
  • So, You're Turning... Why Your Age Is Not a Factor!
    Apr 5 2022

    I'm sure you've heard the saying,

    "Grind in your 20's, Build in your 30's, relax in your 40's"

    In today's episode, I'm going to refine this saying and put the Unstruggle twist on it! Because age is just a number! So don't let that number hold you back or make you feel like a failure. It's never too late to find your purpose and inspire others along the way.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • How to Develop & Implement an Action Plan
    Mar 31 2022

    In this episode, we will discuss how the careful planning of an action plan and serious steps towards effectiveness can ensure success for your goals. Whether your goal is to pass a college course, get a promotion, or start your own business, an action plan is the strongest tool in your arsenal.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Why Busy Isn't Always Effective
    Mar 29 2022

    As a human race, we always believe that running and running is always the best way to achieve our goals. On this episode, we will discuss why this isn't always the case. With planned and effective choices of tasks, we can achieve even what we believe are the toughest goals to reach.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Going to the Movies! My Top 5 Inspirational Cinematic Messages
    Nov 11 2021

    The Unstruggle Mindset is going to the movies! In this segment, I explain my top 5 inspirational movies, even if you may have missed the inspirational value the first time!

    If you haven't seen these films, I strongly suggest taking a look with this newfound paradigm.

    ***SPOILER ALERT!***

    Don't forget to follow the show on your favorite podcast provider and share the show on social media with your friends and family! As always, I appreciate your support.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Advice: Why Some Advice You Get is Bad Advice
    Nov 9 2021

    In our journey of life, we all have those moments in which we ask someone for guidance. But is that person you asked the correct person to be asking? Is their advice solid? How can you tell the difference?

    Many factors go into consideration when it comes to asking for advice. So, get on track and let's talk about it!

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Small Business Saturday with Alex and Michelle Diaz
    Oct 30 2021
    When it comes to success, you always hear stories from people who have done it and are loving it. You never get to hear the stories from those living in the moment of building success. In this segment, I interview local business Owners Alex and Michelle Diaz, owners of Jeff City Mix in Jeffersonville, IN. Check them out on Facebook and Instagram! We discuss building a business as a couple, obstacles and overcoming, and finer details to both launching and running a successful small business.
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Interspecies Inspiration: Learning to Adapt From the Animal Kingdom
    Oct 21 2021

    My life philosophy is inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there is something there that can inspire and motivate you to chase your goals. In this episode, I bring light to inspiration from our friends in the animal kingdom and life lessons we can learn from simply observing the animals live their daily lives. From your neighborhood park, to the jungle, to the deepest depths of the oceans, our animal friends are here to help!

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Aaand We're Back! How to Keep Moving Forward Despite Distractions
    Oct 19 2021

    Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal, but in what seems as an instant, lose track of progress and regress?

    We all do it! Success doesn't happen overnight. It takes practice, determination and discipline.

    Even in those moments where you lack discipline, it doesn't mean you can't get back on track!

    In this episode, I dive deep into how to bounce back quickly from distraction and regression and continue on your road to greatness!

    Más Menos
    12 m