on the air, you can also email us notes at info@realpassageway.com, just include the words DONATION NOTE in the subject line!

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    1 h y 39 m