• The Return of the 30-minute Menace!
    Jan 25 2025

    In this episode, we revisit the 30-minute session and what to expect when you are working for one of these big coaching companies that offer only 30-minute coaching sessions. Dave dives into the research (of course he does) and Sandy has a few rants about profile photos (including her own...).

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    • where do we find these 30-minute sessions - and why 30 minutes??

    • Sandy goes on her soapbox about coaching bios and profile photos

    • what 30-minute session structure look like for us
    • how coachability comes into play when working for these big coaching companies
    • what we strive to do - and what we might skip - in these shorter sessions

    • what advice we would give to coaches new to these platforms

    The study Dave mentioned:

    Behaviors and Structures for Coaches to Maximize Effects on Coaching, Coaching Research Institute LLP, 2013:

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website

    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Trust and Safety in Coaching Sessions
    Oct 26 2024

    The concept of trust and safety seems soooo simple, and yet... there is a lot to it regarding coaching conversations and how we show up for our clients! In this episode you'll hear areas of growth to consider when cultivating trust and safety, Dave's joy when it comes to word definitions, and some of Sandy's pet peeves about coaching over video. Enjoy!

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    • the definitions of trust and safety

    • rapport - is this the same as trust or safety?

    • the ICF competency on trust and safety

    • the National Board guidelines - do they even mention trust??

    • Sandy’s breakdown of 3 areas to cultivate trust with clients

    • Dave’s thoughts on what he does to create trust in and out of sessions

    • 5 things Sandy hears in student recordings relating to trust and safety

    • Sandy’s pet peeve about video environments and how this can affect a feeling of trust or safety in clients

    The ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Markers can be found here:
    November 2020 ICF PCC Markers

    The NBHWC Practical Skills Guidelines (Competencies and “Observables”) can be found here:
    September 2022 NBWC Practical Skills Guidelines

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website

    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Leading without Leading
    Jun 29 2024

    Wait, leading? Isn't that BAD in coaching sessions? Yes, and no. Leading *without leading* is pretty much in our job descriptions as coaches. We'll discuss this, why it can be good OR bad, and offer our two-point failsafe method to "lead without leading" that we use in our sessions.

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    What do we mean by "leading"?

    What do we mean by "leading without leading?"

    What Dave prefers to call this

    Discussion of why this is good - and bad - and how to do it using Dave's patented "lead without leading" method

    Sandy shares what ICF PCC markers speak to this topic

    The three things Sandy hears in session reviews from new coaches

    How to practice this skill

    The ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Markers can be found here:
    November 2020 ICF PCC Markers

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website

    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Chemistry Sessions for Coaches
    Apr 13 2024

    Chemistry sessions. What are they? What should they include? What SHOULDN'T they include? And why does Sandy dislike that term, ""chemistry"" (major air quotes there)? These answers and more are discussed in this episode! Be sure to scroll down if you'd like a copy of Sandy's First Session Road Map if you need some structure to your initial sessions with potential clients.

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    The purpose of chemistry sessions

    Length of these sessions

    Do we charge for these initial sessions?

    Structure of chemistry sessions

    Thoughts on coaching during this first session

    Thoughts on "selling" to potential clients

    Have we ever said "no" to a potential client?

    Chemistry sessions when working for a coaching company (BetterUp, Modern Health, Spring Health, AbleTo, etc) - do they even exist in this realm? If so, how are they different?

    People.... people who need.... people... listen to this volume UP to hear the way this song should be sung. By Jule Styne and Bob Merrill featuring the original Funny Girl herself.

    ICF Guidelines on referring a client to therapy

    NBHWC (National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches) does not have any resources regarding therapy referrals that we could find.

    CLICK HERE for Sandy's First Session Road Map

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website

    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Language in Coaching Conversations
    Feb 10 2024

    Let's talk LANGUAGE! We're all taught to "use your client's language", but what about the coach's language? And what if you purposefully use language that is *opposite* of the words your client just spoke, what happens then...? What the heck is NLP, anyways, and why are we obsessed with it??  All of this and more in this episode. Enjoy!

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    What's important about language in coaching sessions

    Thinking/feeling language

    How trust/rapport come into play when using language

    Using different language than your client - on purpose

    Internal vs external language

    Away vs towards language

    Flourishing vs languishing language

    Violent language and metaphors

    Cultural differences and coaching in a second language

    Practices for coaches to try in their sessions

    Holistic Coach Podcast (interview with Sandy)

    Introduction to NLP (book)

    The Power of Language


    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website


    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • The ICF Credentialing Exam
    Jan 27 2024

    The new ICF Credentialing Exam is on the agenda for today!  Dave is going to interview Sandy about her recent experience taking this exam, and Sandy is going to offer lots of things to consider and think about before, during, and after the exam.  She also has a bright shiny new resource to help YOU prepare for this exam. Enjoy!


    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    The new exam vs the old Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) Exam and we remember (or not) about the CKA

    What you need to get in order before taking the new exam

    What is actually IN the exam

    How to best prepare for the exam

    Sandy shares her experience in the world of proctored exams

    Tips for best and worst answers

    Sample question dissection/discussion

    Barriers to passing the exam




    ACC PILOT EXAM INFO (Jan/Feb 2024)



    COACH THE PERSON, NOT THE PROBLEM - book by Marcia Reynolds


    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website


    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • Metaphors in Coaching Conversations
    Jan 20 2024

    Let's talk METAPHORS! This was a fun episode as we tried to cram in as many metaphors as we could, lol... we invite you to take a listen and write down the ones that you hear, and visit our website (no peeking!!!) to see if you got them all!


    Sandy and Dave discuss why using metaphors can be really useful in coaching conversations

    Sandy lists a few well-known (at least here in the US) metaphors and gets into "violent" metaphors

    Dave talks about using a client's profession as a place to gather metaphors

    How *we* use metaphors in our coaching sessions

    How coaches can improve their metaphor use

    Go to our website (The Sandy and Dave Show) to see a list of all the metaphors we used in this episode!

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website


    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Emotions in Coaching
    Jan 6 2024

    What do you do when a client has a strong emotion in a session? Do you acknowledge? Offer space? Uncomfortably shift in your chair and secretly wish the session would end sooner rather than later?

    This episode is about how to use, deal with, and/or avoid (ok maybe not avoid) emotions that come up in coaching conversations.

    SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)

    The definition of emotion

    Emotions vs. feelings

    “Faux feelings” – what are they?

    How to sense emotion in a client

    Some things that might get in the way of sensing emotions in clients

    How Sandy works with emotions in her sessions

    How Dave works with emotions in his sessions

    Using “neutral language” to share observations about emotions

    Managing strong emotions from clients during sessions

    What Sandy sees in student sessions when it comes to emotions

    Loss and grief – why these emotions come up so often in sessions.

    Candace Pert – The Molecules of Emotions

    Karla McLaren – The Language of Emotions

    Lisa Feldman Barrett – How Emotions are Made

    Emotional vocabulary/feelings wheels:

    Feelings and Needs Wheel created by Bret Stein (based on Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD)

    The Feeling Wheel by Gloria Wilcox

    The ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Markers can be found here:
    November 2020 ICF PCC Markers

    The NBHWC Practical Skills Guidelines (Competencies and “Observables”) can be found here:
    September 2022 NBWC Practical Skills Guidelines

    Find Dave at coachdshen.com

    Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com

    Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website


    Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!

    Más Menos
    52 m